

After discovering the painful truth about her unfaithful boyfriend, Tessa Reyes sought solace in the pursuit of tranquility and healing. The Tropical Love Garden, with its vibrant flora and serene ambiance, became the sanctuary where she hoped to mend her shattered heart. Little did she know that amid the blossoming flowers and rustling palm leaves, destiny had a surprising encounter in store for her. In this idyllic setting, Tessa crossed paths with Connor Hank, a man whose piercing green eyes revealed both sincerity and undeniable interest. From the moment they met, a magnetic connection sparked, and the chemistry between them was palpable. Connor's unabashed expression of attraction was a breath of fresh air for Tessa, who had endured the betrayals of her previous relationship. As the day unfolded, Tessa and Connor explored the Tropical Love Garden together, sharing laughter and meaningful conversations. The soothing surroundings seemed to mirror the blossoming connection between them. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting hues of warm oranges and pinks across the sky, Tessa found herself drawn into Connor's embrace. What began as a day of seeking solace transformed into a night of intense passion. The Tropical Love Garden, witness to their burgeoning romance, became the backdrop for a new chapter in Tessa's life—a chapter filled with unexpected love, healing, and the promise of a brighter tomorrow. "It's just a one night stand!" Tessa yelled and that got Connor pulling her into his arms. "It is not a one night stand! No matter how much you try to taint that night with your words, it won't ever be that " Connor said, flashing his perfect green eyes at her. Tessa thought him to be her Mr Right and was willing to give him a chance but that ended when she found out about his lies. Tessa left the resort with the hope of never seeing him again but as fate will have it they ended up meeting when she began working in his house. And this time Connor made a vow to keep her in his life permanently, will he succeed? What do you think Connor lie is? What do you think will happen when Connor's brother decide to make Tessa his too? Grab your Popcorn and then fasten your seat belt cause it's gonna be a long sweet ride.

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6 Chs

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^^ Love Island Resort ^^

"That's a lie, Connor wouldn't do that" Tessa defended knowing Blair is out to ruin her happiness once again.

"Connor wouldn't do that!" Blair mimick in mockery. " You say that like you've known him for years. Am the real deal girl and that's because he is my brother and whatever transpired between you two was Connor planning" Blair added.

"Tessa!" On hearing Connor's voice, she turned to stare at him while Blair gave him a beaming smile.

"You out did yourself bro! Am really happy" Blair said as she gave him a hug but Connor push her away, his gaze solely on Tessa.

"I don't know what she has been telling you but there's an explanation for it" Connor said to Tessa who stood watching him in silence.

"What's there to tell her? It is true that your bedding and showing an interest in her is just to help me and Seven" Blair stated which earned her a angry glare from him.

"You will be a fool if you keep dating him cause to be sincere you aren't Connor's type. He goes for the body and not the beauty..." 

"Shut up Blair or I swear to God, I will make you regret it!" Connor yelled which got her keeping shut.

Not being able to take more of it, Tessa walked off in a hurry while Connor went after her.

He caught up with her when she was about to take the elevator to her room.

"You've got to let me explain" Connor said as he held onto her hand.

"What do you have to explain? Do you want to tell me how stupid I am for falling for your lies and jumping into your bed?" Tessa asked as tears glisten her eyes.

"No. I only want to make you...."

"You have nothing to say cause I knew by your reaction that everything Blair said is the truth or is it a lie?" Tessa asked.

"I would admit that I once thought of that and that was when I first knew of Blair and Seven relationship. I thought it wrong for him to be stringing you along while he date my sister and I told them about it but he didn't care and out of anger I told them that it would be a pay back to Seven if you find a guy who will seduce you and get you out of seven's life for good"

"And you happen to be that guy?" Tessa asked.

"I happen to be. My only mistake here is that I lied to you but everything that happened between us yesterday is the..."

"Stop! No more Connor" she said with tears in her eyes.


"Once again, I trusted a man only to end up being betrayed by him " she said as she wipe off the tears from her face.

"I don't ever want to see you again" Tessa said before getting into the elevator which whisk her up to her room.

"You bad bad girl! You didn't come back the whole of yesterday and I know you were with that... What's wrong, Tessa?" Cynthia asked.

" I made a mistake" Tessa said in tears as she went to give her friend a hug.

A while later, Tessa sat in the lobby waiting for Cynthia to sign out their check out document when she saw Connor walking up to her.

"Are you leaving? We still have to clear up this misunderstanding" Connor said as he held onto her hand but she pulled away.

"I have nothing more to say to you" Tessa said turning to leave and when Connor tried to follow Cynthia stood in his path.

"It's best you leave her alone, you and your family have done enough" Cynthia said.

"I just need her to know that I didn't mean to lie to her " Connor said looking desperate.

"That wouldn't erase the fact that you did deceive her and added to it, you are Blair's brother. There can't ever be a thing between you two, so just let her be, she's been through a lot and you shouldn't add to it" Cynthia replied as she went to Join Tessa outside.

All Connor could do was to watch Tesaa get into the waiting taxi heading for the airport and out of his life.


^^ Two Years Later ~ Washington D.C ^^ 

A guy in a wheel chair could be seen pushing himself down the hospital corridor.

He got down to a part where he would need support but being a proud man, he chose to continue his journey not wanting to ask for help only to hit a stone and he would have fallen if Tessa hadn't got there on time to hold onto his wheel chair.

"Got you" she said in relief before moving to stand in front of him.

"Why are you out on your own? You should be getting ready to leave" Tessa said looking smart in her nursing attire.

