
69. 71: Sunday


Castle wakes suddenly when the plane jolts, glances around. Looks like Kate woke as well; she's giving him a sleepy-eyed yawn and rolling her head on his shoulder.

Her head on his shoulder. Huh. Castle lifts his hand and rakes it through her hair as she yawns again, kisses her temple.

"Last flight," she murmurs. "Almost home."

He deflates a little at that, but she's still curled at his arm and nestling closer, her cheekbone sharp at his joint, eyes opening and closing in that way she has where she thinks she should wake but she really doesn't want to.

The flight attendant comes around and tells them to put their seats upright, tray tables in their locked positions. Kate leaves his side, rather reluctantly it seems, and they both get situated for landing.

Once the plane is on the ground and parked at the gate, they stay in their seats until the door is released and opened. Kate takes his hand in hers as he grabs her bag; she seems fine with that too, so he pushes it a little and laces their fingers together, kissing her softly.

She smiles into his mouth and nudges him towards the aisle, keeping her hand firmly in his.

Waiting around the carousel as luggage spins in vain, none of it theirs, Kate watches him play with her fingers, his touch smooth and soft and light. She quirks her thumb and he sort of comes to, as if it was all rather unconsciously done, and he gives her a startled look.

Before he can apologize, she leans into him and presses her mouth to his, gently, rubs her thumb over his lips. He looks sort of sad, and she knows it's because their vacation is over, but she can make it up to him.

"I'll come over for dinner?"

He stares at her, opens his mouth, closes it, averts his eyes, and she realizes they're not on the same page.

"I thought you'd come back with me," he murmurs and turns away from her.

Oh. She watches him grab her suitcase from the conveyor belt, put it at her feet. "I want to get my laundry done," she tries. "Clean up whatever's left of my place. There's a lot to do."

He nods, still says nothing, not looking at her. Shit. What's she supposed to do with that? Kate pulls up the handle of her suitcase and watches him a moment. Is this how he wants to leave things? Pissed at her for wanting to make sure her apartment is even still there-

"Actually," he says suddenly, rubbing a hand down his face. "You'll have to come back with me. I've got your keys."

"You have what?"

But he's shouldering his way back to the luggage carousel for his suitcase and she's left with her mouth open, incredulous.

"I got the locks changed," he says, shrugging at her and then giving his address to the taxi driver.

She stares at him, open-mouthed. "What the hell were you thinking-"

"He got into your place with a key. I can't believe you wouldn't want me to get the place re-keyed."

"You didn't ask," she yells, and he rubs his hand down his face to keep from shouting back.

"It's just a smart move. Get new locks on the doors if you're gonna insist on staying there alone-"

"Insist on staying there alone?" she gasps.

He can hear the growl in her throat that's his warning, but he doesn't care. Matters of her safety - he's not going to back down. He wouldn't do it any differently. "It's not safe."

The cab isn't a lot of space for an argument, and the driver keeps turning up the music. She's just yelling right over it though.

"This is my life, Castle. You didn't even ask me! You didn't even tell me."

Castle clenches his fists and shakes his head, seething with all of it, hurt and frustrated and painfully aware of how much it echoes their fight a little over two months ago.

"I didn't think I'd have to ask," he bites back. "Holy shit, Kate. You really want these guys running around New York with keys to your place?"

"What does it even matter? If they want in, they're sure as hell not gonna let a locked door stand in their way. I'd rather they not do structural damage, Castle. Just wreck the place as usual and get out. Lock it behind them."

With a grunt, Castle shoves back against the door, the handle digging into his spine. "Is that sarcastic? Are you seriously being sarcastic about this? It's not funny."

"This is my life, Castle. What gives you the right to-"

He growls. "I love you."

"So?" she hisses.

So? "Shit," he breathes, chest tightening.

"I'd think if you loved me, Castle, you wouldn't try to rearrange my life behind my back. You'd treat me like your partner, your equal. Not a child."

He shakes his head and glances out the window, afraid that if he opens his mouth, the words that come out won't be any good. Won't help. Would only make this infinitely worse.

The cab pulls up at his loft at that moment, his saving grace, and he yanks the door open the second it stops. Kate doesn't slide across; she doesn't even look at him.

He leans into the cab and asks the driver to stay, then glances to Kate, sees the flare of that muscle in her jaw, the pulse of that tendon in her forehead.

"Let me run up and get the keys from Alexis. She picked them up for - me." He was going to say us, but it won't come out.

Kate scrapes her hair off her face and doesn't get out when he comes back down. He hands her a tiny white envelope and she takes it, pops it open. Four keys are inside.


He shrugs but won't look at her.

Fine. Whatever. She's not giving him a key though. That's what he wanted when he had four made, right? He doesn't get a key if he thinks he can do whatever the hell he wants. How does she know he won't come in, do stuff to her place, rearrange her spices again or steal her underwear because he thinks it's funny and he's a damn child?

He leans into the cab and his eyes won't meet hers. "I - the couch. It's back from the upholster. It came in and Alexis let them move it in while. . .you were gone."

She grits her teeth at that and tries to ignore the stab that goes straight through her. "While we - we were gone, you mean. So what else did you do, Castle? Is there more?"

"I was trying to help."

"Thanks for all your help. I don't need it."

"Kate. I didn't do it for you. I did it for me."


"I want to be able to sleep at night if you're not here, okay? Is that a crime? To be sure you're safe?"

"A new lock on my door is hardly a deterrent."

"Great. Now I really won't sleep, and it's not like you'll condescend to stay. So I'm screwed. Thanks."

Castle turns his back on her and leaves her in the cab.

She gives the driver her address and won't watch him walk away.