

In my current situation, it is difficult to assume that I want something I have dislike for a long time especially since you are not comfortable in your seat because of the man in front of me. I can't eat well because of him. Every time I eat a portion of food he just looked at me. I simply scratched my cheek at the same time looked at him but that's how my eyes widened when I caught him still looking at me. Quickly at four o'clock I turned my gaze back to the food in front of me and simply closed my eyes tightly.

I should not have sent the pity effect of dad to me I hope I am not here and not thinking how to excuse myself to them. I want to say that I have diarrhea but it's embarrassing. Now I regret that even sent to dad's pity effect.

" Larry, why don't you make your daughter the CEO of your company totally she can handle a company she is at the right age, and age is not required when you work, right? if you can do a job. The only important thing is that you can run and manage the company without asking help from others" I turned my gaze to the old woman and shifted my gaze to the two. I turned to my father who was now looking at me I gave him a signal look with my eyes and winked at him.

Dad and I talked about this when something happened I was out on that issue and dad would take care of it. In fact, I have been thinking about handling that company for a long time but I was hesitant that maybe I just want to handle the company because my mom said it but honestly this is not my dream. The distance of my dream of becoming a Flight Attendant.

" About that Ms. Iva, my daughter is not yet ready to be a CEO of the company in fact that my daughter and I have already talked about it and I do not want him to be difficult just because I forced or told him something she did not want to do. So I gave him time to think about whether she would accept or not" I looked at my father who was seriously looking at the old woman. I just heard my father say this in front of others. Because before he did not talk like this when they had a meeting and I was there to learn how to take over a company when someone presented in front of him he always said good and just nodded. But it's different now because he said a lot.

I simply smiled as I looked at my father. What if I told my dad that I did not want that job can he understand me?

Probably. Why did he become your father if he did not understand you?

But what if my father changes his mind?

Your dad is not like that. Once he said he would not take back what he said.

" Right," I said to myself while nodding. When I turned to them, they all looked at me. I simply bit my lip as they frowned at me. Confused by my sudden speak.

" Ah... Don't pay attention to what I said I just remembered something... So I said that" She said while trying to laugh. That was the most pointless excuse I ever said. Ms. Iva just nodded at her and turned to her father. She was simply blown away by the wind when Ms. Iva did not speak to him when she spoke earlier. When this happens I need to find an excuse tomorrow I will look for a good excuse in O- Search when something like this to happens.

I adjusted my seat and looked to the front but my smiles quickly disappeared from my lips when I saw the look of the man smirking at him and put his hand on his lips to prevent him from laughing. She now frowned when she saw the man smiling at him.

Let's see if you can still smile

She put both hands on his thigh and looked at the man who was still smiling at him she smiled at him so the man gradually lost the smile on his lips and frowned as he looked at him she did not waste the opportunity so she kicked the man under the table so the person sitting on the chair turned their eyes to the man when they heard him shout.

" Fuck!" He said while holding his knee I kicked. Frowning replaced the mother's face with the worry of seeing her son hurt.

" What happened to you son?" A worrying question to him. The man looked at him and smirk while she just raised an eyebrow.

" I don't know mom, it was like a horse kick that hit me" her face wondered as she stared at her son. While she looks badly at the man in front of him.

Tsh! feeling handsome. What does he think of my thigh? Horse thigh!

Wow, I was ashamed of his alligator face

I cleared my throat " I'm sorry to say this... But I think your son is sensitive to horse kick" They turned their heads to him and frowned as they looked at him.

" Eh??" They all said while confused by what we were saying to them

You will not really understand especially since you are not in my position. If I could just beat this man I would do it earlier but I can't because my father will be ashamed of what I do. As strong as a whirlwind, he would punch her in the face that he could no longer handle.

She was about to speak when she heard the sound of his cellphone in his bag. She quickly excuses herself to them for answering the call. She went to their garden and there answered the call.

She no longer bothered to see who was calling [ Hello?]

[ Sunny!!] she pulled his cellphone away from his ear when she heard his friend shout

[ Natalie, Why did you get called?] she heard his friend on the other line crying

The frown on his face gradually disappeared and was replaced by worry [ Did something happened?] His hand rested on his chest because of the nervousness she was feeling.

[ Sunny help] she said while crying

[ Why? What happened to you?] she asked her friend worriedly

[ Because Stella is missing] she said which made her cry louder

His forehead furrowed at the unfamiliar name she heard [ Who is Stella?]

