
(25) Trafalgar D. Water Law!

"Ahoy Latties! Ready the sail! Otherwise I'll make you walk the Plank! Hehehe!" Kitt shouted as he flew to the crow's nest of the ship, and transformed back into his human form.

"Cringe, that's the polar opposite of how pirates act. negative infinity out of ten!" I shouted as the rest of us walked onto the ship.

"Hey! That's no way to treat someone who just lost there mother! How mean!" Kitt shouted jokingly.

You'd think he'd be depressed after finding out about his missing mom, but his state seemed to be even better than before.

Which, overall is very good; as a depressed crew member is also a burdensome and untrustworthy crew member.

A crew unable to trust each other is merely a group of people with similar interests, and what I aimed to create was a family type relationship. Something similar to what Whitebeard created, except more so sibling rather than "sons".

"So Kitt, since you know your way around here do you know the way to Swallow Island?" Kuina asked as Kitt flew down from the crow's nest.

"Yup! I've been there a bunch of times! I even have a couple of friends that live there!"

"That's good, you can guide us." I said as I dragged him to the helm.

"No, no, no! Being at the helm is boring! I can't see my precious Aoki from the helm!"

"Precious Aoki?! Aren't you like sixteen! You know she's only thirteen right?!"

"Sixteen? I'm only fourteen, what's so bad about a one year age difference?"

"Tsk! Your not dating my sister, you degenerate!"

"W-wait how am I a degenerate I'm only fourteen! A year older than her!"

"I wouldn't care if you were a day older than her! You know what I'll give you a chance, if you can beat me in a fight you can have the right to date her!" I shouted with a proud smile on my face.

Kitts face turned grim when he heard this, and he shouted.

"WHAAAT?! That's not fair! You're way stronger than me!" Kitts expression went dark as he shouted.

"Well I guess your coming to the helm then!" I continued to drag him, and Kitt stopped complaining though reluctantly.


"Alright we're here!" Kitt shouted as he jumped up, transformed into his green pelican form and flew to the dock.

I docked the ship and got Kuina and Aoki as we walked off of the ship, Kitt stood there calling us over.

"So Kitt, do you know your way around this village?" I asked as we walked in the village.

"Well no, but we can go to my friends house; he lives here so he should know the ups and downs of this place. Well hopefully." Kitt said as we followed him throughout Swallow island.


[??? POV]

Rustle! Rustle!



Twigs were cracking in the middle of the forest, signifying that someone or something was coming; and they were coming fast.

"HAHAHA! GET THE STUPID BEAST SHACHI!" The voice of a kid around fifteen shouted.

With slight interest I looked out of the window of the treehouse I was in, a familiar looking medium sized white bear was running away from two boys.

"Bepo!" I shouted from the window of the treehouse.

"LAW-SAN!" Bepo shouted, tears streamed down his eyes as he looked up at me in the tree.

"Law-san! Help me please!" Bepo shouted as he ran away from the two.

I nodded and jumped down from the treehouse without using the latter. the treehouse couldn't even be called a treehouse, it should probably be called a treemansion as it stretched to at least eight trees; and that was just a rough estimate!

Bepo hurriedly rushed towards me and hid behind me, a funny scene as he was taller and bigger than me.

"Oi! Step aside, or we'll have to beat you up along with that big polar bear! Right Penguin!" The boy who's name was Shachi shouted.

The boy named Penguin nodded his head as he approached me and Bepo. Bepo had his hands on my shoulders and I could feel his hands trembling.



"Relax, you'll be fine."


As I said this I stretched my hand out and said.

"Room!" After saying this, a small circle of spinning wind gathered under my stretched out hand.

The small circle of spinning wind suddenly moved, and a large blue domain stretched out; Surrounding all four of us.

"What's this?" Shachi asked as he tried touching it.

I lifted my hand up, stretched my middle and index fingers out and said.

"Shamb-" I tried to say something, but I was interupted by the shouting voice of another boy.

"Oi! Law! It's me, your best budd Kitt!" I knew who's voice this belonged to instantly.

The blue domain disappeared as I looked over towards where the owner of this voice was.

"Kitt, why're you here?" I looked at him and noticed the three people behind him, one was a guy with white hair and blue eyes he looked around my age.

The other two were two girls who looked younger, one had black hair and the other had blue hair.

"I'm here because of my friends, they have something to do here and they need you to guide them around. Isn't that right Avery." He looked back at the white haired guy and the guy shook his head.

"What we came here for is right in front of us Kitt." The guy named Avery said startling all of us.

"What? His Treehouse? I don't think that's for sale Avery."

"No, we came for him! Hey you join my cre-" His eyes shifted from me to where those other boys were, and he suddenly vanished. To my side, I heard swords clashing with each other.

"Hey, why'd you suddenly attack? You know you could've killed him with that attack right?" I was surprised he could move so fast, even with my eyes I was unable to follow him.

"F-Fast!" Shachi hurriedly moved back with his friend after realizing the slim chance of him beating that guy.

Smart move as I doubted that in a one on one I could beat him, let alone a weakling like him.

"I would've been able to block that ya know." I lied right through my teeth and he noticed that.

"Really?" He chuckled as he asked.


"No need to be stubborn, it's not like I did this with hidden intentions."

Avery looked over at Bepo and his eyes glowed ever so slightly.

"Woah! So this is what a Mink looks like in person! That's really cool!"

My opinion of him was skyrocketing, as most are usually afraid of Bepo or want to take him in as a pet against his will; or in this case want to beat him up or kill him.

Bepo moved from behind me and said.

"Thank you for helping my friend Law."

"A friend of Kitts is a friend of mine, and I'm pretty sure neither of us wanted to see a friend well…dead."

Indeed, nobody wants to spill blood but the amount of blood spilled today by people all over the world is innumerable.