
Chapter 1: The usual Isekai beginning

[Main Character's Point of View]

I am in a completely white office. I either died or I am in a coma. The reason why I think that is because the last thing I remember is that I was running low on food and went outside to buy some while getting some fresh air.

I saw a kid about to be run over by a truck and I knew that I could not do a single thing because he was far too way from me to reach him even if I ran. I bought the groceries that I needed and on my way home, I heard a scream followed by gunshots.

I proceeded to go the opposite way from where that noise was coming from while calling the cops while I was at it. I came to an intersection and waited until the light indicated that it was safe to walk to the other side but just to be safe, I looked both ways before crossing which saved my life because a random truck went past me and would have hit me if I did not look both ways.

I arrived back home and filled the fridge before lying down and as I did, I heard a honking sound coming from outside. I would have paid no mind to it if it were not for the light flashing through the windows. I went to look and found two trucks facing me through the window. The last thing I remember is them rushing towards me.

I do not remember waking up at the hospital so I can only think of those two options as a possibility. As to confirm my thoughts a sudden figure appeared, sitting on the office desk. It was blurry until it changed into me.

'An imposter?!'

I thought.

"I'm not an imposter. I'm… No that name will mean nothing to you… For convenience's sake just think of me as a R.O.B. You died but since you pass my test, you'll get a few wishes before getting reincarnated."

The imposter said.

"Wait. Test? Was it the trucks? Or was it the scream and gunshots? Or maybe the kid that go ran over? If so, how did I pass?… Also, how many wishes do I get?"

I asked still bewildered and surprised that I accepted my own death so easily. I think he did something about this. The imposter sighed before speaking.

"Yeah, I kinda helped you accept your own death to speed thing but and yes, all three were part of my test though Truck-kuns killing you in your home was not part of it. I guess they did not like it that someone survive on their records and damaging their killing slash isekaing streak.

The test was to find someone who would not be a pure-hearted individual as well as not a psychopath/sociopath. I put the test to only work on those that were not deranged, as well as factor in a few details and so far, you're the first one to not try even to save the kid.

You'll have four wishes, cuz I feel like three is starting to become a, cliché and full choice over your new body. I have a task for you in a world of my choosing hence the test as well as the wishes. The world can't be changed by a wish although once you know the world you will not want to change it."

I was perplexed by this. I was happy that I would reincarnate but sad that I could not choose the world.

"What world would that be?"

I inquired to which he replied with.

"It will be One Piece."

I kinda liked that world so part of me was excited but I calmed myself down and asked the other question that I needed to know.

"What is the task?"

The imposter looked at me with an intense glare as he spoke.

"Become my entertainment."

I lost it and went for an uppercut… That was all I remember before waking up on the white invisible floor with a killer headache.

"Morning sunshine, ready to make your wish, or do you want to get slept once more?"

He cheekly stated.

Yeah, I started to remember the ass beating I took. I took an L, and I was not going to end it at a loss. I stood up and went for round two. Ten rounds and six hours later and having more Ls than Lex Luther, I called it a day and accepted the four wishes and bonus body.

I mean you can call me a bitch all you want but I got my ass whooped too many times to be angry. He literally beat the anger out of me. At one point he literally gave me the devious combo that Yuji gave Mahito after getting the assist from Nobara.

"Do I get to know when and where will I be... when I go to the world of One Piece?"

I asked him before he answered.

"You will be sent ten years before the Canon as a sixteen-year-old boy and as for your future whereabouts…That will depend on your wishes since I like to be poetic although your wishes might change all of that... Also you will not have knowledge of the plot.

I mean that goes without saying but I felt like I needed to make sure you know. Now let us choose your body first since you already seem to have figured out your wishes along with the body required for those wishes."

I sighed before speaking.

"Fine, I would like to have a body that looked like mix of Acnologia from Fairy Tail, minus the missing arm, and Zebra from Toriko as a hybrid between Fish-men and Blue Nitro from Toriko in a way that gives me all the advantages of both species, none of their disadvantages, the ability to not be cloned against my will and a Zenkai boost."