[ You do not know Stella?]

she sighed [ Will I ask you if I know stella]

it cried even more [ she is the dog you gave me] she breathed a sigh of relief at what she heard. I thought something bad happened to him.

[ Let's just buy something new]

[ New?!!] shout at him

[ You must have heard what I said]

[ But sunny! Do you know what you are saying?]

[ Yes I know. I told you earlier] her friend pulled his own hair because of the frustration she felt

[ Can you put aside your sarcastic nature first?]

[ what do you want me to do?]

[ help me find stella]

she laughed softly [ are you crazy]

[ I'm Serious Sunny]

[ Do you know what time it is? It's late at night and then we'll look for your dog? Do you think we can see your dog tonight? Look, Natalie, there is still tomorrow why don't we just look for him tomorrow. We totally have a lot of time to look for him but not tonight]

she closed her eyes tightly when she hears her friend crying [ Ok, I will be the only one to look for him because you don't care about me if I disappear]

She looked up and closed her eyes firmly because of the annoyance she was feeling. I know this will happen. She always does this to me. The one who always begs. Of course, I am this fool who always follows him. Who will not feel guilty when your friend is like that. You even look bad when you don't obey.

[ Fine!]she heard the joy in his friend's voice.

[ Oh my goodness, thank you so much--]

[ Yeah, yeah just wait for me there] she said and put down his cellphone.

I don't know if I sigh a little but I can't help it. This is me following the crazy friend's wish. It's hard to be nice. She put his cellphone in his bag and when she turned around she was surprised at the person leaning against the wall while looking at him

" You startled me!" she said as his hand rested on his chest. When she did not speak, he straightened up and adjusted his ruffled dress. After she adjusted her clothes she would have left when he spoke.

" How do you leave if you don't have a car?" I turned to him when he suddenly spoke and left as he leaned against the wall and approached me.

" I know your dad won't let you leave because we are here. So how can you leave if you do not have a car?" he said while looking at her. I raised an eyebrow at him and folded my arm in front of him.

" Are you stalking me?" he laughed and put his tongue to the side of his mouth

" With this handsome of mine, I will be your stalker?" he pointed to his face

" Why not if you look like that" his face was serious to him

" If I were your stalker, I would have put CCTV in your restroom"

" Pervert," I said while looking badly at him.

" So don't accuse me of being a stalker if I don't do that to you," he said and smirk at him.

I smiled bitterly at him " So what were you doing earlier? Isn't that called a stalker? and if not a stalker, what are you? Gossip? Listened to the conversation of others" It still looked at him and smirk so I looked badly at him even worse without changing of his face still changing.

" You know I like that kind of behavior"

" And I do not ask" his grin disappear from his face and he looked straight at him

" Look, Ms--"

" Forget it, I don't need your help," I said to him and left him. I don't need his help if I can do it alone

While sunny was walking she texted his friend that she would just sleep with them because she knew she could not go home at that time. The man was right earlier, It is difficult to get out of the house especially at night and my father will not allow me to leave the house when I say that I will go to my friend's house. I also can't use the car because they will hear that when I use it so I have no option but to just walk to my friend's house. I will walk just for the missing dog I will go to find the dog she missing. Unbelievable

She slowly opened his gate and went out there without noise and when she got out she ran fast. She stopped at the opposite pole while gasping for breath. She also removed his heels because of its heels was removed.

" You will pay Natalie because of you my favorite sandals were broken"

After resting for a while she walked again she took a few steps when a Ferrari car stopped on his side I looked at it as it lowered the car window and that's how my eyes widened when I saw the who the person inside the car was.

" Just tell me if you don't want to ride and I will leave you her," He said

" No" he nodded

" Alright, if that's what you said as long as you don't regret it when another vehicle stops"

" Are you scaring me? To get there in your car? FYI Mister Nobody I will not retract what I said earlier that I do not need your help--" she suddenly stop when she saw a car approaching

" You do not need to say more Ms. Sassy because I'm leaving," she said and smirk at him

Wait what do I do what if he leaves and suddenly the car that is coming stops where will I go? I can't do it I said earlier I couldn't do it without his help

It's up to you as long as he is not his fault when something happens to you

Shit, what do I do!

The car was about to leave when she called it

" Wait!" the man looked at him

" do you have anything to say Ms. Sassy," he said as she looked around at the car approaching

" Can I take back what I said" he smiled

" Of course, get in" she nodded and got inside the car

Just now it.