

" Are you crazy?!" said the friend on the other line. He sighed as she leaned on his headboard and rubbed his palm on his face.

" I think I am," she said and his eyes focused on the person in front

" What have you done sunny," she said

" I don't know okay" she sighed

" Really you don't know, as far as I remember you don't act like that in front of your father" she hissed

" And when did you care about him?" he said while raising an eyebrow. He now stopped and at the same time nodded and sighed.

" Fine! Let's not talk about her" she said and rolled his eyes at him.

She is Natalie jane smith, she's my friend since high school. She is the person I run to when I have a problem in life. She's good at everything and I love him so much like I don't wanna lose him too. I treasure all the people I love. Actually, we treated each other as siblings, because we act as we care about each other and that's what I love the most. Everyone at school scares about him because of his aura but for me, it is not psh. I know you will say because we are a friend, then if you think that you're wrong, but that is not the reason why I do not fear him. Simple as math, because she is not a ghost to fear like duh what are they afraid of that beautiful look, that looks like a goddess but she is kind, past tense she is kind to the people she loved, but if you want to make friends with him. She has one rule. Do not show some bad manners if you don't want to see Jesus.

" I would like to ask you something," She said as he combed his hair. I took my cellphone from the side table and looked at what time it was. Actually, I will pick up asher later, at anna's house asher's baby sitter.

" About what?" he said and put down his cellphone next to it and looked at the person she was talking to

she clear her throat " do you still remember john?" of course! Who can not forget the one who hurt my best friend.

" U-huh" she nodded

" Sunny, Actually john is" hesitation he says. I frowned as she twisted his hair with her finger

" What about him?" she asked.

Something is wrong, I know something is wrong, She is like that when he hides something from me. Like you have diarrhea because you can't be comfortable in your seat. What did you do this time Natalie jane smith?

" Sunny... John is--"

" Spill the beans, Nat" I only call him by his nickname when I'm angry. She swallowed hard and closed her eyes at the same time.

"JOHNTALKEDTOMEYESTERDAYABOUTUSANDHEWANTEDTOGETBACKTOGETHER," she said non-stop. I, on the other hand, frowned at the same time tilting my head.

" What?" she said while frowning. The person she was talking to took a deep breath while looking at him.

" John talked to me yesterday about us and he wanted to get back together," she said and sighed.

I, on the other hand, opened my mouth and nodded at him. " Well I'm not surprised," I said and looked at the screen. She was surprised by what I said at the same time she raised her arm and blinked.

" You're not angry," she asked

" Of course not, Why should I be angry with you? That's your life, do what you want" I said.

She laughed softly and looked at him " Wow, sunny. Thank's ah, you are really a good friend" she said sarcastically.

" I know right" I smiled at him while she rolled her eyes at me.

" Don't you love me anymore? So you bring me back to john" I now laughed at what she said

" Silly, of course, I love you, why do you think I don't love you? You're like a sister and I don't wanna lose you." I said and smiled at him. " Natalie listen if you really want to get back together, then go Natalie. I can't hold your life so I can tell you I don't want you and John to get back together. That is your life, and where you will be happy I will also support you in your decision. I'm just your best friend Natalie I'm not your mother to choose what is best for you. So if you still love each other why not give each other a chance? The second chance is shown if she has changed. Take a risk Natalie if you don't want to blame in the end." I line him long while smiling. She laughed softly and smiled at me. How cute

" I really want to try sunny, but I'm scared. I'm scared to trust him again it's like I don't wanna love a boy in my life again" she said. I sighed and look at the screen.

" because that's a part of a love Natalie. We are hurt because we always rely on things that have no certainty. Waiting for a past that we can't go back to. And we love someone we can't stand" I said calmly to him.

" Thank you," she said as he twisted his finger. I just stared at him from the screen and waited for what she would say next. " Thank you for everything because you are always there for me when I have a problem. You do not judge me when I tell you a story. Thank you for making me happy. You know, even though we are far from each other, I will not exchange you because I will not be able to find another sunny person like you" what else can I do. I am the only one who makes them happy when they have a problem. My only role in life is to make them happy and to be a happy person even if I am not.

I sighed and smiled at him " Well thank you haha. But can you go back to the way you were before because it's not good for you to be nice, you look like you're confessing"

" Thanks for ruining the good moment," she said and pouted. So I laughed at what she said

" Your welcome" she rolled her eyes at me. It does not matter to him to be good because she looks fake when she becomes good. Before when we were studying she punches all the men we passed at school. Because she's Natalie you know, Everybody in school called him Amazona because of his attitude. For him, men are like cancer in society, But funny because she dated john. But sadly they ended up breaking each other hearts.

" Yes by the way I remember. The badasses squad wants to see you later I think they miss you too. You know the habit of those when you do not go FO" she said and laugh. I on the other hand bite my lower lip to prevent a grin.

" Yeah, I think they miss me so much because they threatening me already" I sarcastically said.

