
One of Many (DXD Fanfic)

This is going to be a different DXD Fanfic of what is usually found here on this Site/App. The DXDverse has so much potential to be had and I decided to try my luck with it. I am going to take this a little slower than some people might like, but I like to really build a strong foundation to expand later on. I also want to make every character more realistic and interesting than just big boob thots and skinny cosplaying edgelords. :) /\ Due to this it's going to take a while to arrive on canon plot. I want a very solid background foundation. General Story: MC get's transmigrated into DXDverse with a few hidden powers (nothing op but with a lot of potential). MC will stay human and become powerful with influence and intelligence use of his time. MC will be semi present at canon beginning and all that, but also active in the more unexplored potential story that makes everything more interesting. Chapters will be between 1500-2500 words long (prologue is a little shorter) I don't have a set upload schedule but that may change in the future. PS: Also this Synopsis will change after getting the story going.

Froschmann · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs

Old Man Strength

The meat made a satisfying sizzling sound when Finn turned it around. Taking a sip of his cold beer in his left hand, he took a breather to enjoy the moment. 'Fuck Yeah'. There was nothing better than a good "Grillen" in the late summer heat. Germans would relate. It was still hot enough outside to walk around topless. He was glistering with sweat from, his earlier workout in his backyard.

Strikes echoed back from the fencing. Matthew was assaulting the punching bag with a fervor seldom seen from other people. He had a special drive to him. After knowing him for some time now, he believed he could really do it. Becoming a pro boxer and maybe even winning a title.

"Ey, they're medium rare now if you want it! I can let them sizzle a little more if you want." He liked his steak medium rare, a little based but it was good. He put some pepper and salt on top to give them some last minute spice. Matthew stopped his actions and walked over. Finn threw him a towel before he got here. He didn't want his sweat to drop onto the steak. The way he looked right now that would be a real possibility.

"Do it how you like them, you do it best." Finn smiled at that. "When's that old man coming anyway?" asked Matthew as he grabbed his plate. "His fault if he misses this piece of ambrosia, mhhhm" He moaned after putting a piece in his mouth.

"Relax, he already said he still had stuff to do. I have an extra for him." Finn said and plopped down onto another lawn chair. His beer was almost empty. "Shit I forgot the salad I made, wait a second."

He made a noodle salad this morning, it was the same his mother always made when he was a kid. It fit nicely with a barbecue. It was funny for him to have a lot of Tupperware, but kinda classy too. Getting the bowl from the fridge he also took another two beers with him outside.

Arriving on the Terrasse he saw Matthew standing weirdly to the side. "What's up man?" He just enjoyed his steak, something serious must have happened.

"Come here man, someones getting fucking robbed in front of your house... wait is that Tom?"

"Fuck.. wait what!?" 'Shit' Dropping the salad on the table he ran after Matthew. He was already sprinting to the front yard.

Turning the corner he saw Matthew already in action. "Hey, you motherfucker!" He called and threw his beer bottle into the direction of the thugs currently threatening an old man on the sidewalk. The bottle hit one on the shoulder making them turn around to us. Nice throw considering he was running.

There was four of them and old man Tom, their coach. They didn't stop their run and both vaulted over the fence instead of going out of their way to the gate. Their fast advance made them take a step back.

The one holding Tom by the collar shoved him back against his car. A classic Mercedes, probably why they wanted to rob him. He looked like he had money, he was also always dressed in a nice shirt and leather suspenders. Together with his suit pants and nice shoes he looked like an old businessman. Finn was pretty sure he was Irish, he even had one of those flat caps on.

Now was the time to use what he had learned. The only problem was that the one in the back pulled out a gun from behind him. 'Fuck Fuck Fuck'. He didn't give him any time and sprinted towards him as fast as possible. Matthew had the same idea but he was already ganged up upon by two of them and saw that he took action.

He jumped and tackled him to the ground, it hurt like hell, not something they tell you in the movies. The adrenaline began pumping and he used the chance presented to him. Pinning down the hand with the gun with his left he began pummeling the prick's face. IT didn't take long for him to drop it and call out in pain trying to stop him.

