
One Piece: Brave Frontier (To Be Rebooted)

"Where am I? Why am I in this blank void of nothingness?" all around me all I could see was darkness everywhere. "And who am I? I can't remember anything...." "Why your nobody, well at least for now your nobody." I turn myself to see a man, what I assume to be man covered in a gray cloak covering everything but his white gloved hands that were holding an weird looking book with characters and pictures all over it "What do you mean by that exactly?" "Why your dead of course, and everything that made you, you has been stripped from you." I was shocked at what I heard but the he said, "Then again you weren't really anybody back in your past life, no lover, no close family left, you were all alone in the end, that's pretty sad if you think about it, but the only reason were talking is what you did after your death, and why your about to receive your reward from what you did." Now lets see how this story will go. I do not own any of the Characters from either One Piece or Brave Frontier. All rights are reserved to their respective creators. Just as a heads up I upload more on Weds. and Thurs. because I'm off work those days and I might be able to upload on other days but just don't always expect there to be an upload on those days Also I don't own the picture used for the new front cover of the book, all rights are reserved to its original creator. Update 1/4/22- Also I say if you can get passed the first 7 chapters the story gets better and more tolerable for people to read

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151 Chs

Fishers Tale Pt. 3 (Long Chapter)

After they got there supplies and got away from Whiskey Peak the Spade Pirates were making there way to Alabasta.

(A/N Just so this all adds up time wise, Pt. 2 took place before the Handsome vs. Beauty chapter, and this part takes place during that event as well as everything afterwards and up to a little bit after the last chapter.)

"Ace I heard that Firebrand Vargas is recruiting more pirate crews for the Monster Fleet it seems." Fisher says to Ace while Ace is taking a nap on the bow of the ship.

"Hmm? Is he now? Well it doesn't matter to me really though I do want to fight him and see his moves and see who's stronger." He says before doing a kick stand and then sending out a flurry of fiery fists showing how excited he is to test his skills against another Fire user just like himself.

"Sure if you want to go out and get your ass kicked be my guest."

"Why do you have so little faith in me Fisher?"

"It's only been a few months, not even a year since you got your fire powers, and he's just like me he was born with his powers and has had years of practice just like me, so in all likelihood he would just toy around with you until your to tired to go on before one shotting you, I heard the reason he got his status more because since his powers are natural he is completely immune to seastone, he's more a Warlord because he's a threat to them if left unchecked."

"Hmph, we will see about that, and so I won't have any problems with facing off against him then I'm gonna ask you to train me more, you have already taught me flame claw and how to make a small flame hot enough to cut through metal, now I want to learn more!"

"Well if you think your up for it, the next thing we can work on is making flames that cover and protect your body, it will easily melt away bullets or blades that get to close to you." Fisher says before taking off his shirt and covering his body in flames that looks similar to a knights armor.

And soon Fisher and Ace started up there training once again while on there way to Alabasta.

And after a few days as they were nearing Alabasta, since they stole an Eternal Pose for Alabasta specifically as they have heard tales of Little Garden and don't want to be stranded there for a year until there Log Poses fix themselves before they can travel further along the Grand Line.

"Captain it's her again." Deuce says while looking out through his binoculars at the marine ship chasing us in the distance.

"Oh it's Isuka again? What is that like the 3rd time this week? Hang on I'll deal with it." Ace says while taking aim before firing of a fireball long distance and hitting there sails causing them to lose speed as there ship out ran her ship.

"There dealt with, now let's get back to heading off to Alabasta." Ace says before laying back down on the deck and resuming his nap.

"DAMN THOSE PIRATES!!!" Isuka shouts before she has to help out her crew with fixing there sail just so they can chase down the Spade Pirates once more.



After a long journey they finally reach there destination of going to Alabasta, and had about a day to spare so they went around to see the sights of this desert kingdom.

"Besides it being hot and full of sand, this country is beautiful sight to behold." Deuce says while he, Ace and Fisher go around Alubarna, the capital of Alabasta.

"It really is, though for me and Fisher here, the heat isn't much for us, right old man?"

"Pfft, when you get to my level with fire control, you can swim through lava like water without issue." Fisher says stroking his own ego a bit.

"Yeah when you were younger old man maybe." Ace says with a smirk before he gets a cold shiver running down his back before looking at Fisher who is cracking his knuckles.

"Oh so you want to test my skills you little brat?"

Hearing that it's like he could see the shadow of his grandfather looking at him, and seeing that appearance he instantly bolted away before Fisher began to give chase.


