
One Piece: Pink Dragon

An earthling dies and is reincarnated as Tanzo, a young marine, who was being held as a slave by human traffickers. Tanzo hears the leader of this human trafficking gang say that they are heading towards Punk Hazard. Through some series of events, he managed to get to the laboratory and find Vegapunk's artificial devil fruit. With his past as a marine, Tanzo wanted to return to the Navy, only to find out that he was labelled as a deserter and his family comitted suicide from all the humiliation. Since Tanzo's body was possessed by the earthling, he promised to take revenge for Tanzo.

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19 Chs

Chapter 11

Tanzo was enjoying the strip tease and he also got rid of his clothes. Reiju then got closer to Tanzo, who was sitting at the edge of the bed and sat on his lap. Reiju stared into Tanzo's eyes before they got close and locked their lips. They both ran their tongues into each other's mouths while their hands roamed each other's naked bodies.... (Let your imagination run wild. I will write about this in detail later.)

Reiju had the best night of her life. It was her first time having sex. While Tanzo's body was also a virgin, the earthling had experience in this field. So they, along with their neighbours, were awake till 2:00 am.

The next day, Reiju and Tanzo didn't directly go to Amazon Lily. Tanzo thought of other people who could teach him Haki and no one else came to mind. After considering the fact that the kuja tribe were the ones that invented haki, he decided to go to Amazon Lily.

They also needed money for their daily needs, and maybe even try to convince Boa Hancock with money. So, they didn't leave for Amazon Lily immediately.

All the pirates that make it to the Shabondy Archipelago have survived through the first half of the grand line and everyone has a bounty of at least 50 million beri.

Also, since they are pirates, they will obviously have a lot of money and treasures. The plan was simple. Tanzo fights these pirates and Reiju takes them to a base far from the Navy HQ to claim their bounty while Tanzo loots their ship. The reason they didn't take them to the Navy HQ is because the Navy also has a good intelligence team. If they recognise Reiju and capture her to lure Tanzo, both of them will be in danger.

Using this plan, they manage to collect 900 million beri. This was their collection only after two days. Since every pirate needed to go to Shabondy Archipelago to get to the other half of the grand line, there was no shortage of Pirates. The only reason they didn't continue doing it is because the Navy HQ might learn of their identity if so many pirates were caught in just two days. They might have already learnt about Tanzo.

So, they then left for Amazon Lily, with enough cash to persuade Boa Hancock if his other methods don't work out. He had one deal, which he felt she wouldn't refuse. Reiju and Tanzo had a nice meal before leaving Shabondy Archipelago, because he knew he would have to fight when he got there.

The travel time wasn't a lot, and after three hours of flight, he could see the huge mountain with snake shaped peaks and the word 'Kuja' written on it. Tanzo said "Reiju, I need you to stay in the air far away from the island. When you feel like I am in danger, use your poison cloud and poison her sisters. Remember, this is only our last option, because this is very risky and she might even kill you too."

Reiju nodded and flew from Tanzo's head, not before throwing a glass bottle on his head filled with a transparent liquid. She was in the sky when Tanzo approached Amazon Lily. It looks like a lot of people sensed Tanzo flying towards their island with their observation haki. When Tanzo got closer to the island, there were people raining arrows at him. They were coated with haki, so they could end up injuring Tanzo if he isn't careful.

He immediately turned back into his human form and dodged the arrows using Soru. He still isn't flash or the protagonist in a move, so he got hit by two arrows. One to his forearm and another to his bicep. The arrows would have hit his vital parts if he didn't react in time and take the blows to his arm.

He managed to dodge the rest and land on the island. He wasn't given any time. A woman with bandages tied to her fists came rushing at him and threw countless punches at Tanzo. He easily dodged them using Kami-e and moved back to buy some time to turn into his hybrid form.

However, he didn't get time to do so, as an arrow came flying towards him from his right. He dodged it by moving back, but the arrows flying at him didn't stop. They continued to rain down on him from many directions. He had to take cover behind trees. He obviously couldn't hide behind only one tree, because their haki coated arrows easily passed through the trees.

While he was running through the woods, he heard an arrogant voice "Who is foolish enough to come alone to my island?" Tanzo knew immediately who it was.

"I need to get closer to her and start a conversation." Tanzo said and used a big stone as a cover to turn into his hybrid form. The boost in physical strength enabled him to move fast enough to dodge all the arrows and arrive before Boa Hancock.

Tanzo looked at Boa Hancock, the most beautiful woman in the world of One Piece and they weren't exaggerating. Her face, body, looks everything about her was just perfect. Tanzo's little brother was completely awake and formed a tent in his pants. His sex hormones were dominating his adrenaline. His body forgot that they were in a fight until Hancock spoke to him.

She looked at Tanzo and said "I remember seeing this form when Kaido was fighting that Akainu. He obviously had blue scales. Who are you? Actually, it doesn't matter who you are. You are going to die today trying to attack my island."

Tanzo smiled and said "I wouldn't come here if I didn't have enough confidence to escape from you. Still, I am here with a deal and I hope you give me time to listen."

