
Chapter 219: Debrief (3)

Ben ascended to the ship's deck once more, observing Marianne bidding farewell to her green companion as it flew away.

"He was useful," Ben remarked.

"She was," Marianne corrected with a fond smile.

"You're going to miss her?" Ben inquired.

"Not really, she has a family here," Marianne replied, glancing at Ben before enveloping him in a heartfelt hug.

"I'm sorry," Marianne expressed through teary eyes.

"No, I got careless and took a hit," Ben admitted.

"But," Marianne said, attempting to interject.

Ben gently placed a finger over her lips. "No buts," he asserted.

"We'll learn from our mistakes," Ben said. Marianne nodded in agreement.

HQ came up the stairs. "Master, the Mech is safely stored underneath the ship," HQ informed.

"Thank you, the Mech is a powerful asset for sure," Ben acknowledged.

"It was strong," Marianne added.

Saphir and Rubis jumped onboard the Miss Love Duck with two large bags. "Ben, you are okay," Saphir said as she dropped her bag and gave him a tight hug. In response, Ben hugged her back and twirled her around as Saphir lifted her leg.

"I am fine, thanks to Emeraude and Kaya," Ben replied. Ben put Saphir down.

"Is sis okay?" Rubis inquired, a hint of concern furrowing her brows.

"She is resting; she overtaxed her body to heal me," Ben said.

"Sorry for causing her and you trouble like this," Ben apologised.

Rubis gazed at Ben, her expression softening. "No need to apologise. Sis did it willingly for someone she cares about. I'm proud of her," Rubis affirmed with a reassuring smile.

"Thanks," Ben replied. He gave a smile back.

"So what did you girls get?" Ben asked.

Saphir released her embrace and excitedly rushed toward her bag. With a grin, she eagerly opened the bag. The bag was brimming with gleaming gold.

"Look at this, Ben!" Saphir exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with delight as she displayed the contents of her bag.

"The Simon Pirate would raid other ships and take people prisoners and steal their treasure," Rubis said.

"And now it's ours," Saphir said.

"Good job," Ben said, congratulating Rubis and Saphir.

"Master, should I put this in the treasure room?" HQ asked.

"Sure," Ben replied. Rubis and Saphir nodded. HQ took the two bags down to the Treasure Room on the Third Floor.

"Let's wait until the other girls are back and we can have a proper debrief," Ben added.

After a few hours, everyone gathered around the dining table.Kaya and Emeraude had rested and sat next to Ben. Vivi, Mikita, Zala, Honey and Robin had come back from escorting the prisoners back. Saphir, Rubis, Marianne and HQ were on the Miss Love Duck. BM had brought back Lexie with Alvida and Nojiko back to the Miss Love Duck.

"My love, are you alright?" Alvida inquired with genuine concern. Gently, she wrapped her arms around Ben from behind, resting her head on his shoulder.

"I am fine. My two lovely nurses healed me back to full strength," Ben said. Emeraude and Kaya smiled back.

"Pervert," Kaya said. Emeraude leaned her head onto Ben`s shoulder.

You should have told us," Nojiko remarked.

"I'm sorry. I panicked when I saw Ben collapse," Marianne confessed, a tinge of sadness in her expression.

"Things happened rapidly, and time was of the essence," Ben explained.

"No one is at fault beside me," Ben said, taking responsibility.

"We should have told you about this ability, we overhead it once," Saphir said.

"No worries, all is fine in the end," Ben replied.

"Let's focus on the positives, the quest has been completed," Ben said. The girls cheered.

"So what rewards did we get?" Honey asked.

(Sweetie, show all my rewards in the storage and highlight the wants we got right now.)

[ Here is the list. I have highlighted the one received from Quest 8 below:

Tori Tori no Mi, Model Roc

Neko Neko no Mi, Model: Cheetah

Blueprints for A.S.S Model N.T

Tori Tori no Mi, Model: Solar Phoenix

A.S.S Blueprint Eyes upgrade

Ryu Ryu no Mi, Model: Carnotaurus

Devil Fruit Mixer

Blueprints for A.S.S Model P.R

Silicon Silicon no Mi

Ibis Ibis Fruit, Model: Thoth

Tori Tori no Mi no Mi: Cockatrice

Special Iron Mace

Program for Pau Ra Pa

Ryu Ryu no Mi, Model: Argentinosaurus

Room 2L3 to be renovated

Blueprints for Shushibaruba


(Thank you Sweetie. Redeem Special Iron Mace.)

