
The Elden Lord's Terrible Luck

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The other two BluGoris hesitated, their grotesque faces twisting in fury as they registered the loss of their comrade. Kai stumbled back, his hand clutching at his wounded shoulder. The pain was unbearable, with his body crying out for reprieve with every labored breath, Warm blood seeped between his fingers and onto his skin, feeling hot and sticky. Having no other choice, he fumbled for his last two flasks of crimson and fell into their shimmering liquid promise for temporary relief. He winced as he downed the flasks, one by one, and the healing warmth spread through him once more, taking the edge off of the pain. The gash in his shoulder closed up,. At the same time that the flasks' healing magic washed over him, a notification flashed before his eyes

[23H59M57S to recharge all Flasks]

"Right! Cause giving me a goddamn site of grace wasn't a damn option!" thought Kai, then he heard Saldeath's voice again "Go ahead, Finish him! So what if one of you is dead?"

Kai's heart sank. He looked up at the two BluGoris, still standing before him, their large axes ready to erase him at any point, It was quite unimaginable to stand against them now, knowing what kind of strength they possessed. "I killed one, but…." he muttered under his breath, his voice tight with a mix of fear and frustration. "But there's no way I can take two more down, Not like this."

Saldeath, who had watched the entire scene unfold from afar, noticed something was different about this prisoner, His beady little eyes narrowed as he saw the wounds on the prisoner apparently vanish before his very eyes, That blood-soaked gash sealed itself, magic-like, before his face, The little imp stopped playing the flute for one instant. The twisted grin blurred to surprise, alarm very soft in his voice. "Is this a property of his ability? I've never heard of a Devil fruit such as this…." he thought with a mix of awe and astonishment

The Blugoris were on the move, trying to close distance with their target, this pushed Kai to use the only possible move had, he knew the odds were no longer in his favor

"If Elden Ring taught me anything, than that would be….if you can't win, RUN" 

As soon as he remembered his lessons from Elden Ring, Kai's body darted in the opposite direction of the Blugoris

Kai's body had never ran as much as it did today, he was going so fast, he didn't even bother to look back and check if his pursuers are still after him "I can see it, that damn castle! I can hide there!"

Kai's mind was only focused on the idea of reaching the castle and escaping the blugoris, Not realizing that he has long since evaded them, or it would be more accurate to say, they chose not to run after him

Sitting on one of the Blugoris' Shoulder, Saldeath had a contempt smile on his face as they walked with him back to his office "This was productive, I managed to gauge the Prisoner's level of strength, he had a hard time killing even one of my Blugoris, so Being in level four is perfect for him, he's already paying for his crimes, Besides" as Saldeath continued his train of thoughts, he remembered the direction the prisoner took, meant only Death.

"Out of all options he had, he managed to run in the only direction where Chief Warden's office is located"

As Kai's body started to get tired from all that running, he finally looked back to see he's alone "God damn it*huff*….I just ran an Olympic*Huff* Marathon….literally in hell *huff*" he looked around him, there seemed to be absolutely nothing, except for the massive castle, fortunately for him he reached it from the back side, so there was no one to see him, he laid down on it and ate another Fireproof Pickled Liver "I have one left….this is an utter failure….Where the hell am I supposed to find the stairway to level five in this hell hole…perhaps I should go inside and ask, But how am I supposed to do this? This is probably another prison like the other one, so if they see me like this, the guards will shoot first and ask later, and finding a disguise in this place is utterly useless!" as he thought about a way to get a disguise, Kai's mind lit up, Immediately opening his Notifications from Earlier

[You have gained 1200 runes]

[You have gained Soul of a Minor Beast]


"YES! This is amazing! That damned Blugori was equal to 1200 runes! Add to it the 500 from before! Yes ! Amazing I can craft something" screamed Kai, as he immediately tried to silence himself, hoping no one from the castle had heard him, he then started to scroll through the items he can craft

"Here it is!" said Kai, as he clicked on the item


Mimic's Veil

Cost: Soul of a Minor Beast / 500 Runes

Uses FP to mimic nearby objects

Single Use


"Mimic's Veil Baby! I used this to troll so many noobs when I invaded them in Elden Ring, it's usually not a very useful item in the game outside of multiplayer, But here! It's perfect! I just have to find a way in" as he started to think, he decided to keep himself stuck to the castle and walked around it, that way, even if there were guards up, they wouldn't be monitoring the place right beneath them, as he got close to the entrance he started to observe

"Lady Luck is finally on my side" thought Kai as he noticed some sort of carriage being pulled by a wild beast coming to the entrance "Let's see, I can hit the side of that Carriage with a GlintBlade, the items from it will fall, then I'll mimic one of them, problem is getting close without being detected….hmm"

With his plan ready, Kai secretly used his Glintblade to strike the side of the carriage, causing it to look like an accident as the items fell down, he then sprinted as fast as he could to the other side of the castle, taking a full spin around it, as he stopped to collect his breath, he noticed the guards were helping the carriage drivers and guards to collect the items, so he sneaked in quietly

As he reached it Kai mimicked the first thing he could see, then he felt his body turn into that thing "Oh god, this is Nausea inducing!" his vision narrowed, and more focused until.. "WHAT!" thought Kai as he realized what he had become "A fucking Toilet Paper!" Kai thought as he looked at the item near him, with words written on it 'Premium Toilet Paper'

"It's an Awful feeling, but! this is okay! This will last at least ten minutes, as soon as I get the chance I will transform back, steal a guard's clothes, and start asking around, thank god Surveillance Moshi don't work on Level 4"

The Carriage driver was about to board when he noticed the Toilet Paper "Huh? Another one? Did I bring two? Meh doesn't matter" as he grabbed it and put it with the other stuff before placing a curtain covering it

The Carriage started to move again, closing in on the gate, as Kai tried to scan his surroundings "Huh? This is weird Statues, Paintings, Luxury food, and fucking, Premium Toilet Paper!!! What is this carriage? I thought it was just basic supplies for prisoners? I didn't expect to see Luxury items here" as Kai kept on scanning the weird items, the Carriage passed the gate towards the castle, and Kai received a notification 


New Quest!

Welcome To Chief Warden Magellan's Fortress

Quest Objective: Survive


As Kai read through his System's notification, His eyes were only focused on the bright red words 'Survive' as he started to realized that Lady Luck was indeed, not on his side

"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? MAGELLAN'S FUCKING FORTRESS! OF ALL PLACES!" as his mind started to scream due to the misery he was in, the carriage suddenly stopped then someone removed the curtain that was blocking Kai's vision of the outside, he looked to see the smile of a man with a big belly and a face resembling that of a Devil and a pharaoh, the smile was one of the creepiest things Kai had ever seen, as the man had a good laugh looking at all the stuff

"HAI HAI HAI HAI! Let's see what we have here! Yes! Send those paintings and statues to my office HAI HAI HAI! I'm in need of more decoration! Send the food as well HAI HAI HAI In fact just send Everything!" laughed the man as he stared at the items to which one of the guards "Yes Sir! However…..Vice Warden Hannyabal Sir….The Toilet Paper is a request made but the Chief warden" as the he heard the guard, the Vice Warden Smiled more as he said

"Yes yes, Send the toilet paper to Chief Warden Magellan's office, we don't want him to destroy another toilet out of anger because he ran out of them again"

The Guards started to move the items as Kai realized that he was quite literally fucked "I am toilet paper….And right now they are taking me to Magellan's office….Should I just kill myself now?"


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