
One Piece: I Am Kaido And Luffy is Coming!

WARNING: THE SELF-INSERT HERE IS INCREDIBLY RUTHLESS. Upon awakening, I realized I was actually Kaido. Shockingly, nearly two years had passed since the Summit War. Luffy is near! I refused to simply await my fate; My plan? First annihilate Kozuki, then torment Luffy. By amassing power, the world's throne seemed within reach. Momanosuke: "Grandpa...Sister...Kinemon...No!!!" Blackbeard: "Am I just a tool in Kaido's eyes?" Akainu: "We have Kaido's spy in our army!! Find me someone!" Marine Special Science Unit SSG: "Kaido, the new Pacifistas are ready!" Rayleigh, Shanks, Garp, Revolutionary Army: "I will avenge Luffy!" Im silently put a cross on the map's Wanokuni.

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143 Chs

Chapter 78

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Chapter 78: The Straw Hats Are So Stunned, What Should I Do? Kaido Is Here!

"Tesoro, your auction is quite defiant." Finally, someone spoke up, and everyone saw that it was Stussy!

Stussy held a top-quality cigarette between her fingertips, and the faint smoke on her red lips was extremely tempting. 

"You almost sound like the Mera-Mera Fruit already belongs to you."

Unknown to everyone, the queen did not bid for the Mera-Mera Fruit. She is a CPO's spy in the underworld, working for the World Government. This time, she had received orders to inform Kaido or Doflamingo that they would come to Sabaody to cause trouble. She merely assumed the role of Queen of the Pleasure District, pretending to be a serious bidder. Even now, she spoke as if advocating for more bidders, convincing people that she was truly there to bid.

"Hahaha~ I'm a businessman; as long as I see value, I'm willing to spend money. It's not a fault to spend more, right?" Tesoro spread his hands and said without looking back, as if he had heard some joke.

"In my opinion, the potential of the Mera-Mera Fruit isn't just 2 billion!"

"It's better if you're afraid. I'd be happy to get it for a small price."

Everyone present was surprised. Was the Golden Emperor that optimistic about this fruit? Although it was a Logia type, two billion was already a bit expensive. Did Tesoro know how to develop this fruit or what secrets it held?

His remarks made the truly wealthy attendees frown, thinking that maybe they should try again. After all, billions were only small money to them, but if there was a secret, it could mean huge profits.

"2.1 billion!"

"2.2 billion!"

Suddenly, the real tycoons started placing their bids. Increases of 10 million were nothing to them. The price of the Mera-Mera Fruit skyrocketed, jumping up by five billion.

The members of the Straw Hat group, who had never participated in an auction before, all looked grave.

"What should we do, Luffy? It looks like the Mera-Mera Fruit will end up with the richest man in the world~," Sanji whispered to Luffy, leaning sideways.

"We can only grab it. What else is there to do, you silly eyebrow," Zoro murmured nearby.

"Seaweed head! Do you think you're smarter than me?!" Sanji snapped back as he glared at Zoro.

"Shh!!! Both of you, quiet down!" Nami quickly interjected, not wanting to have to apologize to anyone else.

"By the way, the Golden Emperor is actually quite powerful," Robin said calmly and gently. "After all, only the strong can maintain such a huge fortune."

"Powerful? How powerful?" Zoro asked, intrigued by those words.

Everyone in the Straw Hat group leaned in closer; after all, this might be an opponent they would face in the future. Getting to know him a bit in advance could improve their chances. Even Luffy focused his attention on Robin, giving her a curious look.

"I'm not sure about the specifics. But…" Robin's eyelashes fluttered slightly, "I've heard that he's mastered the awakened abilities of the Paramecia type Golden Fruit and easily defeated pirates with a bounty of 750 million Belly."

"750 million?!" Usopp gasped, almost stepping back. That was higher than their entire bounty combined! Did that mean this one man could defeat them all? Excitement and fear momentarily made him forget that they had all been training hard for two years.

The main fighters of the crew were not disconcerted; only Luffy picked up on a critical detail and asked curiously, "What is awakening?"

The rest of the people also looked at Robin curiously. Suddenly she sighed with relief, grateful for having such a reliable person on their ship who enjoyed collecting intelligence. Otherwise, they might have blundered into a disaster.

"Awakening refers to the more powerful ability obtained after a Devil Fruit's skill has reached a bottleneck and has advanced to a higher level. A Paramecia user like Luffy can awaken and transform everything around him into the same type of rubber as his own."

"Eh..." A few people were astonished. Was there really such an ability?

"However, power isn't easily achieved, and awakening has prerequisites," Robin added. "We just don't know exactly how it's done yet."

"Ah, so..." Nami deflated, having thought that if Luffy could awaken right away, he would become much stronger. It would increase their chances of victory when confronting the world's richest man. And perhaps they could snatch some extra Berries, considering the man wouldn't miss a little money. But that dream was now dashed.

"Hee hee, don't worry, I can beat that guy," Luffy said, squinting with a smile showing his white teeth. The others looked at his young and determined face, feeling reassured by his words. His innocence and declaration filled his crewmates with warmth and trust.

"Really, I don't know where your confidence comes from," Nami said, with a mix of annoyance and faith.

"Our captain won't lose to anyone," Sanji nodded in agreement.

"And with us here, no enemy is too strong," Zoro commented nonchalantly.

"Yo ho ho! It's fantastic to be with you guys," Brook said, smiling.

"After all, we are the strongest team! Super," Franky added with enthusiasm.

"We've been training for two years," Chopper chimed in, hoisting his hooves.

"I will definitely support you wholeheartedly!" Usopp boasted with confidence brimming at the corner of his mouth.

Robin observed her companions, smiling warmly and sincerely. She was glad to express this feeling since Enies Lobby. Being with her partners made her happy, confident they could face any challenge together.

While they were conversing, the auction continued in the background. The price for the Mera Mera Fruit had soared past four billion.

"Four billion and two hundred million!"

"Four billion and three hundred million!"

Only a few were still bidding; most felt that buying a Logia with a lower level ability than the Lava-Lava Fruit was a significant loss, not worth the expense.

Suddenly, a booming sound from the sky echoed in the closed auction hall. A deep voice reached everyone's ears, "Marines! Get out of the way. I don't have time for you today!"

Those knowledgeable in the crowd were visibly shaken, panicking as if facing the most dreadful thing in the world. Hearts raced, adrenaline surged, and minds reeled in disbelief.

Tesoro, seated in the front row, simply looked on with a subdued expression, yet his heart swelled with elation. Kaido had finally arrived.