"If it were up to me, I wouldn't want to leave" Nicole grumbled out.

"You've been complaining about being locked up in the hospital for six months and now that you are finally leaving, you should be..."

"Am not leaving as a complete man! Leaving this darn place wouldn't change the fact that am a cripple now" Nicole snap.

Nicole Hank had been a car racer and while participating in the world championship six months ago, he got into an accident which led him to being crippled.

At first it was hard for him to accept the fact that he won't be able to walk again and that made him grumpy to his family and the doctor and nurses who were in charge of him.

It was one of the reason she was assigned to take care of him and at first he had treated her rudely like the rest but her determination to help him come to terms with his condition got her going back to him and eventually she succeeded in being his friend.

Their friendship has lasted for the whole of four months

 and now he's finally leaving the hospital.

"We've spoken about this already and with the therapy session you will be recieving, you've got a chance to walk again" Tessa said with belief.

"But that wouldn't give me the chance to see you again" he muttered but Tessa had heard.

"And that's why you have my number, you can call me whenever you are down and I will do my best to cheer you..."

"Have you ever thought of being my private nurse?" Nicole cut in abruptly.

" Have never thought of it "

"How does working as my private nurse sounds to you? I am willing to double or better yet triple the amount you recieve in the hospital just agree to work for me" Nicole said and Tessa couldn't help but to think the offer tempting.

"I will take your silence as a yes and get everything ready for you to leave" Nicole let out in excitement before whisking himself off while Tessa followed him.

Later that day with her luggage parked in the luxurious car that had come to pick Nicole, she sat beside him watching him going through his phone.

He was watching a video of himself while he was still a car racer.

"Watching that will only make you think about it" she said as she took the phone from him.

"No matter how I try to stop myself, I end up going back to it. If only I had stayed off the car that day, this wouldn't have happen and I will still be a complete man" Nicole said bitterly.

"Stop blaming yourself for what happen. You should be glad that you are alive and well and what's more important, your family and I are here to help you. So if the urge to watch your past videos of you being a racer comes to mind, just stare at me instead. My pretty face will certainly be a big distraction" she suggested mildly.

"Are we there yet cause am very nervous to meet your family" Tessa let out and failed to notice the admiring look Nicole sent her way.

"Don't worry, my family will be very happy to meet the girl that has been taking perfect care of me" he said as he squeeze her hand in reassurance.

When the car stop, she and the driver began the task of helping Nicole into his wheel chair.

She stood behind him wanting to push him when Nicole took hold of her hand.

"Just stay beside me " he said while the driver push his wheel chair towards some people who stood in front of the house, waiting for them.

"Welcome home sweetie" An old lady whom Tessa presume to be Nicole's Grandmother greeted as she gave him a hug and a kiss on the forehead.

"Thanks granny and thanks to you all for being here to welcome me back" Nicole said to the other five people who stood watching him.

"And she is?" His granny asked as she stared at Tessa with avid interest.

"She's Tessa Reyes my private nurse and this is my sweet granny Susie " Nicole said as he began the introduction.

"And this are my younger siblings. Tessa meet Chris and the twins Fiona and Frederick" Nicole added as she was greeted warmly by the youngsters.

"Well both of my elder siblings are missing but you will meet them during the party tonight" Nicole said.

"Am surprised that they are still more and what party?" Tessa asked.

"It's a welcome party for Nicole, after all he's been in the hospital for the past six month " Granny Susie replied.

"Hope you are the partying type cause it's gonna be a great party" Fiona said as she took hold of Tessa arm.

"Already being clingy?" Frederick muttered which got them all laughing.

"Keep being clingy to Chris and Frederick. Tessa is all mine" Nicole said as he pulled Tessa to his side.

The two servants who had also been present during Nicole's arrival helped with the luggage while his granny led them to the newly built in elevator.

"Your brother had it built for you" Granny Susie said.

"I will thank him once he arrive for the party, let me show you to your room " He said still holding onto Tessa not wanting to give her a chance to leave.

"It's lovely! Is your family this rich?" Tessa asked as she stood starring at her new room.

"Thanks to my older brother who keeps topping the company profit then I can say that we are freaking rich. Do I seem like a catch now that you know how rich my family is?" He teased which got her laughing.

"Am not interested in money apart from the one I earned and besides I gave up on men a long time ago" Tessa said looking wistful.

"You said that once and you still haven't told me the reason" Nicole probe.

"It's something that happened some years ago, it isn't worth mentioning and we should focus on the fact that I don't have a dress for tonight party" Tessa told him which got him picking up a bag on the bed.

"When I heard of the party, I did a little research and got this dress for you. Hope you like it" he said as she pulled out the dress.

"This is beautiful and expensive. I can't possibly wear..."

"Don't refuse. I bought it because I want to thank you, see you at the party" he said as he whisk himself out of her room.

A while later Tessa left the room dressed in the chiffon gown bought for her by Nicole.

She could hear some noise downstairs which indicate that the party had started already.

She decided to use the stairs and was gently walking down on the heels Fiona had given her earlier when she noticed someone standing by the stairs beside Nicole.

Her smiling gaze move away from Nicole only for it to freeze when she saw who was standing beside him.

"You look lovely Tessa. Aren't I right Connor?" Nicole said to Connor whose gaze was solely fix on her.

"She is lovely" he replied totally lost by the beauty she emanate.

On the other hand, Tessa felt her legs fail her and she would have fallen if Connor hadn't reach out for her.

He lifted her into his arms bridal style while she kept starring at him.

"We meet again " he muttered starring down at her with that perfect green eyes of his.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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