
Touma vs Rear Admiral Lobo

Rear Admiral Lobo saw that Touma didn't want to wield his sword had an ugly expression on his face. He felt that this young man in front of him was looking down on him. So, when Touma was already in front of him, he decided to attack without any warnings.


Holding his two swords, Rear Admiral Lobo kick the ground and immediately dashes forward. His two blades, releasing a cold glint was aimed towards Touman's neck. Seemed to kill Touma in this first strike.


With his blade cross, he wave it and it drew an arc into the air. Such an attack was both beautiful, and also powerful.

For the first time since he became a marine, Touma felt a crisis coming towards him. He knew that if he failed to block this sword strike, it would definitely cut him. With that in his mind, his expression turned serious and a thick block of ice appeared in front of him blocking the two swords.



Surprised by the sudden appearance of the block of ice blocking his swords, Rear Admiral Lobo felt that the handle of his blade vibrates from the shock. A sudden feeling of numbness spread through his hands as he immediately jumps backward to create distance between them.

Looking at the ice that falls to the ground, Rear Admiral Lobo had a dark expression because he clearly felt how hard that ice was. It can even block his sword strike which he practiced for several years. If it is any ordinary swords, or even walls, he was certain that his sword can cut it.

'It seems that this won't be as easy as I thought it would be' the Rear Admiral thought to himself as he watch Touma in front of him.

Touma's expression was cold, the Rear Admiral in front of him was the strongest opponent he have ever faced since he get his ability. Even if he manages to block those sword strikes, he clearly felt how amateur he was in terms of wielding swords.

'I need to attack him, it wouldn't be good for me if I just defend myself' a cold and misty air surrounded his body which spreads 10 feet around him. This is one of the abilities he created when he was on the battleship. With this, everyone who entered this space of ten feet would be drastically slowed down by the freezing air. Every movements of his enemies would be slowed down reducing their abilities in fighting in a great degree.


Touma with a freezing air surrounding his body jumps forward with an sword made up of ice in his hand. He wanted to take this chance to fight against the Rear Admiral while also improving his sword skills.

When he knew that the distance between them was just 5 feet away, and the Rear Admiral was affected by the freezing field. Touma wave his sword towards his opponent.

Whistling through the freezing field, the ice sword in his hand released a white glint full of cold intent.

'Hm!' Rear Admiral Lobo had a dangerous feeling when he saw the ice sword coming towards him. He wanted to immediately dodge it, but he then realized something. His body movements become slow, and he could clearly feel that inside his body. There was a freezing substance that slowed his movements.


Twisting his body to the side, Rear Admiral Lobo manages to dodge the lethal strike. But not completely, in his chest there was a long cut from the ice sword that Touma was holding. Although it looks like a serious wound, the cut wasn't deep enough and he could still fight. The Rear Admiral knew that he had underestimated Touma's abilities which led to him getting cut in the chest.

This time, he had to get serious or else his rank as a Rear Admiral would look like a real joke.

"Young man this time, I will definitely get serious!" gritting his teeth, the Rear Admiral shouted with a dark expression. Again holding his two swords, he released a barrage of attacks towards his opponent. Each and every wave of his sword contains not only the strength of his arms, but also his body.

He was like a madman cutting everything in front of him.

Even when the Rear Admiral was inside the freezing field, Touma was having a hard time to dodge and block each sword strike that was coming towards him. This time, he didn't summon a shield of ice to block the attacks. He wanted to test and train himself so that he could improve and not rely too much to his ability. Because if he relies too much in his ability, if he met someone in the future that could counter that ability. He would have nothing in his hands to fight back, and might even lose his life.

- - - - -

The two fight continuously at the center of the training grounds head to head. Between the two, no one was taking a step back with their exchange with each other. Admiral Aokiji and the others were watching with shocked in their eyes. Because everyone of them knew that although Lobo was just a Real Admiral. His strength compared to the other who had the same rank as him were definitely higher.

Especially in terms of using swords, Rear Admiral Lobo was one of the strongest swordsman of the marines. His overall strength came from his pure hard work and determination to improve.

"Although Rear Admiral Lobo clearly had the advantage in this fight with both of them only using swords. I can see clearly that Captain Touma is continuously improving in each of their exchange. He was getting better and better in using swords. It wouldn't be long before there was a winner between the two" Vice Admiral Momonga who was watching said. 'The young Captain really is a talented individual. In the future, he would definitely become a powerful force of the marine'

Admiral Aokiji agreed to what Vice Admiral Momonga just said. Touma is clearly improving and he knew that the marines had another talent in the future. "It really is a talented individual"

Just several minutes after Admiral Aokiji said that, there was now a winner between the two. Both of them were standing facing each other, and each of them had multiple cuts in their bodies. Covered in blood, there was a smile in the faces of Touma and Rear Admiral Lobo.

From their fight, they clearly felt the power of each other and came to respect it.

"It seems there would be a new Rear Admiral, congratulations" after saying those words. Rear Admiral Lobo spit a mouthful of blood before falling to the ground losing his consciousness.

Touma remained standing at the end. He not only gained the respect and a new rank in the marines. He also gained a huge understanding in this fight, and a way to improve himself.