The Imposter looked at me for a second before speaking.

"… I could say no since this is basically a wish but due to that biblical ass-whooping I gave you I will let you have it plus even excluding the fact that most strong people in One Piece that are not too old sort of have one... for the Zenkai Boost to work, you need to get your ass handed to you which I am looking forward to. *Snap* Now let's go to the wishes."

The average Fish-men and the average human are barely comparable. It is stated that even the most normal Fish-men is ten times stronger than the most normal human, even stronger while underwater, and even Fish-men children are comparable to human adults.

On top of their purely physical stats, Fish-men are incredibly resistant to deep ocean pressures, have some small level of understanding with ocean life, can breathe and communicate underwater, and swim at high speeds.

Additionally, strong Fish-men have the ability to throw water droplets like bullets, and those with the proper training can even grab the ocean or other liquids and toss them like cannonballs as if they were creating high-powered ocean currents.

Even beyond that, Fish-men come in many different varieties as hybrids of sea life and have advantages based on the type of sea creature they're based on so if I am lucky the Fish-men strength will be boosted exponentially by the Blue Nitro part of me.

Nitros also have amazing longevity and durability, as demonstrated by an ancient mummified Nitro within the Gourmet Pyramid that was still alive, despite its lack of nutrients and the little amount of water necessary to rehydrate it.

This is possible through Cryptobiosis, in which the Nitro can enter a state of metabolic dormancy in which they can hibernate for centuries without food or water and allowing them to survive numerous mass extinction events.

The individual in the Gourmet Pyramid was capable of quickly devouring a large beast with ease despite having just woken up from Cryptobiosis, and it recovered enough strength after just one meal that its appearance changed from that of a mummy to a normal-sized Nitro.

This ability comes with a drawback as a Blue Nitro revealed that entering Cryptobiosis is a huge risk to their life since they are unable to awaken on their own. Their life force is so strong that a Nitro can continue to fight and rampage for several months even after having its head cut off, showing that it possesses immense physical capabilities. 

In Toriko it is implied that Blue Nitro are the strongest of their race since they are considered Nobility. I mean this is my assumption but if they were not the strongest kind of their race then they could not have enslaved the Red Nitro and the others.

Nitro appear to have an ability to imitate the abilities of others, shown when a Nitro used Toriko's Nail Punch against Zebra after only seeing it once. Now the degree of that imitation is unknown but at the very least it should prove useful during fights.

With this, I am practically safe on any of the four seas and the grand line as long as I do not meet up with any truly strong Devil Fruit User, as for the New World, if I wake up there then I might be in some danger.

I also had a feeling if I asked any higher I would have gotten another ass-whooping. Thankfully, I still have the wishes. I calmed my excitement for a second by taking a deep breath then stated my first wish.

"For my first wish, I want to have the combination of Vongola's Hyper Intuition, the ability to read and understand every language along with being an outstandingly gifted Haki user with all types of Haki."

People are all about Sharingan but forget that intuition can save you life. I bet Sasuke's Rinegan would not have Rinne-gone if he had the Vongola's Hyper Intuition. It is described by Reborn as being "a power that could see through all", basically akin to getting Observation Haki.

Those with Blood of Vongola have exceptionally high perceptive minds and sharp instincts as a result of this trait. Since in the world of One Piece, there is a lack of illusionists, this ability will come in handy. However, this only applies to living beings, as machines and objects do not have muscles to read, making hyper-intuition not suitable for fighting against machines.

According to Kaido, Haki is the true defining factor that determines whether or not someone can conquer the sea, because only Haki transcends all, unlike Devil Fruit powers, no matter how powerful they may be.

A clear and notable example of this rule was Gol D. Roger and Edward Newgate; Newgate was considered the "Strongest Man in the World" and he possessed the power of the Gura Gura no Mi, the Devil Fruit called the "Strongest Paramecia" which granted him the power to generate powerful quakes and shockwaves and could potentially destroy the world.

