
Chapter 4

After eating until his stomach was full.

"Hey, do you want to co-operate" asked Luffy to Nami.

"How?" asks Nami.

"Before you said you only steal from pirates but you came to steal from the marines means you probably trying to get the map to the grand line. What do you say we co-operate until Reverse mountain as my navigator and we divide the loot 70 you and 30 me seeing as I do not need much money currently anyway." Said Luffy.

She tried to bargain for a higher ratio but Luffy didn't budge so she gave in. Thus the partnership was formed.

After that they set sail and similar to canon received a salute. To which Nami gave Luffy a weird look. After a day or so similar to canon they saw a sailboat with buggy's mark painted on it containing three people after beating them and making them row for them they landed on Orange islands. But this time Luffy didn't waste time. Just as they were about to test the buggy ball he appeared in its trajectory and did a reflect with the help of gomu gomu no Fuusen. Thus stopped them from destroying the city.

This caused their whole crew to be knocked out. Just in case Luffy did a Haoshoku wave avoiding Buggy and Cabaji.

"Who are you flashy bastard attacking the Buggy Pirates." Shouts Buggy

"My name is Luffy. I am going to become the pirate king." Said Luffy

"Why did you attack us?" shouts buggy.

"Because I don't like clowns with big, fat, red noses." Says Luffy trying to rile him up. And it worked because he got very angry.

"Damn you, flashy bastard. How dare you make fun of nose." Says Buggy and immediately Cabaji came on his unicycle to attack but Luffy didn't move and Zoro stopped the attack.

"Nice Zoro," says Luffy.

"It was nothing, Captain" replies Zoro.

"Be careful of this guy he doesn't have any real sword skill only dirty tricks," Luffy whispered in Zoro's ear.

He also noticed Nami going directly for the treasure cache and started fighting buggy and this guy was annoying as hell. But Luffy kept dodging all his attacks.

Once Luffy saw Nami he made a signal to tie up buggy's parts. After she successfully tied the parts up he finished with a gomu gomu no bazooka. He turned back and saw that the battle was already over.

Zoro heard Luffy say that the opposite party had no sword skill he lost interest in him and completed it in one attack.

After that Luffy made Nami split his share of 30% of the loot which she grudgingly divided. So after getting his 30%, he left it for the town for repairs. By placing a note on which said 'Courtesy of the Straw Hat Pirates' for repairs, functioning of the town and then placed it behind the Dog chu-chu after which they collected food, water and sake from Buggy's Ship, stuffed all the buggy's crew in a ship and sent them off. They took another sailboat with a kitchen in it from the other side of the docks and started to get back to their journey.

Luffy was feeling downhearted because his first devil fruit fight was over so easily but then he slapped himself for thinking that way. The reason he got strong was to protect his precious people not finding a good fight.

Slowly they reached the syrup village. Luffy didn't want to dock at this port because the Black cat pirates would come this way and he didn't want to take chances such that they would be able to take his devil fruit.

Since he docked on the other side of the town Usopp didn't show up and thus he went out searching for him and found him teaching the Usopp pirates how to shoot.

"Hey are you Usopp?" asks Luffy.

"Yeah-h, what do you want? Don't tell me you want to join me Captain Usopp and come under the flag of Usopp pirates." Asked Usopp smugly.

Even Luffy didn't know that a person could have this much Narcissism. Usopp was practically leaking it.

"No, I heard about you from Yasopp and wanted to ask if you wanted to join the Straw hat pirates, currently we have 2 members including me and a contractee in the crew. I need a Quartermaster and Sniper" Said Luffy.

"You got the right person, but if you want me to join the crew you need to dodge all my shots while standing in this circle." Says Usopp as he draws a circle on the ground. While thinking that he could become the Captain.

"Okay," says Luffy and activates Kenbunshoku haki. Usopp tries to shoot Luffy for more than 40 shots but couldn't get a single hit on Luffy. Usopp's mouth was agape because even though he had been using his slingshot, its shooting rate was higher than that of a pistol even though the speed of the bullet may not match a gun, he knew no normal human beings would be able to dodge his bullets.

Seeing that he was able to dodge all his attacks Usopp made a decision and decided to join under Luffy because he was strong and he always wanted to go to the sea and thus Usopp had officially joined the crew.

After that, they had a great lunch with the others and introduced Usopp and Usopp showed them around the town and island. When Kuro came out of the mansion and following Jango. Luffy steered them to that cliff and shut Usopp and Zoro's mouth with his hands.

They then discuss the plans and reveals that he was the former captain Kuro and then they go their separate ways.

Immediately after they go their separate ways Usopp gets up to go to town to tell them about the invasion, Luffy stops him and says

"Even if you go down to the village and shout that Pirates are coming, no one would believe you because you scream the same thing every day, wait maybe" and Luffy puts on a thinking pose and whispers something into Usopps ear as he continues to say Usopp's eyes get brighter and brighter and he keeps nodding.

That afternoon

"Pirates are not coming from the north slope at dawn" Usopp kept shouting and running through the whole village.

Random villager says "What is this idiot shouting now? Pirates are not coming from the north slope at dawn? He is a liar then that means, pirates are coming from the north slope at dawn. Hey quickly collect the villagers and get the weapons ready"

Next day at Dawn at the north slope all the villagers plus straw hats were at the north slope and just in time too because the Black cat pirates just arrived. Before the villagers were starting to go the fight Luffy put out his hand and stopped them.

"If you people fight them there definitely be deaths, so let us fight first and then you can continue if we fail," says Luffy

"How can we let you younglings fight for our village? No, let us fight" says one villager

"I am the pirate who defeated Buggy the clown if we can't even handle these goons then I might as well quit being a pirate and die." Says Luffy with strong emotion.

Sensing Luffy's stubbornness they all gave up convincing him and accepted it.

"You people hide and watch if we fall then you people should ambush them, the surprise attack will at least give you advantage." Said Luffy to make them hide because he wanted things to go exactly like Canon but this time let Usopp receive the recognition of the village.

Things went exactly like canon for the first five minutes. Nami was fighting the low-level thugs and Usopp was sniping them from the top of the cliff.

It continued for some time and all the low-level Pirates were lying on the ground. Jango tried to hypnotize them

"When I say one-two Jango, you will forget all your pains and you will all gain super strength and speed. One two Jango." But unfortunately for Jango Luffy used his Haoshoku no Haki and knocked all the low-level grunts.

"What! What is happening?" shouted Jango uncomfortably.

"It seems I have no choice, Sham, Bucchi" shouts Jango and out of the ship

They act all cowardly and told to attack Zoro comes forward bu they act like wimps before almost snatching Zoro's swords. If it were not for Luffy appearing suddenly and catching swords they would have been taken.

"Never underestimate an enemy Zoro, this is the type of overconfidence that kills many people on the grand line. Even if your opponent is a 1-year-old baby you have to be always serious in a fight." Says Luffy.

Zoro looks serious and nods. Then gets into the fight and makes short work of Sham and Bucchi with Santoryuu. After that Jango tries to hypnotize them but just like before Luffy knocks them out with Haoshoku.

Just in time for Captain Kuro to arrive and start monologuing but Luffy didn't let him continue monologuing and immediately appeared in front of him in a Soru and gave Haki Hardened gomu gomu no Bazooka punch to him sending him flying straight to his ship knocking him out.

After that, with the help of the crew, they tied up the pirates on the ship and then looted the ship of everything of value including supplies and treasure. Then Luffy made repaint the Sails saying 'Courtesy of the Strawhat Pirates 1000 plans Kuro.' And then made a detailed explanation of how Kuro had escaped on a paper and set the ship sailing.