
One Piece - Celestial Dragon Self Insert

Reincarnation into a Celestial Dragon. OP MC

Hyperalex08844 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs

Chapter 1 - Reborn as Celestial Dragon

In the present day, there is once a man that lived in a luxury from his multi-million dollar parents. He lived a very easy going life doing mostly whatever he wants. Go on extreme adventures, visit many other countries and experience most of the world has to offer and invest heavily in multiple industries and gain most of his income from the stock market which almost made him a billionaire. He also has such hobbies in reading and reacting to many fiction worlds like One Piece, Naruto, etc... However, it came to an abrupt end one day in a heavy storm when lightning struck the top of his head instantly killing him.

Thinking that he died. He looked around him only to find serval nurses and servants while in a very fancy room and a bubble helmet encasing him for some odd reason.

One thing that is going through his mind right now.

'Is this for real'