However, even when Newgate was in his prime, he was still matched and bested by Roger, who did not have a Devil Fruit. Roger conquered the Grand Line with the power of Haki alone, achieving a feat that multiple powerful Devil Fruit users failed to accomplish, even decades after Roger's death.

Furthermore, Haki also has the unique capability to reverse slash nullify the effects of other people's Devil Fruit powers such as Joy Boy's Eight hundred-year-old sealed Conqueror's Haki sending the Five Elders back.

The ability to read and understand every language was just to understand Poneglyphs since I will not have knowledge of the plot so I better give myself as many options as possible.

"Nice try but I won't give you the ability to read Poneglyphs. Still, I have to say that you made the right move asking for all types of Haki as well as being gifted. You cannot imagine the number of people who thought that they would passively have Conqueror's Haki just because they are being transmigrated or reincarnated in one of the worlds similar to One Piece like you are about to be.

Some got lucky, they had Conqueror's Haki but sadly their talent was trash so they never were able to awaken it or any type of Haki at all. Anyway, for the whole having all types of Haki and being outstandingly gifted, I'll just put that as a Natural trait of Blue Nitro to save me some work."

Said the imposter.

I was fine with that since those were the three things I wanted. Above all else, Vongola's Hyper Intuition will prevent me from being unknowingly betrayed. Not being able to read Poneglyph is not the end of the world because I would pick Haki over Poneglyph every day of the year.

"*Snap* So, what is your second wish?"

The imposter asked after snapping his fingers, I replied without missing a beat.

"I want to have a customized Devil Fruit, by me, which does not have the weakness of the sea."

"Oh, this could be entertaining... is what I would say if I had not heard about this type of wish every time I send someone to a world identical to the One Piece world... Fuck it, *Snap* write your customized Devil Fruit on this piece of paper.

By the way, I will only partially remove the weakness to the sea as in the fruit's abilities will be canceled if you are submerged into seawater or cuffed with sea stone but you won't lose your strength. Also, make sure to come up with a name for your customized Devil Fruit."

The Imposter said while handing me down a piece of paper, a desk to write on, a chair to sit on, and a pen to write. I immediately started writing.

{Inu Inu no mi: model- Primordial Wolf.

This Devil Fruit gives the user the abilities of four mythical wolves which known as Fenrir, Garmr, Sköll, and Hati. 

This Devil Fruit allows the user to turn into four different colored giant wolves, one with black fur, one with grey and blood-stained fur, one with crimson red fur, and one with blue fur. Each color symbolizes a different mythical wolf though all share abilities such as great strength, speed, durability, and regeneration.

-Fenrir version: Gives the user's body an incredibly tough skin and fur, that are extraordinarily durable, similar to Kaido's dragon scales as well as boosting the user's senses. The user's physical abilities are magnified to a tremendous degree, even compared to the other version, and the user's fangs and claws can pierce anything.

It also gives the user the ability to knock their target, like Jiro from Toriko, as well as an incredible sense of smell that is akin to Guinness from Toriko. When this version is awakened, the user can even knock time.

-Garmr Version: Gives the ability to eat anything. This ability grants the user the perk of using the powers of other Devil Fruit but only after fulfilling a certain condition which is to devour part of a Devil Fruit user's body or their body as a whole.

This version also gives the user the ability to bestow some of the user's powers to anyone who eats a part of the user's body, like Sukuna and his fingers, granted that the user has consented to the bestowment of power.

-Sköll version: Gives the user the ability to generate and control fire that can reach the same heat as the center of the sun. When this version is awakened, the user can use flames that are as hot as a Supernova.

-Hati version: Gives the user the ability called Stagnation, like Valefor's Stagnation from Magi and the Adventures of Sinbad which allows the user to slow their target including atoms. 

This Stagnation also allows the user to generate ice and control ice that goes to ten degrees above absolute zero. When this version is awakened, the user can slow things down to the point that time has stopped and the ice reaches absolute zero.}

The imposter said it, himself that he was sending me to the One Piece world for entertainment so I could already kiss any notion of simply living a peaceful life goodbye since one way or another trouble would come looking for me, this means that I need to be strong if I do not want to be screwed.