She laughed and nodded " If I were you go and show yourself to them so you don't end up in friendship over" I laughed at what she said. Yeah, they will still threaten FO. I know they can't do that because when someone is removed from our group, the badasses squad is gone and there is no more starving squad. But I'm going because we haven't seen each other for a long time. I have nothing to do at home so, go.

" Okay, I'll go," I said while smiling. Natalie applauded with joy once out of his cellphone.

" I will call them," she said and showed him the number to call.

" I will fetch asher first" Sunny got up from her bed and took her shoulder bag and said goodbye to the person she was talking to from the laptop.

" I'll just call you again okay," I said. Natalie nodded at was she said and turn off his screen. I, on the other hand, put my laptop away and called asher's baby sitter. Sunny only called a few times on her cellphone when she heard him speak on the other line.

[ Miss Sunny?] Said the interlocutor on the other line.

[ Morning Anna] she greeted happily on the other line

[ Good Morning to Miss Sunny. Why did you get called?]

[ I called you because I will pick up Asher at your house]

[ Is that so mam? But asher is still sleeping.] Sunny bit her lower lip and wondered if she would pick up asher.

[ Alright then, I'll just pick him up later because I'm also going somewhere] she said

[ Okay, mam don't worry I will take care of asher] said on the other line

[ Alright, I'll hang up. Thank you, Anna]

[ Always welcome Mam Sunny.]

After Sunny talked to Anna she put down her cellphone and went out the door of her room. Today I just didn't have baby asher with me because I don't like him here at home because she and his grandfather see us how to fight and I don't want to remember that when he grows up. I know baby hurts too but we just don't feel it.

When sunny got down the stairs she noticed that her dad was not on the sofa. Because when sunny went downstairs she always caught up with his dad who was sitting on the sofa. Sometimes working there and sometimes drinking there but sunny let him go first because she was able to think of dad and get rid of the problems his dad was thinking.

Sunny went to the bar center table just in case she saw her dad but sunny failed because she did not see her dad drinking alcohol. So sunny just went out of the house and hailed a taxi.

After thirty minutes of traveling, Sunny arrived at the destination, the clubhouse where we used to hang out.

As soon as sunny's foot hit the tiles, she heard her friend shouting.

" Oh no," she whispers as his eyes focused on his friends who were already running down the stairs.

" SUNNNYYY" His friend shouted at him. Shit.

She is Allysa Louis Acosta. The woman you can never say is not perfect because she is perfect in and out. But don't just show him the map if you don't want to shoot. Because what she dislikes the most is the one show her map because she has a bad youth there so don't if you wanna live. Allysa joining the gang member and she has a gun she is rocking.

" O TO THE M TO THE G IT IS YOU MY VERY PRETTY FRIEND," Said the friend as she got down the stairs with his two hands facing his lips.

That is Penelope Quarez Mondragon the woman you thought was nice but girl don't trust that look because you won't like what she will do to you once you believe what she says. In the group, she is called a snakebite because of his attitude. So don't trust him and don't let him drive you because she is good there and if you step on his trap. Sorry girl but you can just say is goodbye world.

"You're ALREADY HERE! OH, MY DEAR!!! COME TO MAMA!" Oh my gosh no!

She is Angelina Eleanor the noisiest in our group her mouth is like a gun because she can't stop her mouth from speaking as if she will never run out of saliva. She is the loudest person but when you fight her. Girl. Maybe you can't speak because when she speaks to you, you can't speak when she leaves you with a word because his tongue is sharp so don't fight with her.

" Why did you take so long to show yourself girl are you hiding with us?!" Angelina said when they get close to me. I was about to speak when Allysa spoke to me first.

" Angelina is right! Are you hiding with us?! Don't you want to be with us anymore? Then your not gonna see a light tomorrow" I was swallowed hard because Angelina threatened me.

" It's not like that--" Son of tofu! How can I explain my side if you speak to me first

" Just try to hide us you will lose your dad's dearest compony" I gasp because of Penelope's threat. Now you know why badasses squad is the name of our group because they do not sanctify anyone but they are kind to those who are kind to them. But I'm not like them ah I'm nice. I just don't know why I became friends with these badasses squad. I was about to speak when someone spoke behind me.

" How can you understand to him first? Can you listen to what she has to say before you threaten him? If I could threaten you all, would you say something" I faced from behind and I smiled at the person I saw

She is Isabel Mckenna the woman you will never like to be with because she is very strict and his behavior is different compared with those three. Because she is the person who hides his true nature in his inner form on the outside she is right is he is angry but on the inside, she is like a volcano that wants to erupt at any time. She does not like people who arrogant and have bad manners because when you show them bad manners. Girl, hide yourself. Because she will not stop you until she finds you.

" Isabel!" I greeted him warmly and approached him and hugged him. She reciprocated with a hug and caressed my back. I really miss him so much.

" How are you sunny," She said and let go of the hug.

" this, I am still a life," she said so the whole squad laughed.

" I see that," she said while nodded.

" Sunny let's go tell us what happened to you this year" Penelope imitated him.

