
what in the world!


My body flipped in the air, swung buy an immense force until my body touched the ground.

I rolled on the road with a heavy bang before the world around me turned blurry and my banging headache disappeared.

Along with my senses. The sense of touch, the sense of hearing, the sense of smell, the sense sight, the sense of time.

What I didn't notice was that what I was involved in was far from an accident.


I woke up slowly, lifting my body from the pillow soft ground, to a world of purity and flowers. The ground was a beautiful white covered in crystal snow and knee hight light purple flowers. In the distance, there was towering mountains with a peaks of white.

The sky was clean of any impurity, a light blue with a hue of pink and purple, with dazzling glitter like stars and a bright sun glaring on my body, making it a heaven out of my reach. A magical land where dreams came true, where lovers met and where love is born.

My body felt light and my long silky white dress fluttered in the breeze, like my hair flowed elegantly with the dancing of the flowers.

I felt comfort. I felt clean. I didn't want to leave here, not now, not ever. My memories and my previous life was all forgotten, it was just a blank sheet of paper in my head, waiting to be written on.

Slowly, a glowing path lit upon me, urging to move toward it however I felt a force holding me back as if I knew it would be fatal to walk down that path.

It would've been, before I was, yet again, knocked unconscious.