Ben held his hand out and an iron mace appeared in his hand. The iron mace had a spherical head, encrusted with sharp spikes. Each spike jutted out sharply, were evenly spaced and protruding aggressively in all directions, giving the mace a menacing silhouette. It was coated in an eerie black hue colour. The handle, a sturdy grip, wrapped in leather for a secure hold. The handle had a silhouette of a demon resembling Ben`s face in his hybrid form.

As Ben rose to his feet, Alvida instinctively took a step back. Ben pivoted and got onto his knee and presented the iron mace in his possession. His voice, steady and reassuring, broke the tension in the air.

"I know you lost your iron mace in Alabasta. Here is your new one," Ben said. He smiled.

"So dramatic," Zala remarked.

"Don't kill the mood," Mikita retorted, brushing off the comment from her friend. They both smiled at each other.

"Wow," Marianne said looking at the iron mace.

"Thank you my love," Alvida said. She took the iron mace from Ben and held it in her hand. She could feel the power from it. She knew there was something special about this weapon.

"Are you going to name it?" Robin asked.

"Name it?" Alvida asked.

"Yes, all weapons have a name and that one seems special," Robin added.

"Seraphina," Alvida said.

"That's a cool name," Vivi remarked.

"I agree it has a nice ring to it," Nojiko added with a smile.

"Thank you my love," Alvida said, hugging Ben. She gave a kiss on his cheek.

"Someone is getting lucky today," Mikita teased.

"He always is," Kaya added.

Ben hugged back. "Anything for you. For you all," Ben stated. The girl's heart melted hearing that.

"Okay, let's see what else is there," Ben said. He let go of Alvida and sat down. Alvida walked to the side of the room and admired Seraphina.

(Sweetie Redeem Program for Pau Ra Pa)

[Here you go. Please note that Seraphina spikes are made of sea prism stones.]

Ben thought that was amazing. He held his hand out and a small thumb drive appeared in his palm.

"Alvida, I just found out that Seraphina`s spikes are made of sea prism stones," Ben informed her.

"Thank you, my love," Alvida expressed, visibly taken aback. The newfound enhancement allowed her to counter Devil Fruit users more effectively, a realisation that brought a genuine smile to her face.

"What is that in your hand Ben?" Zala asked.

"It looks cute," Robin added.

"It's a thumb drive that stores information. The program it contains is intended for Pau Ra Pa," Ben explained.

"Pau Ra Pa," Rubis repeated, her eyes widening in recognition.

"Do you know about it?" Ben inquired.

"Yes, the robots we've been fighting with were Mark 1. There were two Mark 1.5 versions which Nojiko, Alvida, and Saphir fought. Pau Ra Pa was designed to be distinct from the others; it's the Mark II version," Emeraude clarified.

"But there was an issue with it," Rubis interjected.

"It might be related to the coding," Ben speculated, connecting the dots.

"My lord, may I go and see it?" BM offered.

"Sure," Ben replied.

"I want to come as well," Rubis said.

"I will as well," Emeraude added, her weariness evident as she rested her head back on Ben's shoulder.

"No, you're not. You're going to rest today," Ben insisted to Emeraude.

Emeraude tried to respond, but Ben countered, "Captain's order."

"Rubis, only if you're sure about going," Ben added.

"I am," Rubis confidently said. Ben handed over the thumb drive and a key card which he found previously on a body. Rubis and BM nodded.

(Sweetie Redeem 2L3 to be renovated)

[Completed. Please visit 2L3. The room has been upgraded with the latest medical equipment.]

(Thank you Sweetie.)

"The other reward is the Room 2L3 upgrade. It will now feature the latest medical equipment," Ben announced.

Kaya and Emeraude's eyes gleamed with interest. "I want to," Emeraude exclaimed. Ben turned to look at her.

