


  I know I was very hard on her earlier but I can't hide my anger even if I'm very happy to have found her, I spent all my time thinking about her, the conquests I had after her didn't make me feel what I felt with her, and couldn't get her out of my head; even if you judge me it does not matter I was not going to spend my life waiting for a person who could not have the decency to wait for me just two days, two fucking days��.


  I'm leaving the airport for my mansion in Paris, I decided to cut short my trip to go spend time with my beautiful stranger, at this idea I have a smile on my face

  James: but sir I thought we were going to last longer than that in England

  Me: it's not what was planned but I decided to come back early, I did the essentials, the rest of the work human resources will take care of it, what's the point of having employees if work cannot be delegated

  James: but why are you talking about human resources