


  We were having a nice evening before I got this call which is going to really complicate things when right now I'm trying to build a family, when I come back faith is trying to figure out what's going on but I'm like,

  Faith: Sweetie, how are you?

  Me: sure it's okay

  Faith: But the face you're making isn't telling me anything good, what happened, did you get some bad news or what? You can tell me everything you know?

  Me: may I tell you it's ok, listen to me once please

  Faith: ok understood, I'm tired I'm going to sleep

  She finishes the sentence she lays down and covers herself, when I try to kiss her she turns her cheek but I don't let it go I take her head between my two hands and I kiss her

  Me: rest well

  She doesn't answer me, I know she's angry and it's normal but I prefer to solve this problem on my own, I don't want to get involved in this problem and create other sources of stress for her