"I'll visit later," Emeraude added, completing her sentence.

"I will as well," Kaya said.

"I wonder what will be there?" Marianne said.

"Something that will be useful," Honey said.

"Or pointy sharp needles to tear your skin up," Robin said.

Honey and Marianne looked in shock. "She is joking," Ben interjected. He sighed. Robin smiled at Ben. The rest of the girls giggled.

(Sweetie Redeem Blueprints for Shushibaruba)

Ben held his hand out and a book appeared in his hand.

"These are the blueprints for Shushibaruba," Ben revealed.

The girls gasped in surprise. "We were told it was man-created," Ben added.

"The ancient people must have been remarkably intelligent," Zala remarked.

"Indeed," Rubis agreed.

"I don't think we need to pursue them then," Mikita suggested, quickly adding, "We have the blueprints."

"It'll be risky," Saphir cautioned.

"Dangerous," Marianne concurred.

"My love, Sweetie, was telling you to tame it," Alvida said.

"It was actually," Ben replied.

(Sweetie, should we not go after it.)

[Ben, please go after it. It will help you. The blueprints have the answer to help you control Shushibaruba.]

(I don't know it could be dangerous, Sweetie.)

[Quest 9: The Ancient Creation 

Description: The ancient people of the Nanatsu Islands created a weapon for their protection. 


Take Control of Shushibaruba 


The Miss Love Geese Mark II


(This has one condition and a very good reward, Sweetie.)

[It does and The Miss Love Geese is special. It is a sister ship to the Miss Love Duck.]

Ben thought this for a second. "Okay, girls Sweetie told me the answer to obtain this is in the blueprints. She has given another quest to take control of Shushibaruba to obtain a sister ship to the Miss Love Duck," Ben said. He let the girls digest the information. "Rubis and Emeraude have expressed an interest to check the lab. Sumi and the girls want to move around. Having a special ship like the Miss Love Duck will be important for that role," Ben added.

"Okay, my love, I understand. Let's go for it," Alvida affirmed.

"I support you," Marianne chimed in.

"So do I," Honey added.

"It will be interesting for sure," Zala remarked. "We'll be careful, and all of us will be together," Mikita assured.

"We are a team," Vivi emphasised.

"I'm with you, Captain," Saphir declared.

"It's for science," Emeraude noted.

"Lots to learn," Rubis smiled.

"We will support you, Master," HQ affirmed with a nod. BM acknowledged with a nod.

"I'm in on this, but as Mikita said, let's be careful," Nojiko added.

"I will support you," Kaya said with determination.

"Thank you all," Ben said.

"Now, I think we deserve a rest after fighting the Simon crew off," Ben said.

Vivi stretched her arms. "We do," Vivi replied.

"We fought some of them multiple times," Zala added.

Ben thought Zala was right.

(Sweetie, did the quest complete when we have fought them once and defeated them?")

[Yes, when you fought Gad the first time it had already been completed. Any subsequent defeat will not give additional rewards unless stated in the quest.]

(Thank you Sweetie. Thank you for everything today.)

Ben relayed this message to the girls. They all nodded.

"Well, that's good news, my love," Alvida said with a relieved smile.

"It saves us from having to beat them more than once," Nojiko added, her words carrying a hint of satisfaction.

"Indeed, now I want all of you to rest today. Rubis and BM you can go and see what you can find however I want you back by nightfall. I will speak with Amelia, Isla and Zara later tonight," Ben stated.

"At this very moment, I shall attend to my emerald-eyed lady," Ben teased playfully. Emeraude's eyes opened wide, captivated by the unexpected remark.

The girls giggled.

"Have fun my love," Alvida said.

"Well, I can go later. Rubis and Emeraude will be leaving soon so they should spend time with Ben," Mikita said.

"I thought I already did," Rubis remarked.

"That was just the teaser," Zala clarified with a knowing smile.

"Master, the orbs and the blood sample from Simon which Marianne retrieved, are safely in the treasure room," HQ informed.

"I took them when Ben threw Simon out and Simon was leaking blood," Marianne said.

"Amazing" Honey congratulated her. The rest of the girls joined in. Marianne went red and tried to hide her face with her hat.