" Yes, tell the same story with us girl" everyone agrees. So sunny did nothing when a friend dragged her to the sofa and she sat them around him.

" HEP! Before that story, let's eat first because I'm hungry" Isabel said so they all howled

" What the heck!" Allysa

" I will eat later. I'll talk to sunny first. Right sun" Angelina

" Yeah, me too" Penelope

" You will eat or you will wait for me to put food in your mouth" Isabel threatens them. So before four o'clock the three quickly sat up.

" Who said we will not follow" Said Penelope and sat down in his chair. I laughed at what he said while shaking my head.

" Look at these women" Isabel was shaken as her eyes focused on the three people sitting in the chair while scrambling for the plate.

" Let them be. Because they are young minds" I said.

" We here that sunny, Come on!" Angelina said so Isabel and I both laughed.

" let's go sunny, let's eat," Isabel said to me so I did nothing when the chair gestured to me.

They are happily eating while the other three are noisy while eating. They can't really stop, they stop blabbering on their mouths, especially Angelina, You can't really stop talking even though her mouth is full. After the relentless chatter of the three of them, they finished eating and sunny sat down on the sofa as they surrounded sunny.

" Okay sunny, let us know what did you do this year," Allysa said.

" well"

Sunny told what happened to her this year. She told them nothing was too much and nothing too little. She even told the story of their fight with his dad because they did not understand each other so they got to the point where they fought and did not pay attention. When sunny told them about the baby she got they were all overjoyed because now they have a new friend. But sunny did not agree to what they wanted to happen so they all howled but they did nothing when Isabel spoke even though they were against it they just keep quiet. Sunny also told them about the pervert man she bumped into on the mountain of shrine. They were all happy because it might be sunny forever but sunny just laughed at them. What sunny hates is what she avoids.

After their endless conversation, Sunny decided to go home because it was getting late and she would pick up asher. They wanted to take him home but she did not agree because she can go home alone. Again she did nothing when Isabel spoke.

" Let's go girls," Angelica said and get inside the car. Penelope and angelica and Allysa are in the back while I am in the front and Isabel is driving.

While Isabel was driving the car Angelina was talking non-stop. She was just talking in the back while the two next to him were just using a cellphone and had AirPods in their ears. While I just looked out the window and smiled when I saw the beautiful sunset.

" You know I have a story--" Angelina stopped speaking when Penelope yelled at her.

" Doesn't your jaw get tired when you open and close. Like you don't run out of saliva when you talk" Penelope said and rolled her eyes at Angelina.

" Just listen to my story okay, I swear you're gonna like it," Angelina said while smiling at Penelope

" Arghh!! Useless Airpods" Annoyed she said

" You know I have a story for you."

" Oh come one"

" One day I left and then I went to our house. Then when I entered the house I heard a woman growl in my brother's room."

" What the heck Angelina, Are you telling me about your brother how to get sex with someone?! Please hell no, Your gotta be kidding me." She said and turned his head to Isabel while driving " Are we close yet?" She asked Isabel, But Isabel didn't respond so she did nothing but to listen to what Angelina said. Poor Penelope.

" So this is what happened, I record how the woman moaned and then I edited and uploaded it on Instagram and your not gonna believe what I was about to say. Because they all like it and I'm so proud of my skills" Angelina said while still closing her eyes. So I just laughed softly when Penelope did nothing in Angelina's mouth to stop it.

After thirty minutes of travel, Sunny also reached his destination. When she got out of the car. she said goodbye to his friends. And they will only meet again when sunny is not busy so she agreed. Smiling watching sunny watch the car leave. And went to the door and rang the doorbell.

" Mam, Sunny" Anna said when she saw her.

She smiled and looked for Asher's if it was behind her " Hello Anna, I just want to pick up Asher" she said

" Sure Mam, I just called her inside" she nodded and wait for asher to come out.

" My baby," She said when she saw asher. Asher immediately ran to him and hugged his leg so she carry asher and she kissed him on the cheek. I miss him so much.

" Thank you Anna for taking my little bro" I smiled at him

" Your welcome Mam Sunny, Actually mam it's fun to take care of asher because he's not naughty then he's friendly," she said while smiling at asher. I smiled at what Anna said about asher. And I looked at asher who was now sleeping on my shoulder

" Let's just talk some other time Anna, Because I think Asher is tired of playing," I said

" It's okay Mam Sunny, You are very welcome to come to my house you and baby asher," She said

" Alright then, See you again Anna, Again thank you"

" Welcome mam" I smiled and nodded at what she said. I left their house and walked while I was carrying asher and called a taxi.

When sunny got home she noticed that her father's car was not there yet. So Sunny just went inside the house and went to her room and did the routine with asher. After she wiped asher's body she put a powder on her back. After she put a powder she mix asher's milk and put it on the bed. When she noticed that the child was asleep, he went to the restroom and took a short bath, and did his daily routine on his face.

After she put her daily routine she lay down on her bed and turned off her light on the side table and kissed asher on the cheek and hugged it.

" Good night baby Asher,"