
One Piece: Energy Human

Daniel Kai, A guy who was living the dream of a shut-in on earth was suddenly involved in an accident that causes his death. Due to some unknown reason, he somehow ends up in his favorite anime world 'One Piece' after he wishes to go there during his last breath. What sort of fate awaits him? . . . . . . . . . . . . . I do not own one piece and the cover

Lord_Lou · Komik
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1 Chs

How It Start

[ A/N: I want a decent logia mc story that doesn't have already op mc since the start with an absurd system that gives him a stupid bloodline but I can't find it so I make one myself :)]

My name is Daniel Kai, A half German and half Chinese. I was born in Germany but due to my love for anime, manga, etc. I decided to move to Japan when I was twenty years old

I do get some opposition from my parents at first and had a hard time convincing them before but due to the stroke of luck from the lottery.

I manage to get the funds I needed to live a good life there while also giving an excuse to my parents like "I found a good job at Japan and my salary is pretty high so I will send some money each week"

Believing in my lie, my parents probably are very proud of me now. I used to be such a lazy person and actually still am now.

Don't get me wrong I love my parents and I contact them once in a while and also visit them at least thrice a month minimum. They also got a good amount of money each week to the point both of them already living the life of retirement without any worry for money.

And as they enjoy their lover's time together. There's me, a single man that enjoys himself with Japanese culture every day.


Today in particular was a very unique day. It was the day of my death actually. It all started on a beautiful Sunday morning at the children's park.

The loud kids are being noisy playing with each other while I just got out from a nearby convenience store.

I was actually planning to restock my snacks

and soda drinks at first but I saw my favorite manga, One Piece latest volume got released.

Unable to control myself, I decided to just go right ahead and buy it and since I got snacks by my side I can just read it at the children's park across the road I thought.

With the company of my beautiful chips and soda, I start my read. As I read and flip the book with my left hand, I use my right hand to be efficient. I use my right hand and grab some chips then shove them into my mouth and then using the same hand I grab the soda and drink it so I can quench my thirst.

Even the sounds of the loud children playing couldn't stop me from being focus on the story

I spent around fifteen minutes to finish reading half of the thick manga.

I have been a fan of One Piece since I was young and have been loving the series more and more especially with the great world building and unique concepts of the power that come from a devil fruit.

To be honest One Piece was the reason I became who I am now.


After finishing one pack of jumbo size chips I decided to call it quits and read the rest at home. After washing my hand and throw away the trash in the trash can. I then realize that I'm running out of snacks supply now.

It might only be one pack of chips but I'm too lazy to go out more than once a week so it's better to restock some more so that I don't need to go out anymore.

I was in a very happy mood as I was humming my way out of the park and as I was waiting for the light to turn green on the crossroad. Suddenly


Something hit me in the back of my head. And the momentum makes my body accidentally walk ahead a little and what's worse when I look to the side I saw a drunk truck driver.

He was driving at least a million miles per hour in my eyes. Just before I was about to get hit. I felt like the time slow down.

It was probably one of those brains working at crazy speed as death was nearing.

The thing that hit me was a ball and the person that kick the ball was one of the loud kids that kinda annoy my peaceful read.

During that last moments of my life, there are a few things that have been bothering me.

One, who gives that driver a job? Two, why did he drink alcohol so early in the fucking morning? And three, If I'm not dead after this I will make sure to sue that guy.


Argh, it hurts so bad and I feel like my body is flying. Wait it is flying the impact made my body flew a bit.


Hmm, the thud sound means that I landed huh? The kid who causes all of this was crying in fear. And It seems that the truck driver hit some pole. Hmm, his airbag saves him. damnit at least die with me!


My body feels weak and it's kinda wet for some reason. Ah! it was my blood. wow, that's a lot of blood. pretty sure I'm dead.

yup, I'm starting to lose consciousness and those people keep taking pictures just make it worse cause the flash from their phone makes my head dizzier now.

" My wish to know the ending of One Piece seems impossible now. Hmm, I hope those who got hit by a truck and reincarnated in another world trope is true and I hope the world I reincarnated to is the world of One Piece"

And as that as my last words, I leave the good life on earth with style.

I have nothing to worry about. My parents might grieve but hey at least they got money to take care of themselves now and I have already prepared a will that will transfer the remaining of my money to them...


More than 7 billion people on your world and you are the only one that have picked me up. You might not know what I am or when did you found me but since we are fated then I shall fulfill your wish again just like how I grant you wealth




World desire: Fictional world ' One Piece '

Pending approval.....


Additional privilege?: Unknown

What is your desire?


" What is this sensation? I feel drunk but at the same time not drunk. Is this how it feels to be high? I don't remember doing any drugs tho

What was that voice talking about? I pick it up? and why is there a huge screen in front of me now? "

What is your desire?

" was it a dream? was I actually sleeping at home and was not involved in any sort of accident?

Since it's a dream then screw it and im feeling drunk anyway so


Wish already granted...

what is your desire?

" Oh, then is this those cheats choosing dream before you transmigrate?

I had a few of these but wow the dream sure starts to be more realistic now.

Then I want to have a logia fruit as soon as I transmigrate! "

Pending approval...


Please specify the power you desire:____

" Urgh? so it can't give me random logia? urgh, I feel like passing out soon and my body feel so limp right now

I need more energy..."

Pending approval...

Fruit is uneaten!

Approval Granted!

Logia: Energy

Description: A logia that grant the user the ability to be one source of energy. Making the user an energy human that is capable of controlling one source of energy.


Energy needs to be kept in the body for the logia effects of turning the body into energy.

Have been granted as a parting gift


Additional requests were requested by an unknown being: A status window system, A 10 year protection, and a 1 year before cannon timeline.

Pending approval...

Status window: Approved

10 year protection: Denied

Improvising: (Change to 1 time protection within a year )

Timeline request: Approved

" Argh stop with the notification sound! Let me sleep peacefully in this comfy feeling...."


[A/N:Been keeping this story and not uploading for a while but I might not upload it in the end if I wait longer so I just post it now.

also if u read my other one piece fanfic till my latest notice then u should know that I won't be writing for a while due to some projects so don't expect me to update this story before im done]

This story update rate is slower than my other one piece fanfic so don't have too much hope :)

Lord_Loucreators' thoughts