
Deep sea clan

The days while training in the dojo flew really fast and before Gin knew it, he has already spent more than 2 months in the dojo.

While he is training, Gin is made to dip into the tub of mercury and after he is used to that he is moved to more liquids that can handle higher temperatures before he knew it, he is soaking in the tub of lead.

This training really made Gin able to defend against the attack from demon-level monsters attacks while for the dragon-level monsters he doesn't know.

There are four beasts in the four beasts reigning style but the dragon stance is the only stance that he can practice to a really high level while the other three beasts, Tiger, Snake, and Monkey are stances that are focused on the external damages from the body.

When he has started to practice by soaking in the lead liquid, Gin is told by Old 1 that the way he is practicing is the way that is not practiced by anyone in the history of the four beasts reigning style.

After Gin heard that he even thought that these old men are trying to kill him but he rejected that thought the moment it appeared in his mind if they want to they got plenty of opportunities as nearly every time he changed to the new liquid to dip, his body got the injuries that make him really not able to move.

Although Gin practiced every single one of the stances of the four beasts' reigning style, he can't combine them into a single art that will open the way to him able to use 'Intend'.

On the other hand, the training of the Bee crops was very smooth. All executives already practiced Tiger and Snake stances. They are currently practicing Monkey stances. The other members, they have already very proficient in Tiger stances and practicing the Snake stances.

Their rate of practice can be said to be fast as even for the disciples who are practicing daily, they can't compare with the members of the Bee crops. Gin can guess that the reason is because of their determination. The determination in the eyes of the members of the Bee crops is stronger as they are putting their lives on the thin lines as the hero's job is really dangerous.

While Gin is searching for a way to combine the four beasts to produce his own unique style, J city is invaded by the creatures from the sea.

J city is a city which is famous for its beautiful beaches and seafood but after this day incident, people will be more afraid to go to the beaches.

At about 11 Am, the people who are having fun on the beaches noticed that the waves which come to the beaches are higher and they can also faintly see that there is some kind of monsters in the waves.

"Emergency, Emergency, the people on the beaches, please retreated back to the evacuation shelter.

I repeat please retreated to the evacuation shelter. Currently, the hero association is already announced that the danger level is the Demon level,"

The people on the beaches heard the alarm and immediately ran toward the nearest shelter but the waves come too fast.

The moment the waves hit the beaches, from the water the monsters were in the shape of various sea creatures but bigger and more in human form as there are some monsters with two or more feet.

"Hua hua hua, humans we are from the deep sea clan, and our king, Deep sea king is the one who governed the sea around this area and he is eyeing this land so all the humans on this land will have to die," said the monster in the shape of octopus head and body with 2 legs.

The people who heard that even ran faster and also the screams of people who is killed by the sea monsters also reign the area of the beaches.

"Ahhhhh, run run run,"

"Where is the hero? Is there any hero around this area?"

In the hero headquarter, the operators are reporting to Kirisa,

"Sir, there are A rank-4, Puri Puri prisoner, B rank-12, Stinger, and other four B rank heroes are currently heading there and they will arrive in between 10 to 20 minutes as they are heroes who stayed in J city,"

"Good, don't let a single C rank go near there as this is not something C rank can handle," said Kirisa.

10 minutes later, Stinger and some B-rank heroes arrived there first. The moment they arrived, they can see that the situation is something even they will have a hard time dealing with as along the beaches monsters of various sizes are spreading to J city.

"Hey, Stinger, the situation is really bad. We should retreat and make the other heroes deal with this situation," said Green Bow.

"Yes, we should let the S rank deal with this situation as this situation is clearly in our range," said Frog.

"But, if we don't stop them, J city will be overrun by them and we will have to slow them down until other A and S rank heroes come," said Stinger.

"Green Bow and Frog, if you want to run then run but me and Stinger will do something that will slow them down," said Bell.

Green Bow, Frog, and Bell became the group after the incident of the Wolf-rank monsters attacking the villages around the C and F cities. In that battle Ring-master is dead.