The feeling of his knuckles clashing against his teeth was something else. In a way it felt satisfying to feel one of them to give out, but at the same time he didn't really wish to experience the same. It was a weird mix of good and a little remorse sprinkled in between.

He fully concentrated on smashing his face as fast as possible that he missed Toms call to warn him. "On your left! Watch out!" He didn't react in time and was kicked in his side, interrupting him and keel to the side. While trying to stand up he got kicked again making him stumble backwards but not fall down. Now being face to face with the attacker he took a stance and approached.

He didn't really expect for him to pull out a knife though. This was getting risky now. The man decided to rush him, intermediately showing lack of experience. He dodged the initial knife thrust and gave him a strong jab with his right. Him stumbling back in confusion gave Finn the opportunity to strike again witch he did. Stepping forwards quickly he bypassed the attempt to block with a smooth uppercut.

Thinking he had it he tried to follow up again but forgot the knife. The attacker just stabbed forwards erratically, striking him in the process with a few weak stabs. With the ever rising adrenaline he didn't really noticed it and kept a steady advance to throw punches.

The thug fell on his ass quickly. Finn in his pain induced rage jumped him just like the one before and began assaulting his head. His resistance faltered quickly and only managed to give him another cut on his left forearm.

It wasn't after a few more unnecessary punches that he stopped to take a breather and looked up to how the others were doing. Just in time to see the last one being struck to the ground by Matthew. Tom was looking at him in worry and somehow looked angry and proud at the same time.

As everything stopped they all looked at each other ans the ones on the ground. Either knocked out or groaning in pain. For a brief moment nobody said anything. Finn began to chuckle. That was amazing just now. Sure, he was in pain, gradually getting aware of his injuries. But the feeling of fighting seriously was invigorating.

One of the thugs stood up and got in a weak fighting position and mumbled something like "you will regret this...", only to get struck to the ground in an absolutely majestic display. For a moment the world looked like slow motion. Tom who was facing the dude got into stance and threw a perfectly executed hard right, striking right on the cheek. Spit mixed with blood flew out, the impact of the body and two of his teeth clacked on the asphalt. 'Beautiful'.

Groaning, Finn stood up. "You little shits!" Tom said, as he gave Matthew a fist of love to the back of his head, making him laugh.


They were currently sitting in his backyard. Matthew enjoying his now cold steak and the salad. The atmosphere interrupted every now and then by Finn's moans of pain. He was sitting on the lawn chair being fixed up by old Tom. Sipping on a whiskey bottle every now and then.

The scene looked a little surreal. A man enjoying his food and manning the grill at the same time. While next to him was an old man kneeling next to a bleeding man drinking out the bottle on a chair. A gun and knifes lying openly on the table. Bloody kitchen towels scattered around the place.

"You think they will return?" asked Finn.

"Nah. I'm pretty sure they don't" chuckled Tom.

"You sure? I mean they don't belong to Wilson, but could still be possible."

"Didn't you see the state they were in? Would surprise me if they didn't get any nightmare after today."

"If they do we just beat them again. You looked like you did a good job at it too, haha." Chime din Matthew, teasing him about the last fight.

"Fuck off." It was true he maybe went a little overboard, but he lost himself a little in the moment.

"He's right you know. You need more control during the fight. You showed good reaction at the beginning, but what happened after that?" the wise old man said.

"I don't really know, It was my first real fight with actual danger and the adrenaline became too much. I'm sorry I'll try better next time."

"Haha, eager to go at it again?"laughed Tom. "No, it's not like that, but..." " No, no it's alright. I was the same when I was younger. Just promise me to learn from it. I won't be telling you what to do, just be the better man."

That was actually very nice. "ugghh, fuck... you..." Finn breathed out after Tom pressed his thumb against the wound on his belly. "Just be careful next time, this should serve as a reminder. Be sure I'm going to try and make you both better fighters after this. You showed that you can do it, now you only need to get good."