"Leave me be Old Man!" They say to one another as they begin to chase each other all around Alubarna for the rest of the day.

The day after with aces body still sore from Fisher kicking his ass, they decided to head over to the head quarters of Firebrand Vargas.

But by the time they got there it was being blocked off by some knights at the entrance, and they clearly weren't the knights from Alabasta so they went nearby the windows to listen in on what is going on.

"Why are you not acknowledging my presence? You know this is a disgrace against my honor?" They can hear someone with a rather haughty voice talking.

"Hang on let me get a better look." Fisher says as he peaks through the curtains to see a rather beautiful blonde haired man arguing with a fiery headed fellow.

After seeing what's going on Fisher came back to Ace and Deuce to explain what's going on, "It seems the Pirate Prince Cavendish is having a rather heated argument with Firebrand."

"Ugh, the guy who thinks is the only man in the world that deserves every beautiful woman in existence, he here?" Deuce saying as he is personally disgusted by Cavendish's personality.

"God I hate that guy, we only met each other once before and I don't want to think about it anymore than I have to, but if he's here does he want to join the monster fleet?" Ace says wondering why is he here.

"Well from what I have been hearing he wants the place of the first ship in the monster fleet as his, that's currently the spot that Firebrand occupies so…" Fisher says before they start to hear shouts before Cavendish storms off in a huff.

"And it seems Cavendish just challenged him to a duel at the royal arena later on today, actually I think this is perfect because you can see his moves for yourself instead of just taking my word for it on how skilled he is, as you are right now you are around Cavendish's level or slightly above it, so seeing them fight will gauge on your level of strength compared to Firebrand." Fisher says as he begins to lead Ace and Deuce to the arena

"Please, we both know I can take down Cavendish no sweat after all that training you put me through."

"Will see about that kid, because I get the feeling Cavendish hasn't ever shown off his full potential in front of you." Fisher says before they continue on to the Royal Arena and take some up close seats as it had been less than an hour but it seems Cavendish is going around and spreading to the people the duel between him and Firebrand Vargas, so people were starting to show up in droves to watch the fight, some were cheering for Cavendish while everyone else was cheering for Vargas.

"I have to ask, but Firebrand is a pirate right? Why is he so loved by the people of Alabasta?" Ace says as he's personally confused why everyone seems to love and respect him.

"Well for one thing he is the one that protects the seas around Alabasta more than the Alabasta military, there more well suited for land/desert battles than fighting out in the sea, so he protects this country as its within his territory of control, another thing that I have heard passed around but no one talks about is back when the Warlords first started out when he was still 17, same age as you Ace, there were 8 warlords not there current 7 that there are now, though I have heard rumors that Jinbe might have retired from being a Warlord for some reason, but point being there were originally 8 of them and that the one meant to protect the seas around Alabasta was the 8th one, Crocodile was his name I believe, and on the surface he seemed like any other pirate but took guarding his territory seriously, so the people of Alabasta loved him just as they loved Vargas, but he had plans on destroying this kingdom and taking it for himself as he believed one of the ancient weapons were hidden here in Alabasta, but Vargas had a bad feeling about Crocodile supposedly, so he had some of his rather low key crew mates infiltrate Crocodiles group and over the course of a few years discovered his plans and personally got him saying what he had done on recording, he then brought that intel to the marines and after a week of delegation from the 5 elders they decided they wanted Crocodile taken down, but since they didn't want to have there oh so precious reputation harmed they decided to have him and a few elite marines to come to Alabasta and kill Crocodile and destroy everything he was trying to do and not let the world know they almost let a mad man destroy a country without there notice and played it off as if he was killed fighting other pirates before shelving all that info and forgetting about it, but the king personally knew of his actions and welcomed him to be Alabastas new protector which as you see now he accepted and all that took place within the span of 2 years it ending when he was 19, now if he can kill off another Warlord at 19 and now he's 26 years old how much stronger do you think he is now kid?" Fisher says as he explains some of Firebrands origins.

"Wait Fisher how do you know any of this in the first place?" Deuce says confused from hearing the entire conversation.

"Before I got stranded on Sixis with you two I was actually a guy who would go around the world to gather info and sell it to the highest bidders, but I pissed to many people off and they threw me and my pet out to sea to let us drown, luckily King had some ice abilities making us a small Iceburg that I could sit on as we drifted around the sea until we got marooned on Sixis and well as you can see the rest is history, it's also why I like it if you call me Fisher instead of my real name if that makes any sense to you two." Though he would like to explain more, as he was telling them a bit of Vargas's backstory they weren't paying attention to the fact that time had flew by as the arena was completely packed and that both Cavendish and Vargas were standing in the arena facing each other off.

