
One Piece Gold List: The Strongest Teacher!

Follow Rifan our mc on the world of pirates as he changes the fate of his disciples. —read the Auxiliary for more info. .... ... ... ... [Tl/n: Support us on our Patreon if you want to read more chapters. [Patre0n.com/LazySeeker]] We're recruiting! We're looking for talented individuals to join our team to help us pump out high-quality chapters and pick up new series! Our current open positions are: > *Translators* > - 1$ per chapter > - Must be fluent in English, no previous translation experience is required so long as you pass our test. If you have any questions or want to submit the test, dm me on my discord: MyYandereWife#6736 Ps: There are still two open spots.

Novelette_Seeker · Komik
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571 Chs

Chapter 517: Battle! 

Moria crossed Perona and rushed to the opposite Shiki.

The scissors made of shadows in his hand slashed toward Shiki's neck.

Shiki's eyes condensed, and the long sword in his hand was lifted upward.

The powerful force not only blocked Moria's attack.

It even made Moria step back again and again.

Rifan shook his head, feeling speechless for Moria.

Please, you are a magician. Why are you fighting him in close combat?

Going to fight with the cavalry class directly with the knife?

Do you think you are the British Swordmaster, King Arthur?

Rifan took a breath, but after all, he didn't tell the complaint in his heart.

"Jiehahaha~, so that's how it is."

"Moria, this little girl summoned you out."

"No wonder, there is no you in my treasure."

"It turns out that it's because you have been called out first."

"Jiehaha, but it doesn't matter, I can still turn you into a zombie after I kill you!"

Shiki stretched out the "Yatsufusa" in front of him, and a powerful magic power began to surround his body.

A discerning person knows that he is going to use his treasure when he sees it.

At this time, Jeanne, who was the adjudicator, had already stepped aside.

She didn't need to and won't participate in this battle.

"Wait, Golden Lion!" Suddenly, Teach rushed between Moria and Shiki.

"Teach, what do you want to do?" Shiki frowned.

"Golden Lion, and Moria, I know you two had conflicts before your life."

Teach looked at them, then continued to persuade" but that's all over."

"Now, we are in the same camp."

"If there is an internal conflict between us, the people on the side of the World Government will be happy."

"Don't forget, in our red camp, that Sengoku will definitely defect and go to the black camp."

"Now, we need to unite all the forces that need to be united."

[Sabo: Hahaha, this Teach really knows how to talk eloquently. ]

[Red-haired Shanks: It's a pity that he is facing Rifan. So speaking eloquently is useless. ]

Sure enough, Shanks's message just appeared on the golden list.

And a huge magical power suddenly erupted from Moria.

"Moria, you?!" Teach looked at Moria and took a nervous step back.

Although he is not afraid of Moria before his death, who knows what kind of weird power Moria has after becoming a follower?

So seeing that he was not planning to cease the war, Teach immediately became alert.

At the same time, his gaze swept towards Smoothie.

At this time, Smoothie led Jeanne-Alter to step back.

So seeing this, Teach couldn't help but curse.

'Did these two women form an alliance?'

'They plan to eliminate us together?'

Teach frowned and glanced over at Jeanne Alter.

He was not afraid of Charlotte Smoothie, but he had to raise his guard when facing Jeanne-Alter.

"Expand my treasure, come out, my zombie army!"

Moria gave an order, and the surrounding ground a few hundred meters around suddenly stirred and trembled.

Withered hands stretched out from the earth.

In less than a minute, thousands of zombies appeared on the scene.

"Is this Moria's zombie?" Shiki thought, but sensing how many zombies there are, "No, the surrounding terrain has changed. This is the terrifying three-masted ship?!"

[Follower: Moria]

[Class: Caster (Magician)]

[Treasures: Land of Zombies, for military treasures, summon the zombies made by Moria during his lifetime as independent servants, and at the same time change the surrounding environment to Moria, a former pirate ship. This treasure is also a treasure of the inherent enchantment type. ]


"Kishishishi, Golden Lion, this is my treasure!"

"In this area, I can create unlimited zombies!"

"What you did to me during your lifetime, I will repay it to you a hundred, no, a thousand times! "

Enchantment-shaped treasure is Moria's confidence to deal with Golden Lion.

Although Shiki was better than him in the past, Moria believes that as long as he has his current strength, even if he is facing Shiki, he can win!

Even if Shiki flies to the sky, he can create winged zombies to attack Golden Lion!

"Moria, and Smoothie, are you really planning on attacking us?"

Teach gathered a cloud of black air with both hands, and looked at Smoothie and Moria with guarded faces.

Moria's jealousy doesn't matter to Smoothie.

Adding to the fact that they came together, it is hard for Teach not to think that they have formed an alliance.