

The next morning Jack and Luke made their way towards the dock bright and early. When they got there they found Smoker sitting on a beach chair surrounded by boxes, while Tashigi stood behind him with a a sword in her hand.

"Good morning Smokey, and to you as well four eyes." Jack cheerfully greeted. "Why you!... Who do you think you are?!!" Tashigi shouted angrily. Jack was about to say that he was her Captain, but a shake of the head from Smoker slienced him.

"You will find out who I am in due time, but for now let me get your stuff." After saying that, Jack walked over to all of the belongings and with a touch, made them all disappear. Smoker's eyes widened, while Tashigi jumped back in fright and drew her sword. "What did you just do?!! And where is all of our stuff?!!" Tashigi warily asked.

Luke was watching everything with an amused expression on his face, and when Tashigi freaked out he couldn't help himself and burst out laughing. "HAHAHA!! You should see the look on your face!!" Luke called out.

After calming himself a little he added, "Your stuff is fine. The Captain here has a Devil Fruit power which allows him to store things so we don't have to worry about it." Smoker looked interested what Jack's Devil Fruit power could be, while Tashigi had a confused look on her face.

She knew about Devil Fruits from her time with Smoker, but she didn't know that they could grant someone a power like storing stuff. Jack didn't explain anything, he just walked over to the end of the docks and made a little ship appear. "Incredible!!" Tashigi exclaimed. The all boarded and then they turned their attention to Jack. "Where are we going?" Smoker asked calmly.

Jack turned to Smoker then said, "Well we are going back to Foosha Village to see someone, then we are going to go and get a navigator, after that we are going to recruit a lot of people to join us. We will stop and train for about 6 months then head out to find more people and kill a certain few. I had wanted to kill a certain target before we started training, but he isn't in East Blue yet so it will have to wait."

Luke just nodded along, while Tashigi looked like she had no idea what was going on, cause she didn't. Smoker looked around the little ship before saying, "Is getting a bigger ship on that list? This little thing won't fit all of us, and there is no place to train?" To his question Jack had an ear to ear smile.

"We already have a bigger ship, but this one is by far faster to get where we need to go. Speaking of which, you all might want to hang on to something." At Jack's words, Luke grabbed hold of the mast like usual while Smoker and Tashigi looked puzzled. "If you don't want to die then grab hold of something and hang on as tight as you can!" Luke warned seriously.

Tashigi and Smoker both grabbed hold of something while Jack sat down towards the rear of the Ship. "Here we go!" As the words reached everyone, a big glowing ball started to form behind Jack, and after a few seconds it exploded sending the little ship flying in the direction of Dawn Island. Tashigi was screaming her head off, while Smoker's eyes were wide as dinner plates. Luke laughed at their reactions as he had been in the same situation as them.

When they were in the air it got easier for them, but they still had to shout to be heard because of the wind. "This is amazing!!" Tashigi shouted as she took in the view below. She had never thought she would actually get to fly like this before. Smoker had calmed down as well and wasn't as excited as Tashigi, but you could tell he was enjoying himself.

After awhile of flying through the air, they spotted something in the distance. "We're here Cap!" Luke shouted as he looked through some binoculars. Jack stopped spewing fire at the back of the ship and went to the front. Jack slowed their flight and gradually had them decend back into the water before he allowed himself to take a break.

"That was so fun! Can we do it again?!" Tashigi shouted happily. "Calm down Tashigi! We need to talk!" Smoker shouted with a tired look on his face. He would have to tell Tashigi about them quitting the marines sometime, and now would be as good a time as any.

"Before we do or say anything to each other, lets get to land first" Jack said as he eyed Smoker, daring him to involve him in some dramatic bullshit. "Fine. It can wait *Sigh*." Smoker replied with a sigh.

When they got to the docks, they all got off the ship before Jack stored it away, then he turned his attention to Smoker and shouted, "Good luck Smokey!" As soon as the words left his mouth, he and Luke took off at a run towards Makino's bar. Smoker just sighed again as he looked to Tashigi. "We need to talk..."

Jack and Luke made their way into Makino's bar, it was there they saw a group of depressed looking people and one badly beaten and bruised Gary. "Gary!! What happened to you?!!" Jack shouted trying to sound sympathetic, but his big smile gave him away.

Everyone saw his smile, Gary included. The injured man got to his feet and hobbled over to Jack as he shouted, "What was in that letter?!" Jack couldn't help but erupt into laughter. "HAHAHA!! I-I'm so-rry. HAHAHA!!" Jack tried speaking between his fit of laughter, but wasn't making good progress. After calming down a little Jack said, "I am sorry. Could you please tell me what happened?"

"Well it happened when we got to Cocoyasi."


