
One Like No Other

surviving airplane crash in the middle of the storm, Rick found himself in another world. it is a different, yet somehow have a semblance of earth. trapped with no way back to earth, heart broken and desperate, Rick tried to rebuild himself into someone new. he will face difficulty, challenged beyond his limit, but in the end of the day he will do anything. he will be the One Like No Other

Northsouth · Fantasi
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14 Chs

Hunt Food

wandering aimlessly, Rick just keep walking and walking.

he has been walking aimlessly for days. he begin to lost count how many days have passed. right now he is very hungry and somehow there is no prey for him to hunt. around him the prairie is just the same as always, green grass and windy all around day to night.

getting tired, Rick decided to get some rest by sitting down carefully. without he realize, Rick actually have a tail behind him. the first time he sit down carelessly, he sit on his tail on accident and it hurt so much. it hurts like a bone about to be broken. since then he always sit down carefully to avoid sitting on his tail again.

sitting alone in the open field, Rick rest his body while staring empty to the distance. he do this until the sun begin to set, then laying to his side to try get some sleep.


waking up right when the sun is about to rise, Rick stretch his body to loosen his bone and muscle. today will probably be another long walk, Rick think. while he look around to decide where he will go today, he sees something in the far distance. it's a herd of bison beast.

Rick is happy. finally some prey to eat. he just need to kill one or two and his food will be safe for a few days.

feeling excited, Rick begin to run toward the herd.

guided by his instinct, Rick slow down his speed and begin to crawl slowly on the grassy ground when he got near the bisons protective area. protective area means an area around the bison where they consider anything within is too close to the herd and deemed as threat.

to avoid being attacked by adult and powerful six meters long bison, Rick crawl as slow as he could while making sure that the bison not notice him.

after a bit while, Rick finally got close enough to the bison herd. but instead of jumping right away, he instinctively wait until the herd begin to move away. Rick know that when the herd begin to move, the one at back will be the oldest and weakest. which means easy prey.

Rick patiently wait and soon enough, the herd slowly move away from their current location. looking for fresh grass to chew.

as the herd move away, the old and slow bison is left at the back of the herd while the leader and strong one are leading the herd to a new grazing place.

this is the moment!

Rick jump out from his crouching position as fast as he could, startling the bison that trying to run away as fast as possible. but the old bison is slow, and in no time Rick manage to jump on a bison and put his claws in the bison body.


in pain and scared, the bison begin thrashing around trying to throw Rick away. but his muscle is too strong and with a single push, he break some bones in the bison body. effectively crippling it down.

but Rick is not satisfied. he want more. so he chase at the bison herd once more. with speed beyond any beast can comprehend, he catch up to the herd and tackled another bison left behind in the back.

the bison fall to the side but try its best to stand up as fast as possible. but it all too late. Rick is already rushing to it. he aim straight to the bison neck and deliver a deadly bite.


the bison mooo ing in pain but Rick is not a patient beast when it comes to killing. with his fangs still embedded deeply in bison throat, he pull the bison body up and slam it down head first as strong as he can. directly breaking the neck bone of the bison and killing it.


roaring in pride for his success, Rick pull the bison carcass to the previous crippled bison. the crippled bison is still alive but already very weak. with and evil grin, Rick begin to speak to the bison.

"I'll let you die slowly in pain, while i eat one of your herd mate in front of you. "

the bison don't understand what Rick said but he don't care. he pull the bison carcass and place it in front of the crippled bison. then. he begin to tear bison carcass apart with his fang and claw, slowly eating it in joy and pleasure.

after he done eating, Rick checkout on the crippled bison and see that the bison is already dead. he left it there and then lay on his side, using the dead crippled bison as pillow and go to sleep.


for the next few days, Rick just laze around near his bison carcasses. he will eat it when he get hungry and left it away when he got full.

and after he eat all the meat and organs of the bisons, his mood turn sour. he need to hunt for food again. which means there will be no food for some days. Rick hate being hungry. but he cannot do anything else to solve it.

so Rick begin to walk again. leaving the bones of dead bisons behind him.

and he walk aimlessly in the wide prairie. he just keep walking and walking.