
One Piece: Absolute freedom

Imagine being reborn in a world filled with wars and chaos – a world where pirates are even more aggressive than ever and marines have become corrupted. It's a world fighting within itself, where the seven deadly sins – greed, lust, pride, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth – hold complete sway. Is there peace? Such a thing doesn't exist. Is there happiness? It's vanished. Is there hope? All has been crushed. _________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________ In a world where freedom is forbidden, a man is reborn with a burning desire for liberation. However, such dreams are met with grave consequences, as the mere wanting freedom carries the penalty of death. "You want to stop me?" "I will gain the necessary power to do whatever I want, whenever I please... " _________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________ One piece does not belong to me, neither does the picture. Also, chapters will be slow, and this story will not only focus on the MC but rather other characters.

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14 Chs

Chapter 3: Plans For The Future



[Time Skip] (6 months after birth)

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It had been six months since my birth in this new world.

Currently, I found myself crawling around my room, which had become the one place I could confidently say I had spent the majority of my time since my arrival. The feeling of being in prison was far from pleasant, but it is my reality now.

After a month in this world, all my memories came flooding back. The hazy and forgotten moments returned, and I could remember everything, even the things I had once forgotten. It was a huge relief to have my memories once again.

Having all that information at my disposal sometimes gave painful headaches. However, I considered it a worthwhile trade-off because I have finally figured out where I am.

I finally realized that I was in the world of 'One Piece.' It was something I should have figured out ages ago, but I only realized three months ago.

The evidence was all around me. The massive tree outside my window, clover, the green-haired old man – it all pointed to one conclusion. I was unmistakably in the world of 'One Piece,' and I even knew my location.... Ohara.

An island that was tragically destined to be destroyed by a Buster Call.

I couldn't help but clench my fist in frustration.

Even though I was free in this world, I still felt burdened by certain shackles. I knew that Ohara was soon to be destroyed by a Buster Call, and while I didn't necessarily have to save the island, there were things I needed from it.

Books held immense importance in this world, especially in a place like Ohara. The Tree of Knowledge, a colossal 5,000-year-old tree located on the island, served as a library and a central hub for archaeologists from all corners of the globe. It was a treasure trove of information and knowledge that could hold the key to understanding this world and its mysteries.

It held not only knowledge but also the potential for great strength. This was precisely why the World Government had made the decision to obliterate the entire island. The Poneglyphs were just one part of the equation; the government wanted to destroy the archaeologists from the get go.

Knowledge was a crucial necessity in this world. Without it, one was left with limited options, becoming a slave to the Celestial Dragons or dying by pirates, marines, sea monsters, natural disasters, or exceptionally strong people. The library on Ohara represented not just knowledge but also a means of survival.

My dreams and my nightmares had both come true in this world. It was a vicious place where danger lurked around every corner, and almost anything could pose a threat to your existence. Here, you weren't the predator; you were the prey, constantly on guard against the dangers that could lead to your death.

However, if you were like me, armed with information about the future and a comprehensive understanding of the world, you had the potential to rise to the top of the food chain and become the predator.

To achieve this, there were certain tasks I needed to prioritize. First and foremost, I needed to determine how much time remained before the Buster Call on Ohara.

- - - - - -

Suddenly, I heard footsteps approaching from outside the door. It was Olga, who walked into the room with a warm smile.

"It's time for breakfast, Ray!" she said as she walked over and lifted me up from the ground.

Olga carried me out of the room and downstairs into the living room. There, she placed me at the end of a table, in a baby seat.

"Here, have some cool porridge," Olga said, placing a bowl in front of me along with a spoon.

I couldn't help but think, ' Truly, this is disgusting. I haven't had a proper meal in months, and these foods have no flavor.' As Olga began to spoon-feed me the porridge.


A knock at the door interrupted our meal. "Hey, Olga! Let me in, I have some news!" an elderly voice called out from outside.

' Clover, the archaeologist who had died on the day of the Buster Call. He had struck me as a kind man, and I might be able to use this to my advantage.... ' I thought a cute smile appeared on my face.

Olga stopped her spoon-feeding duties and made her way to the door, opening it. There stood Clover, clutching a newspaper in his hand. His expression appeared filled with excitement.

" Olga, did you see the news today? " Clover inquired, his grip tightening on the newspaper.

Olga furrowed her brow, clearly confused by Clover's demeanor. "No, I haven't bought any yet," she replied.

Clover hurried inside and quickly settled at the table, spreading the newspaper open. "Come look, Olga!" he urged. Olga wasted no time, taking a seat beside Clover, her face mirroring his astonishment as she examined the newspaper.

Sitting on the opposite side, I couldn't see the newspaper, but the expressions on their faces piqued my curiosity.

" Garp has become the Hero of the Marines. He and Sengoku have defeated the Rocks Pirates. All of the Rocks Pirates' subordinates luckily escaped heavily injured," Clover read aloud from the newspaper.

' The God Valley incident.... ' I thought, ' What I remember is that this happened about 39 or 38 years before the canon timeline. The reason why I remember this is because I recall Shanks being found in a treasure box at God Valley, '

" Garp finally defeated those pirates?" Olga exclaimed, her mouth forming an 'O' shape, sweat beading on her forehead.