"Yeah, sure... hhnngghh." He got another press. "You old geezer!" That made Matthew and Tom laugh. "What you too? It's not funny. I'm in pain!" That only made him laugh harder.Stopping to pay attention to them he focused on ignoring the pain of the stitches and rubbing alcohol burning his wounds.

It wasn't the only thing hurting him right now though. The ring on his right hand was hot. Like really hot. He was sure it wasn't just his bleeding knuckles. He couldn't remove it and needed to bear the pain.It wasn't really burning him though. It just felt like it. He was also sure it was increasing a little over time.

Putting the bottle down, he rubbed his finger with his left hand, smearing a little blood across it accidentally. Observing the ring a little closer by holding it into his face, he noticed the inscription just slightly glowing red. Hissing because of another stitching he briefly turned his attention away again.

Looking back at the ring, there wasn't any blood left on it. 'What the...' Thinking of trying something, he put his finger in a drop of blood on the table and smeared some on top of the ring. Waiting a moment the ring began glowing just a little more, burning hotter as well.

'This was it. Was he just discovering how to use it? Why was it hurting that much though? Was it even a good idea to do that?' Deciding to try giving it more blood, he took a soaked towel off the ground and squeezed it above his hand. Tom was a little curious by that but continued either way. He had to stitch close the wounds soon. It wasn't good to loose that much blood. Regardless of the amount, it certainly wasn't healthy.

The increasing burning feeling almost made him stop and reconsider. The knowledge that it wouldn't get less or stop either way cemented his earlier intention. Beginning to hiss louder, Tom finally decided that Finn is doing something stupid and look at what he's doing. Finn wasn't worried about them seeing, he liked them and could trust them with a good conscience. He would have to tell them about the magical in the future either way. It wouldn't matter, maybe they could even help him somehow.

The pain suddenly stopped making him feel confused. Just as he wanted to take a closer look, the ring flashed red and a new sensation of pain made his finger twitch and him scream. "Aaarrghhh..." It hurt like hell, something he didn't experience much in his life. The corners of his vision began to darken and he was getting a little sick and disoriented.

"Calm down old man, I'm sure you don't have to be too hard on him." Matthew said, a little confused about why Finn was screaming so hard.

"I'm not doing anything. He did something weird with his hand." Tom was even more confused.

"Huh?" Matthew came over, now more interested.

Seeing Finn hold his hand and being in extreme pain he asked him what's going on. "What's happening dude? Are you ok?"

"Did I do something wrong?" Tom wondered if he caused it by accident.

"No it's... hnngghg..hhh..aarrrgghh!" He tried to calm them but he could only show his hand to them.

Both looked in confusion and worry, there was a silver ring on his finger that had a light red shine to it. The concerning thing was the blood that dripped from it and the searing sound it made. They could see that it was burning into his flesh. It didn't look good.

"It's that ring! We need to get it off!" Tom looked for a towel to grab it with, but Matthew was faster than him. Taking his finger and trying to pull it off proofed very difficult. The ring just wouldn't budge. Finn just hoped the pain would stop, he was pretty sure it wouldn't hurt him too bad.

Just as suddenly as it began it stopped, just leaving the lingering feeling of pain. Finn tried to calm his erratic breathing and stand up. He was feeling pretty sick.

They let him stand up as they saw that he was out of pain for now. "Are you ok man? You scared us! What happened? What's that ring?" Asked Matthew, he just saw a piece of unassuming jewelry glow and hurt him pretty badly. It was just really weird for them. Tom meanwhile only stared at him also wondering about something, gathering his old man wisdom to try and explain what just happened.

Finn collapsed to his knees onto the lawn. He wasn't feeling very good. There was no adrenaline to cancel out the pain this time. Gagging a few times and then throwing up he felt a little better already.

Lying down a little to the side he stared up into the sky. His breathing a little more calm now. Seeing his friends approach he looked up at them, standing over him. Matthew crouched down to examine his hand.

"Holy shit man look at that!"