So why not ask for the abilities of Jiro, the man who practically reverse-jumped the Blue Nitros? As for Valefor, he has ice powers but his main ability called Stagnation would go well with Jiro's knocking techniques.

I also added fire abilities along with the ability to gain other's Devil Fruit because why not and wrapped them in a single fruit.

"Yeah, like you thought, Valefor's stagnation will go well with Jiro's knocking techniques and there is no way you would be able to live a simple mob life. 

You know what I'll add that as one of the Blue Nitro's racial traits like how Lunarian can generate and manipulate fire, Mink can generate and manipulate electricity to a certain extent, Blue Nitro's lore will have them be able to use ice among other things.

Oh this is giving me some ideas. You know what, I'll let you keep some of the fruit's passive abilities such as enhanced durability and regeneration as another trait of a Blue Nitro because you came up with a new one, I mean you simply combined four fruits into one but hey, Kudos for being greedy."

The imposter spoke while giving me an evil grin.

"Do I want to know what this is going to cost me and if I can even refuse it?"

I asked once I saw his evil grin to which he replied.

"Funny enough, this is a two-for-one answer... No. *Snap* Now what is your third wish?"

I kinda already figured he could read my mind but there was nothing I could do about it save getting the most of this situation. I now had almost everything covered, with just the abilities from Jiro and Valefor from the Fruit alone mixed with Fish-men abilities I could hold my own against Devil Fruit users, and with the boost that came with being part Blue Nitro, I could hold my weight across all seas.

The cherry on top of all of this is that in the One Piece world, very few have the ability to use all types of Haki, and speaking of Haki I had an idea of how to enhance it even further.

"I want to my Haki to have the ability to create and gain the same effects of a Black Flash from Jujutsu Kaisen along with Yuji's ability to use Black Flashes."

In JJK, Black Flash is a distortion in space that occurs when cursed energy is applied within 0.000001 seconds of a physical hit. When a sorcerer is able to achieve this, their cursed energy flashes black, and the destructive power of their strike is equal to a normal hit to the power of 2.5.

Regardless of how the user achieved it the first time, whether, through skill or simple luck, they enter a state where manipulating their cursed energy becomes something as simple and natural as breathing. It can result in a feeling of omnipotence as if everything revolves around them.

This leads to a greatly increased performance in combat, allowing the user to operate at 120% of their maximum potential. Yuji is someone who has unleased the most Black Flash in the series both in a row and in total, that means I could get a power boost just by hitting my enemy correctly.

"Sure, this will add to the entertainment. Will he unleash a black flash or not? Find out on the next episode of Dragon Ball Z. Hahaha, in all seriousness, that is not a bad idea.

You know what?... I'll also add that as Blue Nitro's racial traits Blue Nitro's lore will have them be naturally gifted Haki user with an ability to use Haki in a way available only to them.

*Snap* Now what is your last wish? Also for your info, since you asked for a lot of overpowered stuff, the limits of this last wish are going to be lowered."

The Imposter asked after snapping his fingers, I contemplated on what my final wish would be for a second before speaking. I kinda already figured he could read my mind.

"For my last wish, I want all the superhuman abilities of Coco, Toriko, and Zebra from Toriko excluding their Appetite Demons."

"Nice try but that is way too much, I'll only allow you to pick four superhuman abilities among the three of them since you excluded their Appetite Demons."

The imposter said.

"That doesn't sound too bad, I would like Toriko's sense of smell and Intuitive Learning, Coco's poison immunity, and Zebra's hearing."

I said with little hesitation. Zebra's hearing and Toriko's smell could turn out to be useful when you least expected it but Coco's poison immunity and Toriko's intuitive learning is the best part of this wish. 

I do not need to explain how crucial being able to be immune to poison is. I mean Blue Nitro being immune to poison is just a theory I heard somewhere so I could be wrong about that but Toriko's intuitive learning will help me copy techniques faster.

