

He loves her but she didn't care . All she cared about is work,work work but all he wants is her heart and body .After all he has an addiction for her pure body

Royal_Ink · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs

Natural Heart breaker

"Such a stupid Handsome man"Layla cursed as soon she stepped out of the Elevator,The damn headache is already creeping in again.

"Good Morning Lay", Betty greeted with a smile . She was smartly dressed In a blue dress her hair tied up in a messy bun .She was a pretty lady .

"Huh , Morning "Layla grumbled ,she unlocked her door and stepped into her wide and beautiful office .

She was the best Therapist in town so she was bestowed a whole floor in the hospital . Except she has to share her space with a new therapist who was brought in yesterday .

Layla dropped her bag on the floor then fall flat on the couch .She was too annoyed to get to work.

Betty pushed the door open and walked in .She carried a few files with her.

"Anything Wrong ", Betty asked concerned .

"Did you and Brian fight again"Betty asked and Layla eye's became cold as if the sound of that particular name annoyed her .Which is true.

"I don't want to hear that name again "Layla said ,her voice stained with coldness .

She hates that name like hell . That bastard that dared to cheat on her ,That bastard that broke her beautiful heart .

Betty arched a brow , What's going on.

"Tell me what's wrong Lay ."Betty asked squatting Infront of her .She was curious .

"I .... don't want to talk about it "Layla said , Betty sighed then stood up ,She respect her privacy if she didn't want to share it.She will need to talk to Brian .

"Okay ,But you can call on me if you need anything .I surely going to be there for you "Betty said to assure her , patting her shoulder with an assuring smile .

Layla nodded then smiled "Thanks buddy "

Betty nodded "This are the files containing the information about your client .Make sure to go through it thoroughly ", Betty said before turning on her heels and left the office .

Layla let out a soft sigh ,She closed her eyes still laying down on the couch.It was too soft and comfortable to resist.

Her eyes closed trying to bury memories of Brian .Her now ex boyfriend who cheated on hee her with her own sister. MIA

She will never forgive both of them... never !!


Ethan came out of the dressing room sporting a silky black shirt ,his hair dripping of water .He just took a shower .His hair was a little messy making him look a smoky hot Greek god.He was a dashing young Man,A feast to the eyes of many. An envy of many men's and crush of many ladies .He was a natural born heartbreaker ,too handsome for this world ..His eyes still glittered with coldness despite that it didn't lessen his admirers .

"Ethan ,You are done"Alan called out ,he was still sporting his doctor's coat .His legs were crossed on the table giving off a nonchalant attitude.He was an handsome man too .

Ethan lifted his beautiful eyes and looked at Alan.

"You sure are here to steal girls heart.Let get going bro .The Therapist will be waiting for you,her schedule is quite tight yet she fixed you in because of me"Alan said putting down his legs ,he stood up.

The door opened it's self and they both walked out with Alan taking the lead .He smiled at every he sees .

The Nurses and patients had their eyes on Ethan despite his 'Stay off me 'vibes ,They didn't seems to pay Alan any attention despite his charming smile .

"See Bro ,I told you "Alan said with a smile as if accustomed to it already .He was actually proud of having such a brother .