
One night with MR CEO: Mr CEO is my baby daddy

Angelia Depero a 23 years mom who became a CEO at age 16 after the death of her parent had to manage her parent company after her uncle tried to steal the CEO position and she had to take care of her 12 years old brother. she was drugged at her company 30 anniversary and slept with a stranger and became pregnant , 3 years later she decided to be an actress. ---- Jason Leon a 27 years old heartless and cold CEO who is rumors to be a gay was drugged by a business rival and slept with a stranger and he couldn't forget that night, he tried to find the girl but couldn't . ------- ''ahhh'' she slipped and was about to fall when she felt a strong arm wrapped around her securely she look up and saw a ocean blue eye "th-thank" she stuttered why trying to stand "uhm" his deep voice sounded he stare at her as she walk away.when her shadow faded he turn to the receptionist and ask "who is she"his deep voice echo as he stare at her " uh-uhm si-sir she is a-a new ro-rookie"she stuttered as she blushed crimson red

Tehlomena_Farley · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs

Mia Zicks

Ann walk back to her car , when she seated comfortably she dial the Mia's number she receive from Rick, when the call connect.

"hello miss zicks''

"hello, who is this?"

"Angelia Depero" When Mia heard the name of the caller she was speechless,Uh who is playing a prank on her, how could the great legendary Angelia Depero, the queen of the business world who raised her company single handed almost on the same level as Leon Enterprise. The first teenager that made a multi-million company to a multi -billion company. If Jason Leon is the king of the business world than she's the queen. How could this person call her a simple manager PHONE NUMBER.what the heck this person might have eaten dog shit to even think about using her name. since they want to play OK lets play . she composed herself and took a deep breath.

"oh miss Depero, what a honor that you called me, how may i help you" Mia said respectfully while giving herself thumps up for her good acting. "where are you " Ann ask " I'm at talkone cafe" "ok I will be there in five mins''

.........5 mins later...........

The moment Ann walked into talkone cafe everybody stared at her and was in dazed 'how could someone be this beautiful' that was the question in their mind no beautiful is a understatement the man were dumbstruck and their mouth was open wide that they could swallow flies and the women was jealous of her beauty and curved hips. Ann walk int the cafe gracefullywith her head up and look around for table 5 where MIa said she was at.