
.another type of move.

5am Tuesday 8th Sept 2012


It's the first day of school. I look at my clock an I realise it's only 5am. Who cares?!! nothing can beat the adrenaline you get on the first day of school, mind full of crazy fantasies and hilarious falls. I look out of the window, only to see a peak of the sun, enough to light the sky a beautiful romantic coral, as we are greeted by small birds at my window and quiet streets waiting for the morning rush.

My heart is beating crazy fast as I come to quick realization that, along with the fact that I have been staring outside of the window for 30 minutes straight, there is no breakfast ready and we have to be out of the house in 40 minutes. As you know, we moved recently and I still haven't found any part time jobs so technically, we are hanging by a string. It's a really important day for my sister and me because it's 'first impressions' day. I don't have much time left so i send my sister to school as soon as she's done prepping herself, which is at around 6am. It is quite early but I told her to get breakfast, take a tour and arrive early to be greeted by headteachers, since today is day no.1

After she'd left, I get into the shower, wash and clean up, brush my (kind of) straight teeth, dry my hair and curl the tips. I then apply some lip tint on my lips and some mascara. Luckily, I have 10 minutes to spare so I go on Instagram and search up some girls and boys who attend my school. My profile just has 1 picture of me, and it's from about 3 months ago, right before we moved, so I decided to update it with a picture in my school uniform next to the window, looking at the gorgeous sunrise. The clothes for school had to be formal yet casual so I decided to put on a white long sleeve blouse with and a burgundy skirt, long enough to cover half of my thigh, quite simple and cute, but paired with some thigh high black heeled boots (6cm heel) and a white backpack looked decently nice. Since it was quite warm here, I decide to leave my coat at home.

I tagged my school and some places around it which attracted so many students to my profile, instantly bringing in likes and comments, some from people I know but most from my new school. I read through and found 1 comment from an unknown instagram account saying "My rose," however i ignored it because I saw something stranger than that. People flooded in comments saying how I was so lucky and how I should be grateful for this. I guess they meant being able to move to Shanghai from England, right?

On my way out, I picked up my coffee and toast and made my way to school. I had felt a slight breeze run around my arm but felt really calming since it was in the morning. With around 30 minutes left before classes started, i made my way, somehow, to the principle's office, which was marked on every sign so you could never miss where it was. The school's interior was modern and sleek yet elegant and warm. I knocked on the principle's office, which was on the 3rd floor of Block 1 of 3, hoping someone would take me in before the rush had started. Then, to my surprise, someone tapped me on my shoulder, seeming as though he/she knew I was coming. I turned around...

First cliff-hanger of the season. whoop.

Just to put it out there, the first few chapters will feel slow since I'm just introducing the characters and the setting to you but it will speed up as we go through the story. Remember, good things come to the people who wait.

Many kisses

Victoria xxx

vickyyyyxxocreators' thoughts