
One Piece: My wife is Nico Robin[Dropped]

What? I am in a contract marriage with Nico Robin for five years. #NoHerem

WeedSmokah · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
70 Chs

New Dusk*

Robin who was lying on the edge of the battlefield slowly opened his eyes. She was feeling very dizzy along with severe pain from all the internal and external injuries. In front of her, a large part of the city was engulfed in fire. Her injuries were bandaged and she was resting on someone's lap. His hands were softly caressing her hair reminding her of her mother.

"Victor!!! Is that you?" Robin asked as she cautiously touched his face which was corroded on one side.

Victor could only spread his arms with a genuine smile, causing Robin to rush into his hug in a practiced motion causing him to flinch due to the pain, "You are back, Robin!!" He endured happily and hugged her back. 

Robin was a little surprised but she could tell from his smile and tone that it was truly her Victor. She grabbed onto him as if there was no tomorrow as she started tearing up, "I am glad you're here Victor. Thank you for always being there for me."

"Robin, I thought..." Victor wanted to explain but Robin pressed his lips with a finger. 

"It's over Victor, we won! Thank you for not giving up." She said as she looked at him intently. 

Victor only kissed her on her lips as his answer, in the backdrop of the ruins and the sunset the couple grew closer and a sense of calm and protectiveness grew inside him. After a moment in silence, Victor stood up and walked towards the red-bladed sword, Kusanagi and grabbed its hilt firmly. 

"I...is that safe dear?" Robin asked worriedly, she recognized that the sword must be Kusanagi. Even though they had defeated the demon king, she didn't want Victor to suffer anymore.

"The sentient curse has ended once and for all, so don't worry. It's just a powerful weapon now." He answered confidently as he infused haki into the blade which hummed in response.

"You should learn the Moriarty Family sword style, I heard from Uncle Hugh that it was a very powerful sword skill," Robin said happily when she heard it was safe.

"Maybe I should. Let's go, Robin! we should return home soon and get you treated properly first." He put the sword in his shadow space as he looked at Robin but suddenly his stomach grumbled very loudly.

"Let's go grab the poneglyph quickly!! There's a lot of food and wine for you on the ship." Robin giggled as she saw Victor's eyes light up like a child. Hand in hand they slowly walked through the burnt ruins and headed toward the treasure room inside the pyramid.

A few moments later:

Inside the treasure room, Victor and Robin were greeted by a breathtaking sight. Heaps and mountains of treasures were glittering wherever their eyes went. With the accumulated wealth of Mexica's entire wealth, this treasure could easily fill up the treasury of any large kingdom. Golden artifacts, jewels, and ancient relics filled the chamber reflecting the history of a kingdom that had once prospered. Victor, though appreciating the historical value, couldn't help but notice the piles of riches that could potentially fund their endeavors and support his plans for the future. "We can't carry all of this alone, I need to call Tesoro to do the heavy lifting!!"

As they marveled at the treasures, Victor's eyes caught sight of a peculiar stone cubic stele with ancient language intricate carvings on it, unmistakably a Poneglyph. The significance of this discovery wasn't lost on Robin, the archaeologist who walked towards it happily.

"Robin, this is incredible! A Poneglyph right here in Mexica. The knowledge stored in these inscriptions could be invaluable," Victor said as he joined her side.

Robin exclaimed, her eyes gleaming with childish excitement. "Victor!!! Store this one first!!" 

He activated his [Shadow Pouch] and the poneglyph was absorbed in it. It was a limited spatial pouch that could store a limited amount of inorganic things, if he had to put a number then the storage space was around one and a half poneglyph.

As he went to look around a little, Robin went straight to a particular corner of the room and looked for a well-decorated treasure chest. Itzel had informed her before his death about the location of Izel's devil fruit that had sealed most of the demonic powers of Kusanagi within itself. After her death, he discovered this fruit while scouring the islands and hid it inside the treasure room. Kusanagi was very happy to do so because that would mean his weakness would stay under his control.

"Victor, come here!! Fast!" She said excitedly.

"What is this?" He asked as he saw Robin standing near a treasure chest.

"It's Princess Izel's devil fruit. You told me you were looking for a second Devil fruit, take it. I am sure you'll like it." Robin said with a serious tone as she showed him the devil fruit. It was a bright red apple with spirals and two small horn-like protrusions. "It's my gift for you. Didn't you say you were looking for another devil fruit in the Black Market?"

"A gift?" Victor was a little excited, it was the first time Robin had actively gifted him something. He didn't question anymore and took a bite from the devil fruit. He experienced the same disgusting taste as the information about the fruit appeared in his mind. When he got the information he was stunned with happiness and joy.

[Hito Hito no Mi: Fallen Angel- A mythical Zoan devil fruit that allows the user to manipulate holy and demonic energies at base level along with three Zoan transformations.]

Robin watched as Victor's wounds and burns started to heal rapidly as a golden aura appeared around him. His face which was previously burned with corrosive scars also healed rapidly and he looked more handsome. Victor activated his healing powers and suddenly pulled her into an intense passionate kiss causing Robin to blush and feel a little dizzy.

"Looks like it's working!!" Victor said with a mischievous smile as he rubbed her abs which were previously scarred starting to heal too. His healing powers worked on others if he wanted to which was very useful. Robin's broken and fractured bones also healed as she held onto Victor with an intense gaze. 

"You like it?" She asked with a slight hesitation and shyness. 

"Truly a magical power! It'll surely come in handy in the future!! I love it, my dear," Victor said with a genuinely happy smile. 

As for why Victor didn't clone the fruit, well who would like to share their wife's gift with others? This was a meaningful possession and he planned to develop it to its greatest potential. It will act as a perfect cover to openly use his Lunarian Powers without raising too much suspicion.

"Let's go!! I really need to eat something!!" Victor said with a smirk as he lifted Robin in a princess carry as they flew away towards her ship. Robin smiled as she nestled into Victor's arms, feeling the warmth and security of his embrace. 

"You can eat me to your heart's content." She whispered into his ears seductively causing Victor to blush in response.

As they soared towards the ship, Robin couldn't help but glance back at the ruins of Mexica. The sun had set, casting an orange glow over the landscape, and a gentle breeze carried the whispers of the ancient spirits that now rested in peace. "Itzel, I sincerely hope you get to meet Izel in your afterlife."

A/N: I hope this rendition is better. I was suffering from writers block after writing this arc. 

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WeedSmokahcreators' thoughts