Hancock obviously didn't agree and said "I don't want to hear any deals from a man. Just die." She blows a kiss, creating a heart shaped balloon type thing and pulls it to fire some heart shaped arrows. She used the move, 'Pistol kiss'.

Tanzo managed to escape using soru, but the arrows hit a few arrows and the tree behind him. They all turned into stone after they touched those heart shaped arrows. Tanzo then appeared in another place and had to move from there again, because he felt the heat from behind. When he moved away from there, the place where he stood before, strands of hair, which were shaped like snakes and were on fire, were on the ground.

He then looked at the attacker, a huge woman with a huge build, orange hair, body similar to that of a snake and she was on fire. He didn't have time to counterattack. He was immediately hit by something which made him move back a little. The force was enough to injure him in his human form, but his increased durability allowed him to take the hit without much damage.

He looked at the person who attacked him and found another woman with green hair, a body similar to a snake and hair shaped like snakes. They are the Boa sisters.

Boa Marigold looked at Tanzo and said "You are quite strong, but you really underestimated the strength of the kuja tribe. Today, you will die here."

The Boa sisters then started attacking him with their hair, their tail and their weapons. Tanzo obviously was able to dodge all their attacks and he also made sure to stay close to them. This stopped the attacks from the Kuja tribe and Hancock, as the Boa sisters would also get caught in their attacks.

Tanzo, while he was dodging, said to Hancock "Hancock, I really want to talk to you about something. It is about the Gorgon curse."

When the three sisters heard that, they all froze in their places and Hancock immediately shouted "How do you know about the curse? Marigold, Sandersonia, this man should not be allowed to live any longer."

Tanzo shouted "I have a cure for the curse. I can help you get rid of the curse. If you really want to talk about it, I am fine with becoming a prisoner."

It hit exactly where it was supposed to hit. The Boa sisters started to think about what I said, rather than just trying to kill him. Hancock then said "Fine, I will hear what you have to say. Marigold, cuff him with sea prism cuffs and get him to the palace."

The other Kuja tribe women also stopped their attacks and relaxed. Tanzo then turned back into his human form and the Boa sisters also returned back to their human forms. He was then handcuffed and taken to the palace.

Reiju saw all the warriors of the kuja tribe retreat and understood that Tanzo managed to get a chance to talk to Hancock. She then proceeded with the task given to her. She flew discreetly towards the island and started doing her task.

Meanwhile, Tanzo was taken to a room in the palace. The room had a huge bed, huge pillars and was decorated lavishly. Hancock sat on her bed and said to Tanzo "Now speak. Where did you learn about the curse and how are you going to get rid of it? Try to lie and I will kill you right now."

Tanzo was alone with the Boa sisters and a short old woman with a snake shaped cane. She is Gloriosa, the previous queen of Amazon Lily. Tanzo replied to her "To answer your first question about the curse, I heard it from my informant. You don't have to worry about taking care of him, he is already dead for knowing too much about this world. As for the second question, I am a very good scientist and I can help you get rid of the mark like it was never there."

"Why would you come all the way here just to get rid of their mark? Also, how did you get here?" Gloriosa asked.

Tanzo replied "As I mentioned before, I came here with a deal. I am not here to do charity. I will remove those marks for you. In return, you must teach me haki."

"You are in no position to make a deal here. Your life is in my hands." Hancock said.

Tanzo said "I know that, but if you kill me, there is no one else who can remove that mark. You will have to live in constant fear of people seeing the mark on your back. I am also on your side. My goal is to wipe out the Navy and the world government. If you really teach me haki, I can even get you a celestial dragon as a slave and no one will even know about it. This way, your island will be safe and you can get your revenge on the celestial dragon."

Gloriosa looked at Tanzo and said "Hancock, it is true that he hates the Navy. I read in the news that he wiped out an entire Navy base without a single scratch. He is the only pirate I know who managed to get a bounty of 400 million in just one month."

While they were talking, a transponder snail started ringing. It is the snail given to her through which the Navy communicates with her. Hancock reached out to it and the person on the other side said "Warlord Boa Hancock, we have received reports of a pink dragon fly towards the calm belt from Shabondy Archipelago. Did you see it anywhere near your island?"

Hancock looked at Tanzo before saying "No".

The Marine then said "I would like your help in searchi..." Hancock didn't even let him finish and just cut the call.

Hancock then looked at Tanzo and said "Fine, I will give you a chance to prove yourself. If you manage to remove our marks, I will let you train here and learn Haki."

Usually, the sisters would have protested against this because of their hatred for men, but they also agreed silently because they still get nightmares of their time with the celestial dragon.

Tanzo asked "Would you like to start now?" and they nodded their heads. Gloriosa walked to Tanzo and removed his handcuffs. She said to him "You managed to convince the most arrogant person I have ever seen."

Tanzo was released and he then said "So, who wants to go first?" Hancock immediately volunteered first by taking off her clothes. She didn't immediately show him her mark.

Hancock trembled and said "I will definitely kill you if you were lying." slowly turning back and moving her hair to show him the slave mark of the celestial dragon.

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