
One Piece Gold List: The Strongest Teacher!

Follow Rifan our mc on the world of pirates as he changes the fate of his disciples. —read the Auxiliary for more info. .... ... ... ... [Tl/n: Support us on our Patreon if you want to read more chapters. [Patre0n.com/LazySeeker]] We're recruiting! We're looking for talented individuals to join our team to help us pump out high-quality chapters and pick up new series! Our current open positions are: > *Translators* > - 1$ per chapter > - Must be fluent in English, no previous translation experience is required so long as you pass our test. If you have any questions or want to submit the test, dm me on my discord: MyYandereWife#6736 Ps: There are still two open spots.

Novelette_Seeker · Komik
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571 Chs

Chapter 232: With Hardwork—

"I now understand why Nami and the others are able to become stronger so quickly!"

"In your hand, you have resources that the outside world can't even think of!"

While Bonney sighed, she didn't forget to stuff food in her mouth.

If it weren't for Rifan's ear power, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to hear what Bonney was talking about.

"You haven't seen anything more powerful. It's too early to be surprised now." Rifan laughed.

"By the way, Teacher Rifan, you said these foods can only be eaten by your formal disciples?" Bonney raised her head, "Can't my crew come here to eat?"

"This is the rule, even if it is Nojiko and Sadi, who are very familiar with me because they are not my disciples, I did not invite them to the restaurant in the dojo."

"It turned out to be so, then I was really lucky to find an excellent chef!"

"Hehe, I hope that after you have eaten and drank enough, you can be worthy of what you eat during training."

"By the way, Teacher Rifan, you said that only your disciples can eat here, do you plan to accept the 18 as your disciple?"

"18 is my creation, so she is in a special situation."


After nearly hours of eating and drinking, Bonney finally stopped.

After placing 18, Rifan took Bonney into the time training chamber and began the practice of martial arts.

Like Rifan's other disciples, Bonney was also quite surprised after learning about the effectiveness of the time training chamber.

After being surprised, there was a moment of relief.

With such a good thing, how could Rifan's disciple not become stronger quickly!?

This is the only thought in Bonney's mind at the moment.

"Don't think about it, let's use [Martial Arts Inheritance of No. 18] first."

Seeing Bonney a little distracted, Rifan patted her on the shoulder, "But before that, you should change into this uniform first."

The corner of Rifan's mouth was turned up, and he took out an orange martial arts uniform with a big tortoise written on the back and handed it to Bonney.

"This is the Turtle Hermit martial arts training uniform, although what you are practicing is not Turtle Hermit martial arts."

"But since it's practice "qi", and the martial arts of No. 18 does not have such a special training uniform, you should wear this first."

Looking at the martial arts uniform in front of her, Bonney frowned.

She looked at the clothes on her body and thought of her look in the orange martial arts uniform, and she couldn't help having a drop of sweat on her forehead.

"I won't put it on. I think my current clothes are more suitable, so I don't need to wear this uniform for training."

"Are you sure?" Rifan raised his eyebrows. "When you use the No. 18 inheritance and awaken "Qi", maybe you will burst your clothes because of the power of Qi?"

"At that time, don't blame me if your clothes are damaged!"

With the experience of giving Robin Wood Style rewards, Rifan has begun to feel that the rewards from the golden list are not so "safe".

Of course, this safety is for the clothes of the user, not for the user.

Even he didn't know whether Bonney's clothes would explode like Robin after using the reward.

After thinking about it, Rifan told the story of Robin.

"Are you scaring me?" Bonney folded her arms, obviously not believing Rifan's words. "Your clothes are also very ordinary, they don't seem to be very durable at all. If you really want me to change, at least give me trendy clothes like 18."

"Since you don't believe me so much, it really makes me sad as a teacher." Rifan shook his head and threw the inheritance reward to Bonney.

"Forget it, you can do it yourself."

After taking over the inheritance, the corners of Bonney's mouth were raised.

However, when she used the inheritance reward, her smile froze.

Seeing the golden air current erupting from her body and feeling a huge power, Bonney should have been happy in her heart.

But after seeing the fragments of her clothes explode and Rifan's eyes scanning her body without care, Bonney couldn't be happy anymore!

"Look, this is how you end up not listening to me" 

Rifan said with a smile on his face.

"Hump!" Bonney snorted coldly, walked in front of Rifan, and reached out to grab the turtle hermit clothes in Rifan's hand.

However, she didn't change her clothes immediately, instead, she looked at Rifan openly and said:

"Have you seen enough, or do you want me to pose for you to see?"

"Oh, what do you mean, are you planning to be my woman?" Rifan smiled and slightly lifted Bonney's chin with his hands.

Hearing Rifan's words, Bonney's complexion instantly froze, and a cold sweat began to remain on her forehead.

Finally, in Rifan's interested eyes, she stepped back a few steps, and even her breathing was a little short.

"Don't pretend in front of me, at least you have to train your face so that you don't blush, Ms. Bonney~" While watching Bonney change clothes, Rifan said,

"In front of me, you are still tender~"

"Shut up! Bastard teacher!" Bonney yelled and quickly changed into the training uniform. 

"This should be fine, when will we start my training!"

"Before you train, don't you need to wear underwear?" Rifan tilted his head, "I have reserves in my treasure house. Tell me your three-dimensionality, and I will prepare it for you."

"Haven't you seen mine already?!" Bonney said with a flushed face,"

"Don't say you looked away just now, I saw your eyes scanning my body! Having said that, why do you store those things in your treasure house, pervert!?"

"Haha, why don't you guess." Rifan said indifferently with his hands spread out.

"Forget it, I don't need to wear it, let's start training quickly." Bonney took a deep breath, "I feel a strange energy in my body, that should be what you call "qi". How should I train it?

The Turtle Hermit Martial Arts suit is still conservative, and she wears pants instead of skirts. At this time, Bonney doesn't want to change her clothes in front of Rifan.

"Training" Qi" is generally done by constantly using Qi to fight."

"But, it's a bit too slow after all, so let's use my method."

"By the way, you should already know how to use [Accel Dance] from the inheritance, why don't you try it?"

Hearing Rifan's words, Bonney plunged her mind into her mind, and as expected, how to use the [Accel Dance] emerged in her mind.

Bonney tried to use the dance technique, and the air began to spread out continuously in her body.

After nearly five minutes, Bonney found that her body was really floating, but before she was happy, she lost her balance and threw off, hanging directly on Rifan's outstretched hand.

"You can use the accel dance so quickly, not bad." Rifan nodded.

"With hard training and also a lot of hard work, it is not impossible to teach you to train the Ultra Instinct in the future."