Toriko has displayed the ability to almost instantly learn techniques after seeing them only once, such as learning how to erase his presence from Coco after witnessing it once and picking up Sunny's ability to use instinct after hearing about it.

Taking into account Nitro's ability to imitate along with my wish to be an outstanding Haki user then this could basically allow me to copy any technique I see. Upon hearing my choices, the imposter snapped his fingers. 

"I guess his immunity to poison that comes from his Appetite Demon does count as a superhuman ability... Not bad. *Snap* Now that it's done, I have to tell you that like I said with the wishes you made your backstory is going to change."

"What is going to change?"

I asked already knowing that it was going to change.

"First, you are going to wake up as a one year old, twenty-five years before the canon starts with in a place where you will get true knowledge of the One Piece world. By that, I mean that you will be sent to- Oh, I shouldn't ruin the surprise.

Since I am feeling generous and taking into account the personal modification I've made to the Blue Nitro's race, you will have a special Inventory free of charge. You will get it when you turn sixteen years old and word of advice, leave the Island before you turn seven.

Also since you asked to be part Blue Nitro as well as part Fish-men, I decided to just add the perks of being a Fish-men into being a Blue Nitro.

I kinda added that race in by making them one of the races that died during the Void Century. Long story short, In the One Piece World, Blue Nitro have the ability to breathe underwater along with the other perks that Fish-men have among other things... but they went extinct a while back. 

They were not hunted down and killed by the World Government, you are not going to remember this part but I think you would still like to know this. As for the Four superhuman abilities from your fourth wish, I'll just add them among the multiple natural traits of Blue Nitro.

An old Alchelologist found a small pod that contained you in one of his past adventures and one day he managed to unlock the pod. He decided to adopt you after learning what you were. And speaking of which, you will not instantly be super strong.

One of the traits of a Blue Nitro is that they need nutrients to grow strong so you better eat a lot very fast. Oh right, before I forget, what is the new name you would like to have?"

I thought for a second before I answered.

"Tempest D. Alaric."

"Nice, that goes well with where I planned to send you."

"Thanks for the special inventory I guess."

I said before the imposter spoke.

"No thank you for deciding to trade most of your memory for the chance to learn how to read poneglyphs and that special inventory skill."

"You're welcome- WAIT! WHAT?!"

"I know I was impressed too… I mean why else would I allow your second wish? But don't worry your sense of self and personality will remain else it will defeat the point of all of this. Have fun in Ohara... P.S. You will have five years before it gets destroyed... Not that you will remember this part. *Snap*"

I closed my eyes but even after a few seconds, nothing happened. I spoke as I opened them.

"… Nothing happened?"

The imposter proceeded to walk toward me as I wondered why he snapped his fingers, but nothing happened. I was about to yell at about him tricking me when he stopped in front of me and then spoke- no shouted three ominous words.



Yeah, he kicked me in the stomach, and I fell into a newly made hole behind me. That was when I knew why he snapped his fingers. As I fell inside the never-ending hole, I started to feel the mother of all headaches as I felt my body change and get smaller.

My voice became more high-pitched as my surroundings turned dark immediately before I lost consciousness. I woke up in the arms of an old man with a funny hairstyle. His hair looked like a clover.


I wrote this fic a while back, came back and rewrote it a bit by adding a Mythical Zoan Devil fruit I once made on Reddit to pass time. I figured I would post it before anyone else has the same idea and post it before me.

I am currently trying to finish a chapter of my other fic called DC: Atlantean Alchemist and I am suffering a minor writer's block which led me to rewrite this old fic. The chapter for that DC fan fic is basically done but I feel like it is missing something ergo the writer's block.

Just letting you known that I will be focusing on finishing that chapter I am stuck with before posting any other chapter in any one of my fan fics but I would like some constructive criticism and your imput on this fic. The more comments, the better.

Want more? Like Thanos, I want those STONES!!!]

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Isekai_enjoyercreators' thoughts