


  When I arrive in the room she was sitting next to the window with Le?la, it is Le?la who notices me first and comes towards me

  Me with a little apprehension: should I be worried?

  Leila laughing: you should wear a helmet before you approach it

  Me laughing: there I go back to get the helmet then

  Leila: lol, I'll let you talk alone

  Me: ok

  During the whole conversation with Le?la she remained silent without saying anything, whereas usually she should have already thrown spades, when Le?la leaves I find myself alone in the room with her, we can feel the tension in the air, I approach and sit in front of her

  Me in a calm tone: I know you must be angry and you have every right, I wanted to settle this story on my own so as not to worry or disturb your peace of mind

  Faith: The last time you wanted to solve one of these problems on your own, we know very well how it ended, I guess it was your ex-wife, right?