


  We were at Le?la's party, when we saw Christopher with two women, and we could feel the tension in the air, so I decided to approach to understand what was going on there...

  Claudia with a big smile: you didn't tell her who I am? Tell him who I am��.

  Me: my heart????

  Christopher: baby, she's the human resources director of my company in France

  I didn't believe him at all given the tension there was and the face he was making, but I didn't want to make a scene in front of this woman because that's obviously what she wanted

  Me: ok let's go?

  Christopher kissing my forehead: yes we can go

  We don't even calculate them, we leave leaving them planted there, when we move away from them I ask him the question

  Me: are you going to tell me who that girl was?

  Christopher: well little heart, it's nobody I already told you didn't I?

  Me: Christ is not insulting my intelligence, are you going to tell me who this girl is?