
Chapter 260 Is Love Not Beautiful?

  Nora's point of view…

   Speaking to Ben made my morning and I am so damn happy. It's the best feeling ever, to have him greet me good morning before I could start my day.

I did not feel like getting up from my bed but for the fact that I heard his voice and the energy I did not know that I had come unto me in full force.

   I had promised myself a skin treatment and I think I will go do that today in anticipation for my outing with Ben later in the day, I want to have myself look beautiful for him. Nora, who does not care about what she wears or how she looks,suddenly wants to do things. Is love not beautiful?. 

It takes a day to start doing things you haven't done before, to want to live because those you love are close by. 

   By this time last week or should I say yesterday morning, there was no hope for me regarding my mate but here I am being grateful.

   I deserve the best and the best I will surely get.

I stood up from my bed to go have myself cleaned up and prepare breakfast and after that I would go to the spa.

   I went into the bathroom, the first thing I did was to check my reflections on the mirror and I was not far from the Nora I should be. There are more colors on my cheeks and my eye color is so bright that it could light the dark. I chuckled at my silly thought and looked closely at the mark on my neck.

   I was surprised to see that BN mark, the one on my bracelet and the same mark on Ben has formed on my necked and I am forced to think that the BN means Ben and Nora because that's the only explanation to the BN or whatever it means, I will find out in due time.

   I caressed it and it burned. I felt the urge to be bitten again but suppressed it by biting my lips.

  "I hope you are not becoming a pervert, Nora?. I know you have got high lipido but you need to put yourself in check"

I said to myself and at the same time smiled. 

   Having done enough staring and checking, I proceed to brush my teeth. I applied toothpaste on the brush and in no time, I finished brushing my teeth.

   I turned and ran a bath and went back to the room to pull off my clothes and pick my towel. I returned a few minutes later after I had pulled off my clothes and wrapped myself in a towel.

   I could decide to walk around my apartment if I chose to since Mr Faceless has now got a face and I am sure, I would not mind if he visits when I am naked.

I jumped into the bath and relaxed, there is no need to rush because I have got today to pamper myself.

   In a world where you need to work and eat, I am here lazing around all thanks to the fact that I am the boss of myself. If not,I would not have the leisure to be fooling around.

  And thinking of that, my mind went to Gina's boss who we have not contacted after Gina left and what we did is unfair, at least we should have let him know that Gina was not coming back to work again. He will be so worried for her knowing the kind of man he is but anyway,I would see if I could reach him.

   I sighed and picked my sponge then poured a little body wash on it and began to scrub myself tenderly. I began with my neck down to my toes. I don't use a sponge for my face because it roughes my face so when I noticed that, I got a towel for my face and it worked perfectly fine. The face is delicate so therefore, it should be pampered more than the body.

  Having scrubbed several times, I stood up and rinsed myself under the shower then applied a little body wash on my face towel and began washing my face which in no time I got through and rinsed the foam off my face and smiled a job well to myself. One down, a few more to go.

   I have not cleaned this place up for a while, tomorrow or next I will do it.

I stepped down from the bathtub and flushed of the water then rinsed the bathtub after which I wrapped myself up and walked out of the bathroom.

   Morning baths do wonders to me and I always love the feeling.

  I got to my room and lo and behold, someone stood with her back on me facing the wall, Mrs faceless I guess.

    I chuckled to myself,it's like I am so recognized to be having unexpected visitors every now and then. I wondered who this one is and what she is doing here rather, what brought her here?.