Cavendish had his sword drawn while Vargas only had his fists out and that they started to turn black in color as he readied himself for the fight, though from what they saw it was more Cavendish trying to give it his all while Vargas was more or less toying around with him.

"See kid, if he was even taking it seriously he would have taken out his sword, he's just making fun of Cavendish since he's not a worth opponent in his eyes."

"But I don't see a sword on him old man, he never brought one here." Ace says as he's looking around for his sword but not seeing one.

"That's because just like me he can summon his sword as his blade is a weapon made from both a part of his soul and his flames, not officially a Meito like all of the named blades as it was never made it has just existed as a part of him, but it is strong enough to take a full on attack from Dracule Mihawks primary sword, Yoru, and didn't take a scratch, so it could also technically be on the same level as a supreme grade Meito, but that is questionable and has yet to be determined, after we head off and further down the Grand Line Ace I will teach you how to make your own personal soul sword as well, but it will be a long an hard process to make it, but having it will save your life one day, so long as you have the will to live it will protect you with all its might, but now it's time to watch the duel…" Fisher says as they go back to watching the match, and by that time Cavendish was on the ground and Vargas had just tossed his Meito to the downed Cavendish before beginning to turn away as he believed they were done here.

But something changed in Cavendish as he seemed to have lost consciousness not from battle but from sheer anger but he still got up with only the whites of his eyes showing with a huge evil grin on his face.

And almost as ode seeing what happens next Vargas turns and faces him before summoning blade and defending himself from attacks so fast that it's hard for the naked eye to keep track of it, but they knew he was being attacked as sparks kept flying off of his blade as he blocked and parried every attack coming at him with ease but because of the speed of the attacks there were no obvious openings at the moment.

"Think you could block those attacks as easily as he does kid?" Fisher says looking at the slightly sweating Ace.

"Ok Old Man I know when I'm not a match, but sometime soon I do want to fight him, just not today it seems."

Then suddenly it seems Vargas found an opening and capitalized on it by hitting Cavendish's blade and sending it flying before hitting with a full force attack straight to his gut making him fall to his knees before completely losing consciousness this time for good.

The crowd roared and cheered for the fight, but Ace seemed like he just wanted to get back to the ship as after the fight ended he began to leave with Fisher and Deuce following him.

"Fisher I want you to go hard on me, nonstop and help me get stronger and help me earn my own sword that I can use to fight him on equal footing, I prefer using my fists over everything but after seeing that sword of his, I want to make one for myself, so please teach me!" Ace said before lower his head to Fisher.

"Alright kid I'll do it, but I'm not gonna be going easy on you, if you want to learn it you have to train hard or else you'll never learn it."

And with that said they got back on there ship with Aces even more intensive training regimen began once more, Fisher even started to teach Ace some of the fundamentals of Haki, as if he can begin to master Haki that comes from his life force itself he can one day be able to manifest his own personal blade.

And so they journey went on further down the Grand line with them fighting other pirates crews, other marines that tried to stop them, Isuka who kept chasing them until finally Ace had gotten a large enough bounty that he was officially considered a Super Rookie in the pirate world by the time they docked up in Shabody before they would make way for FishMan Island.

"Odd, I wonder why the Monster and the Big Ma pirates would attack Impel Down, and it seems they lost and couldn't get in, we're they trying to save someone that had gotten locked up or something?" Deuce says as he read over the news paper while they were walking around Shabody waiting for there pirate ship to get its bubble pain applied to it.

"No clue, it even says they lost and retreated but from what I heard the Fleet guarding Impel down lost more than 8/10ths of there ships while supposedly Big Ma only lost a couple, so it's even more a mystery why they retreated." Fisher says looking over the newspaper as well.

"Well that doesn't really matter to us, all I've been hearing about is that the slums here kids aren't getting enough food so that's why we're heading there now to get them some food." Ace says carrying a sack full of apples over his shoulders.

"Ahh Captain, I didn't know you had a bleeding heart for kids." Fisher says making fun of Ace a bit.

"Man I grew up in the mountains for a good chunk of my life, I had to forage around and steal to get food, so I know what these kids are going through, that's why I want to help because they remind me of my younger self."