Gary and his three companions got off the ship at the Cocoyasi docks and made their way into town. They went around and made the trades and bought the goods they came to get, all but the tangerines. They asked around and got the location of a young woman who sells them with her sister.

Making their way there, they met a cute little redhead who was sitting out front. "Hello miss, would you be Nojiko?" Gary asked hopefully. The redhead looked at them before she asked, "What business do you have with my sister?"

Gary pulled out the letter before he replied, "We are here to buy some tangerines, also I was asked to give her this letter by a man named Jack." As soon as Nami heard the name "Jack" she bolted to her feet and tried to get the letter, but before she could get it, the door to the house was slammed open and a blue haired young woman stood in the doorway with an angry look.

"Nami!!" Nojiko shouted angrily causing Nami to freeze in place. She had tried to hide the letter so she could check it's contents before Nojiko, but was caught in the act. Nojiko walked over to Gary and took the proffered letter from his grasp, then tore open the envelope.

Dear Nojiko,

I hope you are doing well and you haven't gotten fat in my absence. I will be coming back to Cocoyasi in the near future to steal your sister and have her join me on my journey throughout the world as my navigator. I know she will say yes to my offer becuase she will be living her dream while being protected, and I will also pay for all of her expenses.

That girl loves money, I wonder what she would do for the right price, "Wink Wink". When I get there we can have lots of fun, you and I. I know you are thinking about me all the time, so I hope this note lets you feel better in knowing I'm thinking about you to. And your sister. By the way, do try to quit smoking. It is a disgusting habit and doesn't suit a pretty young girl like yourself. Miss you xoxox

Sincerely, your one and only love Captain Jack Sparrow.

After reading the letter Nojiko's face was crimson. She was brought out of her thoughts by the voice of the messenger. "I can take a response back for him if you'd like. No charge." Gary said happily.

What followed was Nojiko beating him unconscious, then she turned to the other three people with him, "Get your friend, go back to Jack and tell him I will rip it off if he so much as points it in my sisters direction!!" Nojiko screamed in fury. After that the three men picked up Gary and rushed towards the docks and immediately departed from Cocoyasi.

(End of Flashback)

"After that I got patched up, then we searched for some place that would sell us some tangerines before coming back here" Gary said ending his tale. Jack looked like he was trying to hold in his laughter, but it turned out to not be so hard once he felt a hand grab his shoulder.

Looking behind him he saw Makino looking at him with a clearly forced smile on her face as she said through gritted teeth, "What was in the letter?" Jack shuddered and made a break for it. As he was running he shouted, "Luke thinks you're a monster!!" Luke didn't even hesitate to bolt from the room following right behind Jack, with a pissed off Makino right behind them. "You traitor!!" Luke shouted.

Eventually they decided to stop running and take their punishments like men, and had to clean the entire bar from top to bottom and Jack had to pay the four traders a sizable sum before they looked happy. Jack got Makino to be happy when he gave her tons of stuff and the new pistols he got her from Loguetown. This settled her anger, but they still had to clean the bar.

When Smoker walked into the bar he was more confused than ever. There was Luke scrubbing the walls, while Jack was mopping the floor. They both looked over at Smoker and the teary eyed Tashigi behind him before they said in unison, "Not one word." Smoker just shrugged his shoulders before he went to an empty table and ordered some food and a bottle of Rum for himself and Tashigi.

"I take it Smokey told you about us huh?" Jack asked after a moment of silence. Tashigi nodded her head in confirmation. "So who is this Navigator that we're getting and where is he?" Luke asked, breaking the awkward atmosphere.

Jack kept scrubbing the floors as he spoke, "First of all 'he' is a 'She, and she is in Cocoyasi. She is one of, if not the best navigator in the world. Or at least she will be in the future. Her talent for navigation is almost scary. It's almost as if she has a sixth sense for the weather and the ocean."

Everyone in the room was stunned when they heard his words. "How do you know about her abilities?" Luke asked curiously. "I stalked her for a long time" Jack replied nonchalantly.

Makino started to march towards him, but when he saw her pissed off expression he quickly added, "It wasn't like that!! I kept an eye out for talented or terrible people. That's how I knew how a pirate captain faked his death and tried to kill hundreds of people. There are lots of people I kept an eye on, which could be considered stalking, but I was just keeping tabs."

"So when do we leave?" Smoker chimed in. "First thing in the morning. We will most likely have to spend a night in Cocoyasi before getting everyone else. I wanna come back here once we get everyone to train. There will also be lots of children and women who will probably stay here as well, so this place is perfect for training grounds." At Jack's words everyone looked confused as to what he was talking about, but he didn't bother to explain.

I want to point out that although he teases Nojiko about Nami, this will not be a harem. I find it exremely unrealistic how he characters automatically fall for the MC in other FF and they all are Okay with sharing. Anyway, enjoy the chapter

GrimsReapercreators' thoughts