
One Piece: Battle of Trafalgar

Trafalgar Law's little sister survived but she has the soul of a very ancient being, the former Empress of a different realm. How will the future be impacted after adding the troublemaker in mix.

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39 Chs

Dragonville War ii

The battle between the two snipers was getting more and more intense as Olivia was currently trying out the new skill she acquired from Lami.

The forest was alive with the sound of gunfire and arrows flying in both directions. Olivia had never felt more alive as she used Qi sense to find her opponent's location and dodge their attacks.

The army was currently moving around the forest trying to flank Olivia however with her new skill she was able to anticipate their movement and take them down.

Her movements were fluid as she quickly moved from cover to cover firing her rifle toward the army soldiers and General Arrow who was hiding deep inside the forest.

Olivia's new skill proved to be a game-changer as she could now aim at her target with great accuracy thanks to her heightened perception.

As the battle continued Olivia felt a rush of adrenaline pumping through her veins making her more alert and focused than ever. All the training from Lami has proved effective as she can hold her own against an army and a well-trained sniper like General Arrow.

General Arrow was starting to feel frustrated as Olivia's skills proved to be too much for the army as they were getting taken down one by one. Arrow decided to create a special arrow with his Devil Fruit power hoping to take down Olivia in one shot.

Arrow launched his special arrow toward Olivia at high speed. But thanks to Olivia's heightened perception and quick reflexes, she was able to dodge the arrow in time.

However as she dodged the arrow, Olivia noticed that the arrow was glowing as if it will explode on impact. Olivia knew she had to act fast and leave the area where the arrow will hit.

The arrow landed with a deafening explosion causing trees to fall and creating a shockwave that sent her crashing into the nearby trees. Olivia emerged from a distance with minor injuries but otherwise unharmed.

' That was close, I'm lucky I learned how to coat myself with Qi from Lami,' thought Olivia as she nearly escaped death. Olivia took a moment to catch her breath and gather her composure but her Qi sense was on high alert as she sensed another explosive arrow being launched toward her.

With her heightened perception and her quick agility Olivia was able to dodge the second arrow but the impact caused her to lose balance and fall. She rolled to the side and got on her feet to face General Arrow ready for whatever he had in store for her.

Delta and Amelia were also having the same experience as Olivia in dealing with their opponent. General Block proved to be a formidable opponent and was giving them a hard time as he had the highest endurance among the generals.

However, Delta and Amelia were not the ones to give up easily they continued to fight with their might and try to break through the General's defenses.

Amelia has been training with Lami who has been trying to teach her how to fight using her devil fruit the Cloud Cloud fruit. A logia fruit that possesses the power to turn her body into a cloud and create various cloud-based attacks.

With Lami's training, she has been able to make progress as she can aim at her opponents from a distance and attack them with lightning bolts created from her cloud body.

Delta on the other hand has been honing her knife skills under the guidance of Lami, improving her accuracy and speed with each training session.

Despite facing a tough opponent the girls were giving it all their might trying to save the kingdom from the enemy's grasp. Delta had respect for Lami as she was able to make them stronger and teach Amelia how to use her Devil Fruit effectively.

The fight was getting more and more intense with every passing moment as the girls struggle to break through the defenses of the General. Their determination to save the kingdom was unwavering as they continued to persevere and fight with all their might.

Deep inside the castle the king and his advisers were held as prisoners by Prince Endo's army. The king was worried for the safety of his kingdom but he was afraid of losing his daughter more.

He hoped Alexia wouldn't come back to the island to free him from captivity as she would her life in danger. The king didn't go to war against Prince Endo because he knew it would result in the destruction of his kingdom.

He chose to be held captive to save his citizens from further harm. The king was also worried about his head captain as he was laying next to him injured and full of wounds.

Captain Tigru suffered a devastating loss against General Wolf when he tried to confront the prince.

The king turned his head toward the door as he heard footsteps approaching. He saw two guards of Prince Endo entering the room.

" It seems the Princess has decided to show up," one of the guards spoke with a hint of amusement, " it seems she's brought a few friends," added the other guard.

The king's heart raced when he heard that his daughter had arrived. " Tigru do you think Alexia's friend who defeated you could beat Prince Endo," the king asked hopefully.

Tigru still injured and weak from his previous battle replied in a weak voice, " I'm not too sure your Majesty however all I can say is that Alexia's friend is not a normal person," Captain Tigru answered in a low voice.

The king nodded in understanding and having faith in his daughter and her friends. The king knew they were the only hope left for the kingdom.

The throne room was in chaos as the dual between Lami and Endo was still underway. The fight has recently started and both fighters are still testing each other's strengths.

As Lami sent a slash toward Endo he swiftly parried with the swords that he created from his bones using his Devil Fruit. The clash of weapons resonated in the throne room as the battle between the two continued.

" I see you have a hard bone, I hope you can continue keeping it hard," remarked Lami as she sent another attack toward Endo who was getting pushed back but was still blocking all of Lami's attacks.

" Don't you ever get tired of hearing your voice," said Endo as he jumped back to dodge a strike from Lami, " I'll show you my true power," added Endo as he took a deep and began to unleash his power.

< Skeleton Demon! >

Endo's body grew more bones that were long, sharper and menacing. Lami looked at Endo's transformation in amazement as she was glad that her opponent was finally taking her seriously and using all his abilities.

< Piercing Fangs >

As Endo charged toward Lami he created a barrage of sharp bone spears that were aimed toward her. Lami quickly blocked and sliced the spears that were aimed at her however she was barely able to keep us as Endo's attack became more intense and faster.

" I guess I should also go all out," stated Lami as she coated her Naginata with haki and Qi energy, countering the bones created by Endo with her ice attacks.

General Wolf watched in shock as he saw Lami keep up with Endo's movement and attack. ' Just who is that brat,' Wolf's thoughts were interrupted as he blocked an attack from Alexia which sent him stumbling back.

Wolf regained his balance and tried to launch a counterattack against Alexia but she proved to be more agile and quicker than him. The battle was intensifying on all fronts as the fate of the kingdom rested on the shoulders of the young fighters.

The king kept hearing blasts coming from above indicating a battle that was taking place inside the throne room. The chaos caused the king to feel uneased as he thought of his daughter and her friends who are said to be fighting for the kingdom.

The battle between Lami and Endo continued with no clear winner emerging yet. Lami kept sending slashes toward Endo who was blocking all of them with his sharp bones.

The tension in the room kept rising as both fighters refused to back down. The people of the kingdom were confused when they heard a commotion coming from the castle at midnight, little did they know that their fate was being determined by a group of young warriors who were risking their lives to protect the kingdom.

Alexia and Wolf's fight remained equally intense as they exchanged blows with one another neither willing to give an inch. Sweat poured down their faces as their stamina continue to be put to a test.

Alexia was gaining a lot of experience in her bout against Wolf and was learning from his fighting style. She remained focused on the task at hand determined to come out victorious and save her kingdom.

The kingdom's future was uncertain but one thing was clear the young warriors were giving it all they had in this battle.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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