

The next day, Gin woke up from his beauty sleep and he can see that he is in the room of the hospital. His chest is covered in a bandage and his hands are also covered in a bandage.

His lance is nowhere to be found but he is not worried as he is sure that the hero association will handle his lance.

Gin drinking the soup which is fed by the beautiful nurse and looking at the Tv for the news about his last fight.

As he expected his news is broadcast and he also saw many arguments but he doesn't care. He skipped the channel to search for a comedy channel and watched it.

One thing that makes Gin happy is that he managed to kill those 8 chickens and they are going to be on his menu.

His phone is filled with messages from Haruna so he texted her that he is fine and made it mute.

While watching comedy, the news about his reaching S rank-9 appeared in words and he is also rank-7 in the most handsome hero.

S rank-9 is he expected as he killed 8 demon-level monsters and he will rank up is certain but how did he become 'the most handsome hero' while they didn't even see his face?

After all, his face is always covered in the mask when he doing the hero's job and he didn't remember the time when he took off his mask when he fights monsters.

The following day, he got visited by three individuals from the hero association.

"So you are telling me that you three would like to be my confidential advisor but I can only choose only one among you three," said Gin while looking at a man and two women.

The man is named Kirisa and the two women are named Hwari and Monet. These three are executives of the hero association.

"Yes, that's right," said the three of them.

"You are telling me that a confidential advisor is someone who helps his or her hero but I don't need money and do you know what I want?" said Gin.

'This confidential advisor is kind of like a sponsor for the heroes,' thought Gin.

The three of them know that this is Gin telling them to show what they got under their sleeves and it will not be easy as the hero they dealing with is S-rank who is quite rich.

"Dark lancer, I am the person who controlled the branches of Z city and some surrounding cities. If you choose me to be an advisor, I can provide the information more quickly and exactly. Also, I have considerable authority in Z city," said Kirisa.

"HO, tell me about that authority," said Gin while looking Kirisa with a smile.

"That is companies that operated in my regions will have to give a certain portion as the protection fee," said Kirisa.

'Hmm, that is the main way the hero association can operate that is by the funds of the companies, and by no way the hero association can operate by the funds of commoners,' thought Gin.

"And again, these mean nothing to me and you know it so why are you telling me about these things?" said Gin.

"Dark lancer, please listen carefully, you can control the number of heroes appearing from these regions and you can also get full support from these companies," said Kirisa with a loud voice.

"You are telling me to become some kind of dictator in these regions but your terms can't move my heart and you are in some kind of misunderstanding. I become a hero to become stronger and stronger, not to control some regions and I am not that B-rank girl so Kirisa if you don't have other terms then you can exit," said Gin.

Kirisa looked like he got a stone in his throat and he exited the door while thinking about something.

Gin looked at the other two and said "So, your terms?"

Hwari thought while looking at the back of Kirisa and she went into thinking mode. The reason she wanted to become an advisor for Gin is that her family needs a deterrence to some people and their family strength getting lower is not helping that situation.

Monet looked at Gin and spoke "Dark lancer, I know that you want to become stronger and I can provide you the equipment that can make you become stronger,".

"Your term is good if I don't know the human limit but there is a limit in every living being and that also includes humans so your term really lacked beauty to me," said Gin.

"Of course, what I mean is equipment also includes some drugs that can make your strength goes higher than normal. Dark lancer, my company is specialized in inventing things which include all kinds of machines and drugs so if you choose me as an advisor, I can give you full permission to use these things," said Monet with confidence.

"Unfortunately, these conditions don't excite me so you can leave," said Gin flatly.

Monet also exits without her smile but Gin can see that this woman is troublesome and she is also not someone who gives up easily.

Gin looked at the remaining one and said "So, what about you?"

Hwari looked at Gin who is also staring at her and said "Dark lancer, you said that you want to become stronger but can you tell me how you would like to become stronger,".

'That is a right question,' thought Gin and said "How much do you know about Silver Fang(Bang)?"

Hwari looked like she figured something out and she looked at Gin and said "Dark lancer, do you know about intends,".

Gin wanted to smile but he held back after all he finally found someone who knew about intends but he has to know how much she knew so he said: "Yes, do you have a way to make me achieve that,".

Hwari heard about something her father who is the family head before her said and he told her about the Intends or Chi. She heard from her father that these Intends can be practiced by certain practices and her family(Yun) crisis also might be related to this.

Gin looked at the pondering Hwari and he can see that she might have a way.

"Dark lancer, I certainly know about Intends but I don't know the way for you to become stronger," said Hwari.

Gin was disappointed as he thought that she has a way. "But, I can tell you something about my family. My family has been named 'Yun' and our main business is an investment. The family that has the main business as an investment can be called fragile after all our lifeline is connected with some of the companies we invested in. The reason we don't do business with this money is that no one in my family including me has the capacity to do private business and if we did, we have always faced failures like we are cursed,".

"Don't tell me about these businesses about your family but tell me all you knew about the Intends," said Gin impatiently.

Hwari can feel that Gin is getting impatient so she changed her subject to Intends after all she has already said general knowledge about her family "My father got involved with the dojos that taught about martial arts when he is visiting to do some investment,"

"I don't know how the situations went bad but these martial arts dojos want something from our family and my father said that we mustn't give that thing to the outsider or we will get more and more unfortunate," said Hwari.

Gin looked at the girl that is telling her story with a straight face and he thought 'Is it possible that I transmigrated into the wrong world, after all, I definitely remembered that there is no such thing in anime or manga but if someone asks him that these kind of things are possible then he will answer with 'Yes' after all this is the world where GOD involved personally,'

"Can you please tell me your point?" said Gin.

"The point is that if I become your advisor then you will get the legal reason to involve in my matters and the things you got after you attacked these dojos can be kept by you," said Hwari.

"These are really clever ways to make do a favor for you but if you can only give me these then I will have to decline," said Gin.

"Dark lancer, I can only give you these but if you want to get the thing from my family then you will have to marry me or there is no other way to give you that thing," said Hwari.

Gin looked at Hwari she is certainly more charming than all the women in his past world and her temperance really made her stand out but he is thinking is it really worth marrying her to get the thing in her family?

Gin went into pondering mode and he thought about the pros and cons of her becoming his advisor. He can feel that there are many merits if he can get these martial arts from these dojos. He remembers Bang told him that all the dojos got the martial arts that can make them able to practice Intends. He wants to look at these martial arts and how can these martial arts can make an ordinary human surpass the limit.

Gin looked at Hwari and he is thinking about agreeing after all he can get to look at these martial arts and he can break the contract with Hwari after he got them.