" I was just as shocked when I saw it in the newspaper. It was only a matter of time before they came for us," Clover said with a sigh of relief.

' Rocks at that point in time, he was relatively close to finding the One Piece, ' I thought to myself, ' I would have to admit that it would've been about time till they found out we had a Poneglyph and came for our heads, '

' This means I know exactly how long I have before the Buster Call. I have around 16 years until the Buster Call, ' I calculated, ' but I don't think I'll be able to take on Kuzan, Akainu, and five different vice admirals. Maybe I can become a Warlord... I'll figure that out later. '

Olga then shifted her gaze to me, and she saw me looking back at her with curious eyes. "Aww, sorry sweetheart, I'll feed you now," Olga said as she walked back over to me and started to spoon-feed me.

Even though it was embarrassing for me to do this, it didn't hurt to get spoon-fed and have my diapers changed. I didn't have to lift a single finger, which was quite convenient.

Clover shifted his focus away from his newspaper, " Greedy little bastard, ain't he? You're spoiling him too much, Olga..." Clover said, chuckling at me.

On Olga's forehead, a tick mark appeared, " Rosey told me to make him big and strong, and that's exactly what I'm doing..."

" Yeah, she said big and strong, not fat and weak... " Clover started to laugh as he leaned back into the chair.

Olga finally reached her limit, grabbed a fork nearby, and threw it towards Clover. It connected, sticking into his head, and he fell over, landing on his back.

" What was that for?!! " Clover said, pulling out the fork and rubbing his forehead.

" Because you deserved it, hahahaha. " Olga started to laugh out loud. And as for me, I just watched them bicker.

- - - - -

After finishing breakfast, Olga placed me back inside my crib and left to continue talking with Clover. I was left by myself with my thoughts, gazing up at the ceiling.


Let's not worry about anything else for now, but focus on how I can become strong enough to potentially become a Warlord. First and foremost, I need a Devil Fruit, and I have a good idea which one would be most advantageous for my goals.

The Hana Hana no Mi, or the Flower-Flower Fruit, would be the perfect Devil Fruit for my goals. It would give me more ground and gain knowledge quickly. While Nico Robin has used her Devil Fruit effectively, I believe there are ways to improve upon its combat abilities and technical usage.

Using the Hana Hana no Mi, I can create clones of myself that can work on different tasks while I focus on more important matters. These are just ideas for now, but if used properly, I could become incredibly powerful in a short amount of time.

Once I'm strong enough to walk, my first objective will be to head directly into the forest and search for the Hana Hana no Mi.

Currently, my priority is to figure out how I can learn to walk as quickly as possible. At this point, I can only stand on my feet for a few seconds before losing balance and falling.

I've tried to do pull-ups on the side of my crib, although it might seem like a strange idea for a six-month-old. However, in the world of One Piece, it's not uncommon for children to have crazy abnormal strength, even go as far as lifting boulders and tossing their nurses across the room from the moment they're born.

While trapped in my crib, I didn't simply remain still. I tried to unlock Observation Haki, even though it proved to be quite challenging.

My training regimen for unlocking Observation Haki involves trying to sense Olga's presence before I hear her. However, it doesn't seem to be making any noticeable results yet. If I'm to train Observation Haki effectively, I need to reach a point where I can move around independently first.

Yes that's the goal for now, yes indeed.

. . . . . .


[ 8.5 months after birth ]

Currently, Ray was crawling around his room in a peculiar fast circular motion.

After two months of rigorous training, I can proudly claim to be the fastest crawling baby to ever exist. Although it may sound absurd, it's the most effective way to condition my body given my current age.

"Eve ben slo ot alk," I said in an aphasic manner. Some things I still need to work on, but I have been able to walk as well. But I prefer to crawl since I can work out both my arms and legs.

I stood up on my feet, wobbly, and raised my right leg before planting it on the ground. I repeated the process with my left leg. Slowly but steadily, I moved around my room.

I would admit, I wish I had some freakishly strong DNA or belonged to a superior race, but I'm just a regular baby in a world filled with moon-destroying monsters.

Becoming strong enough to do whatever I want in this world means I should have the strength to take on the entire world, not only this world but the planets and the entire galaxies beyond this world.

But, only training like a madman won't do. I don't know how, but I have to achieve all kinds of Power. Physical strength. Magical Devil-fruit powers, political powers, human resources, and everything else possible.

I have a dream... An ideal to not be overshadowed by anyone else, ever. I don't want to be a slave, but rather the slave owner. For that, though, working alone won't work.

I can form a crew, but that outcome is also less than ideal. After evaluating my situation, the best possible solution is to establish a place where strong individuals, chosen by me, will reside and work for me.

They will run errands for me, relentlessly pursuing my goals until I achieve what I desire: absolute power. It may seem far-fetched, but it's not impossible.

Once I conquer Ohara and gain access to all the world's knowledge, I'll use that knowledge to conquer the entire world and 'Absolute Freedom. '

First, let's focus on my small but crucial goals to reach there:

1. Finding the Hana Hana no mi.

2. Gaining access to the basement in the Tree of Knowledge.

3. Being able to do 2 push-ups.

Those are three vital steps I'm currently focusing on. I can't be thinking too far ahead into the future. First, I need to take these steps, and when the time comes, I'll be more than ready.



To Be Continued.....

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