
One Piece: Human God

Disclaimer: I don't own anything The cover is AI-generated what I depict of MC, his origin is from Wano. This is my first fanfic writing so do whatever you want, I'm just writing this for fun since I'm in college with a lot of shit. This is just to calm down.   Draco is struck by a truck going home trying to get some chips to read his favorite manga, One Piece! After getting struck, he goes to speak with God who tells him that he mistakenly killed him on accident. With an apology he gifts him 3 wishes with no restriction, also with a choice of his own to go to an anime universe of his own. Of course, Draco responds with, "ONE PIECE!" with excited and yearning eyes completely forgetting his old life. Now Draco, with his 3 wishes goes into the one-piece world, wanting to explore what he's always wanted and do what he's always wanted in life with no one to get in his way! #NoHarem Author's Side Piece: It's fact pace sometimes and not at all sometimes. My first fan-fic Upload Schedule: None, I will write when I want to and upload when I can.

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29 Chs

Stranded Island I

"Where the fuck am I..." were the first words that came out of Draco's mouth

Draco confused looks at himself before anything else. This was also to check what he had to identify himself or check any weapons he had. 

Standing at 5'1 Five years old, with already masculine features, and dark curly hair, Draco was wearing tattered clothes, with his underwear wet and uncomfortable.

Seeing as he had no items or names that could refer to who he was, Draco kept his original name. 

After checking himself out, Draco looks at his surroundings, stranded on the beach on what seems to be an island that he could tell isn't important as he doesn't remember it from One Piece. 

'I guess it's time to explore before anything else..." - Draco thinks to himself.

---- Nighttime ----

There is a fire with a boy sitting beside it on a log. This boy was Draco, now completely aware of his situation, he first learns that he's not on any known island and there are no living individuals around at all, straight up an empty island with tropical trees and some animals that are there. 

Of course, Draco also learns he's STRONG AS FUCK, to the point it seems godly and inhumane. Draco tested out his Saitama level strength by first grabbing a tree and uprooting it instantly without any strength inputted at all. 

With a light toss, the tree is thrown across the island into the ocean creating a large tsunami. Draco seeing this large wave coming towards the island, punches towards the wave.

Which creates a giant gust of pressure and wind, uprooting trees and decimating everything that was just in his path just like how Saitama destroyed the giant mountain fighting genos.

However, he notices that his punch... wasn't even serious or a tinge of force at all, just a light jab. 

This poses a giant threat, as he now has to completely ensure that he doesn't "accidentally" sneeze or get annoyed by swinging his hand and destroying half the island. 

---- Time Skip 3 years later ----

Draco, now 8 years old, standing at 5'6, considerably tall for his age, wearing a gray kimono with his bare chest showing. 

he was able to obtain this kimono from a strange merchant individual that came by. He was so sad about Draco's situation that he gave him food and some clothes. 

He also told him that he could take him to the next island, but Draco denied it to which he responded by giving him a log-pose to the closest island and told him to be safe before heading off. 

Now completely at rest, Draco reminisces about his start on this island.

During these three years of being stranded on the island, Draco practiced his full potential with Haki and his godly-level strength. He even practiced and checked out his inventory ability. when storing items, he's able to see an inventory pop-up only visible by him.

If he stores an item, he has to be about 10 feet away from it, when storing he automatically disappears. The way to take it out is if he stuck his hands into the inventory and "brings it out", this means he can store a ship and take it out but taking it out would just be him tossing it out of his inventory. 

Now, on one sunny afternoon, just when Draco was resting in his Hammock, about to get an afternoon nap, he heard trumpets to his left side facing the sea. 

*Horn sounds*

Draco still with his eyes closed, uses observation Haki and sees a group of pirates coming towards his island. Weirdly enough they have a person with horns sounding their presence as they get closer to the island. 

The island, not completely barren anymore, had a wooden cottage house, with makeshift boats, and a firing place on the beach made by Draco to pass the time. It seems the pirates on the ship had noticed this and made their presence known to the individuals on the island. 

[] <- used as a quick scene change or perspective< p>

[On the ship of the Raggies]

On the top of the mast, the observer notices Draco getting out of his hammock and walking towards the beach. 

"Captain! there is an individual, It's a kid!" - Observer

"Yararararag! Forget about that kid, we'll kill him. It seems we can settle here boys; those goddamn marines have been on our ass the past 2 days!" - Captain Rag Tie says with anger and relief

[Back to Draco]

"Twenty of them, from what my observation can tell only of one them is "strong"... Hmm... I guess it's time to test my abilities on other humans rather than just sea kings" - Draco

Draco quickly goes back into his cottage and takes a stack of bounty papers out, given by news coo, who Draco personally believes are friends now. He's able to tell that it's always the same news coo that delivers his mail and who he rewards it with the sea kings he's caught. 

Taking out the bounty posters, he finds him, Captain Rag Tie of the Raggy Pirates, 96 million Belly. 

"Seems he's also pretty famous in terms of the one-piece world... who knows, he's close to rookie-level" - Draco says out loud to himself before stepping out of his cottage and greeting his new visitors. 


Rag Tie and a portion of his crewmates jump off the ship 

as for other crewmates who started to carry their boos and food down towards the beach.

Walking towards Draco, standing 15 feet away from one another. 

With the tense atmosphere, in a menacing voice 

"Kid, my boys will tie you up and you will stand next to our ship! we'll kill you if you make ANY RASH MOVEMENTS!" - Rag Tie yells at Draco before walking back towards his ship and commanding his other portion of the crew to unload faster. 

As one of the Raggy pirates starts walking towards Draco with an evil grin on his face holding the rope, Draco sorus right in front of him before he can even say something. 

Draco flicks his hand towards the man's abdominal area, and it creates a shockwave sending the man back with a large gaping hole on his abs. 

The other rag pirates seeing their crewmates blown away shocked but run toward Draco with the cutlass at hand. 

Seeing as there were 10 of them, the first one charges in slicing down vertically toward Draco. 

Draco dodges to his left before flicking this one's head as his body gets tossed in the air his head disappears landing a couple of meters away

With 9 more air flicks towards the remaining Rag pirates that were in front of him, he easily decimates the remaining pirates and creates gaping holes in each of their bodies. 

Some of them lost their legs, arms, chest, or head before they could even notice what had hit them.

Dropping dead all at once, the captain of the Raggy pirates overlooking his bow, shocked. 

With anger on his face, Rag Tie jumps down the ship before dashing towards Draco sending shockwaves behind him, "YOU INSOLENT BASTARD! DO YOU NOT KNOW WHO I AM!" 

Rag Tie wasn't unlike other pirates, he was an ally pirate of Rocks D. Xebec! Although he was a normal crewmate on the ship before getting missioned off to protect Xebec's territory, He was on the level of a rear Admiral!

Dashing toward Draco, Rag Tie unsheathes his dual cutlass on either side of his person and does a powerful flying crosscut toward Draco. 

Draco easily dodges his attempt at an attack by using soru and teleporting behind him. As Draco turns around, he sees the attack that Rag Tie swung towards the giant palm trees in the inner part of the island which cut down 3 or 6 of the trees. 

"Interesting... not just a normal kid huh?"

Rag Tie completely unbothered, spits at the ground before turning around and activating his devil fruit.

If none of you guys have read the summary, I said I'll write when I want to and Upload when I can

Thank you for reading though, This is my first book and I'm hoping for a good journey, :) Lets have fun while we're here

Human_Dracocreators' thoughts