
One Piece: I wield thunder and lightning

A youth from Earth found himself accidentally transported to the realm of pirates, where he faced battles and embraced risks amidst the tumultuous seas. In this world, there existed no legendary system, no peerless magic-only a thundering fruit, a power bestowed upon him. During this era, the Four Emperors still sailed the same ship, and the elusive One Piece had yet to assert its dominance over the seas. Within the Marine, two supremely powerful admirals commanded. Now, I, Albert Nicholas, vow to etch my name into the annals of history, spreading it far and wide across the vast expanse of this world! Author's note [Give me your power stones and i will give you chapters. Btw i will keep this LN free so no need to worry] I'm translating this great LN The original name of this series is : 海贼之掌控雷电 please support the original author

DaoistAutumn_rain · Komik
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626 Chs

Waldo vs Garp!

Amidst the chaos and swirling dust, the scene unfolding before those who knew Garp was difficult to accept. The clash between top powerhouses of the sea wasn't resolved in mere moments. Despite Waldo appearing to bear the brunt of Garp's assault, glimpses of opportunity lingered in the air.

For the pirates who recently joined due to Waldo's notorious reputation, the unfolding spectacle rendered them speechless. Witnessing Waldo, the audacious pirate who openly defied the World Government and thrived in the treacherous New World, being overwhelmed by this unassuming Navy officer was simply unfathomable.

Could the strength among the top-tier sea powerhouses be so disparate?

"You really... have angered me!" Amidst the billowing dust, a voice saturated with rage reverberated. Betrayal followed by a brutal thrashing from Garp, witnessed by a multitude, had robbed Waldo of his usual composure.

"Momo-Momo: Hundredfold Speed!"

Waldo's already blinding speed, invisible to the naked eye, intensified a hundredfold, rendering him nearly imperceptible without the aid of Observation Haki.

"So swift! Each time the captain unleashes it, it sets my blood alight," remarked Fishman Sebastian, his admiration tinged with a hint of envy. For a fishman like him, burdened by past injustices, an obsession with power fueled his loyalty to Waldo.

Meanwhile, Byojack, perched on Sebastian's broad shoulder, observed with keen interest. Even as Waldo surged at unimaginable speed, Garp, in stark contrast, remained remarkably composed, a hint of amusement glimmering in his eyes.

The distant sound of gunfire heightened Byojack's unease.

"Gairam, wield your power to reshape the terrain beneath us with utmost vigor."

"Excellent speed!" Facing Waldo's onslaught, Garp enveloped his entire form in Armament Haki, channeling power into his right fist.


Like ancient behemoths in a primal clash, Waldo's body registered agony despite the protective layers of Armament Haki and the Moa moa Fruit's augmentation. Blood surged in his throat.

"A formidable strike, capable of matching Zeff's prowess," chuckled Garp. While Waldo's might ranked among the New World's elite, for Garp, it fell short. He trained relentlessly with the sea's apex forces, to the point where even Zeff and Zephyr declined further sparring sessions.

As Waldo's assault waned, Garp prepared to retaliate.


The earth quivered as dust scattered.

Waldo hurtled into the forest, a sight that filled Byojack and his compatriots with profound despair.

"Even bolstered by the Moa moa Fruit, Waldo endures such punishment. Is that Navy officer truly mortal?" Nightin's disbelief echoed through the turmoil.

"Nothing is insurmountable. Though a vice admiral, his might rivals that of an admiral. Sebastian, Nightin, Gairam, devise a means of escape with the captain!"

"Escape? It appears improbable."

As they deliberated, an array of figures clad in black attire and somber hats materialized. With ruthless efficiency, they dispatched the ailing pirates.

Spying the encroaching figures, Byojack muttered, "You must be CP operatives under the World Government. Only they would resort to such treachery."

"Ha! Treachery? So long as the ends justify the means, the method is inconsequential. Your World Pirates have wrought enough havoc in the New World. Any means employed against vermin like you is just."

With steely resolve, the CP agents closed in on Byojack and his allies.

Fear gripped Waldo's crew, their ranks decimated by the Navy and CP agents. What was once a formidable force of over ten thousand now dwindled to a mere few hundred warriors.

The Navy's assault aimed to obliterate them utterly, bolstered by officers swathed in black attire and hats, indicating their elevated ranks. Nearly hundreds of them littered the battlefield, tipping the scales definitively.

"Vice Admiral Leon, per the operation protocol, Devil Fruit users mustn't be killed. Capture them all and transport them to Impel Down's depths."

As Vice Admiral Leon readied to dispatch a pirate reliant on his Devil Fruit ability, a hushed CP agent interceded.

"And if I opt for execution?"

Confronted by the corpses of fallen Marines and the incapacitated pirates, Vice Admiral Leon's voice lowered.

"Should you persist, I'll intervene. Remember, Impel Down awaits these Devil Fruit users, a fate far worse than death."

With a terse nod, Vice Admiral Leon redirected his focus to the unfolding battles.

For the World Government and Navy, Impel Down served as the ideal destination for seafaring pirates bearing Devil Fruit powers. Even there, their lives would be prolonged, ensuring their suffering lingered beyond mere mortality.

On the far side of Garp and Waldo's tumultuous duel, their clash morphed into a display of sheer martial prowess and Armament Haki. Each blow struck the flesh directly, transcending the toxic haze enveloping Waldo's form. Despite his affliction, it became evident that Waldo's assaults lagged, hinting at inevitable defeat. Yet, amid the carnage, their skirmish reshaped the landscape over vast stretches.

Thirty minutes elapsed before the turmoil abated at the island's heart. Marines and CP agents bound the unconscious Waldo with Sea-Prism Stone restraints.

"Vice Admiral Garp's might is truly formidable," a CP leader commended with a respectful nod. Despite their allegiance to the World Government, deference to Navy officers of Garp's caliber remained mandatory.

"It's adequate. Had he not been poisoned, subduing him would have proved more taxing. Once matters conclude, I'll return to the vessel."

With that declaration, Garp veered toward his awaiting warship, harbouring no fondness for the CP agents at all.