

Jack woke up to the sounds of birds chirping and running water from the river. Climbing out of the tent, he touched it, and with a mental command the tent dissappeared into thin air. Checking his inventory he saw one tent, one plate, and one fork. Satisfied with himself he glanced around the area, thinking of what his next step would be. 'First I need to figure out where the hell I am, then work from there.' He started walking towards the highest point that he could see, which happened to be a large hill, so he could get a better view than what he got from climbing the tree yesterday.

While walking towards the hill he grabbed anything he could and sold it, slowly but surely raising his funds. After a little over an hour of walking he had to stop and sit down for a break. "These shoes fucking suck!!" Jack cursed aloud. Taking the time to browse through the shop, he came across a really nice pair of boots. In the description it mentioned they were great for hiking or working. Looking at the price of $2,500 berries he wasn't surprising in the least, but still depressed nonetheless. Looking at the amount that he had, his happiness was rekindled. He didn't keep track of how much he had made when selling random things as he was walking, but seeing the $2,022 berries definately made him smile.

Looking around for some things he could sell to make up the remainder his eyes landed on a fallen tree. It was still green so it hadn't fallen over that long ago. Walking over to it he touched it, and the sell price of $350 berries popped up. Immedatley selling the tree and watching it vanish into thin air, he looked to his funds and saw that it jumped up to $2,372 berries. "Awesome!!" He cheered. Looking around for more fallen trees, a thought struck him. 'Why do they have to be fallen?' Thinking that he walked over to the closest tree and touched it, mentally trying to sell it.

1 Oak Tree. Sell price: $500 berries Yes/No

Mentally clicking yes, he watched as the tree vanished from view. "How fucking broken is this?" Jack mummbled to himself. 'There's no way that there isn't a catch to this' He thought. Looking at his now $2,872 berries he went back and purchased the boots that he had been eyeing before. Pulling them out of his inventory he put them on. He was going to sell his walking shoes, but it sounded stupid to not have an extra set of foot wear, and if everything was this expensive then he would wait till he had a different pair. He decided to continue on his way to the hill, not even bothering with the rocks and twigs on the ground, now just walking from tree to tree. He had only managed to sell another 8 trees before a window popped up.

Unable to sell Birch Tree due to being habited by small creature.

"Well thats new" Jack said to himself. Looking up into the tree he noticed a fist sized hole a little over half way up the tree. 'So I can't sell it becuase something living is in it, or it belongs to something else? How the hell does that work? I can almost guarentee that the previous trees had at least some form of insects in them.' Jack thought, while not being able to solve this new peice of information. After awhile of coming up with theories, a new message appeared on the screen before him.

{Stop asking so many questions and just fucking roll with it. Yes there are restrictions, figure it out, and if it doesn't workout then move on! This is a fantasy world, who gives a shit about some fucking bugs. I mean really, there are people made of the elements, and people just magically accept it. Take these wise words from someone obviously smarter than yourself, and just enjoy.}

After reading the message, obviously from God, Jack figured he was overthinking things. He continued on his way, still going from tree to tree, some selling some not, until he realized that the price for the trees was decreasing. He had thought that the price just differed from the sizes of the trees, but looking at it more carefully the price had indeed dropped. 'And there it is. I guess it was a little too good to be true.' he thought. Not really caring about it, he continued on his way, leaving emptiness behind him.

By the time he reached the base of the hill, the sell price of his trees had dropped down to $1 or $2 berries. Although he had managed to bring his his currency from $372 berries to a wopping $43,650 berries. "Not bad" He mummbled. Not even bothering with the trees anymore, he quickley made his way up the hill. Reaching the top of the hill in no time, he climbed the tallest tree and looked around. An island. He was on an island. A very small island at that. From his vantage point he could easily see the entire island. He could clearly tell that there were no human settlements here, and that it was probably too small to even support large preditors. He would still be on guard of course, but thinking this, did make him feel somewhat better.

Walking to one side of the hill, he came to a cliff. Looking down he noticed an opening at the base of the cliff, 'Maybe its a cave!' he exclaimed in his head. Not too far away from it, he saw that the river actually ran pretty close to it. Thinking it would make a better shelter in the long run against the elements than his little tent, he decided that he would head down there. But before he did anything he opened the store and bought some breakfast. Not eating before his hike wasn't the smartest move, but now he could eat in relative peace, cause he could see all around for quite the distance. If there were any predators they couldn't sneak up on him. "Better safe than sorry." He said as he munched on some eggs on bread.

After he finsihed eating a thought struck him. 'If there are big animals on this island I don't have a weapon. Yet!!' Opening up the store he went to the weapon sections. There were swords, guns, spears, axes, and other weird looking things. Going to the gun section he saw that they were fairly expensive. The average price being $35,000 berries, while some really fancy ones were in the millions. If he hadn't made so much off his tree farming than he wouldn't even be able to afford even the cheapest ones. Finding a little single shot pistol (Captain Jack Bitches) for $29,000 berries he purchased it and a box of ammunition for a few hundred berries. His funds dropped down to $12,300. (Bullets and food included in currency drop. Didn't want to come up with prices for them so deal with it)

Looking over the gun, he realized it was fairly simple. Loading it and taking aim at a nearby tree he fired. The recoil wasn't that bad, but he did get a fright from firing the thing. This was after all the first time he had fired a gun like this. 'The guns back home are way better than this' he thought. Granted the biggest calibre of gun that he had fired before was only a small squirrel gun that his friend had bought. He Shot the gun a few more times to get more accustomed to it. After awhile he felt satisfied with himself and continued back down the hill with pistol in hand, making his way to what he hoped was a cave.

Around noon or so, he guessed, he finally reached his destination. Jack was excited to see that it was indeed a cave, and fairly big he guessed because he couldn't see how far it went in. Buying a lantern and a lighter from the store he made his way into the cave, pistol at the ready incase something was already living here. After walking a good 30 feet he noticed the light from the lantern reflecting off parts of the caves walls. Getting a little bit closer his eyes went wide at what he saw.