Ace says as he talks about some of the time he spent in the mountains being raised by bandits alongside his two brothers, but then he thinks about the one brother he losted and gets sad, but doesn't let Fisher and Deuce see it.

Soon after they find some kids that look hungry and begin to feed them some apples so they can eat, after giving them each a hand full Ace just leaves the bag full of apples with them, "Take these and keep yourselves nice and fed alright?" The kids just smile at all the food and nod as they help each other work together to haul the big heavy bag of apples away.

"Aww isn't that sweet, a group of pirates going out of there way to feed some starving kids, maybe the things I've heard about you are true Portagas D. Ace." Says a man wearing a marine vice admiral uniform and next to him is none other than Isuka.

"Oh? So you have heard of me have you? You mind introducing yourself?" Ace says before crossing his arms as he looks at the tall and rather broad armed man.

"My name is Vice Admiral Draw, and me and Isuka here have come to deliver a message to you personally, the 5 elders have asked if you would be willing to join the current 7 warlords of the sea and remake it into the original 8 warlords of the sea, as it has been several years since the last member who owned that seat unfortunately passed away fighting other pirates." Draw says as he hands the invitation over to Ace.

Ace then looks over to Fisher as what he said about there originally being 8 warlords being true before opening the invitation and reading it.

Though he does read it and understands why the warlords are in place, he ultimately burns up the invitation in his hands, "No deal, personally besides a few of them I despise most of the Warlords of the Sea for being nothing but dogs to the Marines, and I won't be put on a leash by the likes of you."

"Well I have the same feelings, I personally hate the whole idea of the Warlord system, and wouldn't mind it being completely destroyed altogether, but unfortunately for you-" he says before revealing his arms that are both covered in flamethrowers, "-that makes you my enemy!" He shouts before sending a wave of flame at the three of them.

Ace jumps to the left to dodge while Fisher grabs Deuce and they both jump to the right to dodge the on coming flames.

But since he doesn't care for destruction it seems he begins to shoot his flames all around causing the slums to catch fire and making those live in the slums panic and try to get away in fear.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING! YOUR GOING TO GET INNOCENT PEOPLE KILLED!" Ace shouts as he dodged the flames, sure he could take them in but if he personally doesn't have a proper feel for the flames at there specific temperature he can still get burned himself and if he over heard his body he will be doing more damage to the slums by setting things on fire as well.

"They'll just be on your head then and not mine Ace! After all us marines are the hero's so we can blame everything on pirates like you!" He says as he goes on a rampage shooting flames everywhere.

This freaks out Isuka as this laughter that she's hearing from Draw is the same laughter she heard from the night of the pirate attack that ate her village on fire, and she came to realize that back then the man who saved her life, Draw, was actually the man who started that fire that killed her parents, realizing the person she looked up to and became a marine because of him, was the one who killed her family made her break down into tears as she didn't want to help him if this is who he truly is.

(A/N if you guys read One Piece novel A, which is what I based all of Aces adventures off of, you'll be able to see the full story of things that I decided to cut out for time reasons and also so things that are happening make more sense to you, if you want that is.)

"Deuce! Get those canisters off him! That will stop the flamethrowers, Ace! Take this asshole down! I'll deal with the fires! Remember what I talked to you about haki! It's the only way you'll take him out!" Fisher says before he heads off into the flames to deal with the fires raging around in the slums, which for him isn't an issue since he can just draw the flames back towards him so he began to run around the slums putting out fires.

Meanwhile Ace and Deuce teamed up together to take on Draw, and while he was distracted Deuce was able to get the canisters off of Draw before he was able to toss Deuce off of him and send him crashing into a building.

"DEUCE!!! GRRRRAHHH!!! Your gonna pay for that!" Ace says as he activates some of the haki that he has available to him and begins a fist fight with Draw but Draw has had more time to practice his Haki skills than Ace as he begins to over power him.

In the meantime while Ace was trying to hold Draw off Fisher was able to go around and stop the fires and save people who had gotten trapped, which luckily weren't that many, and even luckier no one had died as well, after seeing that everyone was ok he booked it back to where the fight was going on, and saw that even though Draw didn't have his flamethrowers anymore he was still thrashing Ace around while Deuce seemed to be a bit to hurt to help out.

After Fisher checked up on Deuce and seeing that he was fine Fisher came along and saw how poorly Ace was doing, "Little bastard! Was like my teaching for nothing?!" He shouts before appearing to Draws side and instantly giving him a full force haki infused kick to his side sending him crashing into a house.

