
One Piece Gold List: The Strongest Teacher!

Follow Rifan our mc on the world of pirates as he changes the fate of his disciples. —read the Auxiliary for more info. .... ... ... ... [Tl/n: Support us on our Patreon if you want to read more chapters. [Patre0n.com/LazySeeker]] We're recruiting! We're looking for talented individuals to join our team to help us pump out high-quality chapters and pick up new series! Our current open positions are: > *Translators* > - 1$ per chapter > - Must be fluent in English, no previous translation experience is required so long as you pass our test. If you have any questions or want to submit the test, dm me on my discord: MyYandereWife#6736 Ps: There are still two open spots.

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571 Chs

Chapter 14:【Sword Domain • Celestial Phenomenon】

For the first time, Rifan left his own remarks on the Gold List.

At the current Dojo hall, Nami had already hung up his name, and even if others found it, Rifan would not be able to collect new disciples. 

And it may also cause some unnecessary trouble.

Although Rifan is not afraid, if he can save some trouble, Rifan is not willing to let problems come to him.

After opening a new Dojo hall, Rifan would consider accepting disciples.

For the exposure of his appearance, Rifan felt that it was a good thing, at least in the future, when the new Dojo hall opened, he would be able to make it more convenient for him to receive disciples. 

On the [Swordplay List], a person whose term exceeds the World's Strongest Swordsman accepts an apprentice, as long as it is a swordsman who asks to enter, there is no way to refuse.

[Hawkeye Mihawk: you're finally speaking, Rifan. how, do you want to take away the identity of the world's number one sword master in me? ]

[Red-haired Shanks: things have become interesting, it's rare to see Mihawk taking the initiative to invite someone to try it.]

[Dark King Rayleigh: there is no way, if I was younger, maybe I would also want to compete with such a sword master, looking at the age, Rifan is still very young. ]

[Golden Lion Shiki: hmm, the navy is really ridiculous, such a strong person, if he wants anything, it can be obtained it by force, there is no need to join your navy, it is better to join my pirate group to be more realistic. ]

[Admiral Kizaru: here it is again, you are soliciting people again. However, your Golden Lion Pirate group is far worse than the navy, and it will also be wanted by the navy and the world government, and even have an impact on his own disciples, Rifan should not want to do this. ]

[Rifan: Kizaru, are you threatening me? ]

[Momousagi Gion: Sire Rifan, please don't misunderstand, our navy does not mean that. ]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: You navy is really interesting, the only thing you know is letting out white and black. Rifan, come to my nation, I will hold the best tea party for you. Mamamama~]

After leaving a message, Charlotte Linlin looked at the golden list expectantly, but waited for half a day and did not see Rifan's reply again. Instead, the others' conversations became fierce.

Some say that Charlotte Linlin is sinister and has other plans.

Rifan was asked if he planned to fight Mihawk.

But none of them concerns her.

"Mom, will Rifan come?" On Cake Island, Charlotte Smoothie, who was also on the list, stood next to Charlotte Linlin.

"I don't know!" Charlotte Linlin shook her head, "However, such a strong person can't be hidden, and one day he will appear on this sea." "

"Smoothie, you say, what would you think if I asked you to marry this Rifan?"

Hearing her mother's words, Smoothie was shocked.

Although Charlotte Linlin had the practice of marrying her daughter to other powerful people while consolidating the power of their pirate group, Smoothie never thought that as one of the Four Sweet Commanders, she would also be asked about the marriage. But on second thought, Smoothie quickly figured it out.

In the past, there was no man who could be worthy of her, and now Rifan, who appears, is of the right age and strong strength and just meets the conditions for marriage with her.

It is understandable that Charlotte Linlin would say this.

"If mother asks me to marry Rifan, I am willing to accept it."

Knowing Charlotte Linlin's personality, Smoothie quickly replied as she did not want to be punished by Charlotte Linlin.

"Mamama~, that's fine." Charlotte Linlin nodded satisfactorily, and turned to look at the rest of her pirate group, "Listen all you all, pay attention to this man named Rifan on the sea."

"Yes, mom!" the members of the Big Mom Pirates replied in unison.

"Mom, look, Rifan is on the list again." Suddenly, Smoothie opened her mouth slightly, pointed to the sky and shouted in surprise.

"What, it's that guy again!" Charlotte Linlin quickly looked up.

She found Rifan's name written on the gold list.

——[swordplay list] 3rd place, [Sword Domain • Celestial Phenomenon], user, Rifan.

- both between men and the sword of cause and effect. after breaking through infinity and reaching the realm of [zero], pass the ultimate slash between [zero]. This is the sword that can cut off karma, curses, and sorrows.

[Dark King Rayleigh: it's really a powerful guy, this Rifan, don't tell me the top 5 spots are all his, right?]

[Hawkeye Mihawk: Sword Domain, it seems to be two completely opposite concepts to the 'Rule Of The Sword` just now.]

[Golden Lion Shiki: look at the video, this time he is using a double sword style, which is somewhat similar to me in the past, but why sheath the sword? ]

In the demonstration footage played by Golden List, Rifan inserted the two swords directly into the sheath of the sword at his waist.

Just when everyone was wondering, a huge figure suddenly appeared behind Rifan.

The giant had four hands, each with four huge long swords.

"The way of Asura—Sword Domain!"

With the murmur in Rifan's mouth, the giant turned into a white light and merged into Rifan's hands.


Suddenly, a hundred-meter-high white light sword blade spread into the air from Rifan's hands.

Rifan pressed down with both hands, and the lightsaber slammed through the sea in front of him, without even making a sound.

Just when people were wondering, the sea was suddenly divided into two pieces!


(2/2) These two chapter is sponsored by [Legorate]. Thank you for your support.

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