"Ace you need to focus! Take all that anger you have been building up for him and focus it on your fist, and then when your ready, knock that asshole into the ground!" He says showing Ace what his fist should look like infused with haki taking on a pure black sheen over his fist.

Ace nods before focusing on his right fist and forcing all the anger and rage at the guy who would go around abusing his power and putting all the blame on them just because he's a marine, the sight of Deuce hurt, the charred buildings, even seeing Isuka crying pissed him off more and more, and by the time Draw had gotten himself out of the building and coming back full force at Ace he had finally cover his fist completely in haki before smashing Draws face in so hard that he smashed through a few buildings before completely losing consciousness.

Seeing that he was finally able to do it, Fisher patted him on the back, "Well done kid, your starting to learn how to use Haki, your officially entered the big leagues now, so go help Deuce and see if he's doing ok, I'm going to talk to the girl and see why she's like that." Fisher says seeing the rather sad looking Isuka off to the side.

Ace just nods before going off to check up on Deuce, Fisher then goes over to the girl and sits next to her, "What's wrong lass?" And soon after Fisher asks Isuka sobbingly tells her story and why she became a marine was because of Draw but just realized he's the one that burned down her village when she was young and killed her parents, not pirates, and now she doesn't know what to do with her life.

"Well lass, I will say this, the marines are not the good guys, they are only called justice because they keep order in the world, but they are not any better than pirates, all they have is the governments backing and training so they have the free range to do whatever they want within reason, but they can be just like Draw and do horrible things and say pirates did it and will never look into it unless there's plenty of evidence to say it was his fault, when we leave he will most likely blame this all on Ace and the Spade pirates and making it as if he tried to stop us but unfortunately a fire broke out and a lot of those living here in the slums unfortunately lost there homes, if it weren't for us pirates on top of that people would be dead now, now you tell me is this truely justice?" Fisher says as he asks Isuka that simple yet difficult question to answer, that to the point makes her realize that she can't stay in the marines if it's this bad and corrupt.

"Sir…. What am I supposed to do now? If most of the marines are like this, then the people I look up to are nothing but pirates that call themselves hero's, I don't know what I should do with my life now…."

"Then you should come and join my crew Isuka." Ace says as both he and Deuce come back, after Ace helped patch him up a bit before offering his hand to the sad Isuka.

"Lass I think you should take this offer, unlike those other pirate crews out there we don't like going around raiding villages, hell we even go around taking down bad pirates just like the marines are supposed to do, really the only bad thing we ever did was stop some marine ships from chasing us, so I think you should take him up on his offer." Though even with Fisher saying that she still seemed conflicted about it all.

"Well I'll leave you to think about it, but you only have till tomorrow because that's when our bubbling is done." Ace says before standing up and walking away, both Fisher and Deuce look between the two before Deuce follows Ace while Fisher just pats her back before following after them as well, leaving Isuka alone with her thoughts.



The next day, the bubbling was finally done for there ship, but they looked around and didn't see Isuka anywhere.

"Sorry Captain… looks like she doesn't want to come along with us after all." Fisher says after coming on board while he and the rest of the crew haul up swimming gear and rebreathers as well as a bubble protector for Ace if he goes out off the ship at all.

Ace does look a bit depressed that she decided to not join with them after all, but seeing this Fisher just grins before elbowing the young man in the chest.

"What's this kid? Are you developing feelings for the girl or something?" But hearing that Ace just pulls down his head and turns away from him.

"Pfft, whatever old man, it's her choice if she doesn't want to join or not, if we have everything then let's just set sail already." He says before going up the deck and standing next to Deuce.

But as they were about to set sail they hear the sound of a woman shouting, it's Isuka but she's not wearing her marine uniform and is just wearing some normal clothes like everyone else, "Guys! Wait for me!" She shouts before jumping from the docks and barely being able to cling onto the ship before Ace, with Fisher and Deuces help, grabs onto Isuka and pulls her up on board.

"So I take it you want to join up with us lass?" Fisher says with a smirks as he nudges Ace who just pushes the old man off him.

"Yes, I have had a long thought about it, and so long as you keep true to what you guys said about yourselves and don't go around like bad pirates I want the join up with you guys and go out there and see the world."

"Well as Capetian of the Spade pirates, I welcome you aboard my crew Isuka, so Deuce, let's set sail, it's time we go to FishMan island, and after that to the New World!" He says with a shout to the rest of the crew who all begin to cheer as they make there way to there next destination, FishMan Island.