
One day, I got Reincarnated in my Favorite Anime Series

A young girl died from hit-and-run by a truck, she was given a chance to live again but this time in the world of her favorite anime series, Naruto.

JaychelleHwang07 · Fantasi
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4 Chs


There was a girl name Kasumi, she was a bright, lovely and sweet girl. She was her High School's Golden Girl. She scored very high, noted to be very attentive student. She was a Valedictorian during Elementary. Now she was very consistent high honor student.

One day, It was unfortunate day for Kasumi. She was seen heading out of the Grocery store with a bag of fruits and snacks for her to eat as she's gonna watch her favorite anime series, Naruto.

As if it was her fate, While she was crossing the road. An uncontrolled, speeding truck was heading towards her. She heard someone shouting for her, but it was only a distraction to her, she didn't have a time to look at the left side of her view.

As if on a cue, the truck accidentally hit-and-run Kasumi which cause her body to flew to the other side of the road. Every people who witnessed such accident, pitied the girl. Some carried her bloodied body, she was already beginning to pale from the impact, Kasumi had suffer mild wounds in her body, mainly in the head.


Kasumi woke up in a broad of light appearing before her.

"Huh?" She was confused, suddenly she saw a familiar man in front of her.

A man in a white clothing that only in the Ninshu era of Naruto wears, the man had horns and long hair. She knew him, it was Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki.

"I have come here to give you another chance to live, child." Hagoromo softly spoke to Kasumi who only blink.

It made a clear response to Hagoromo, she didn't know that she was already dead, and was in the afterlife but is this the exact afterlife? No, it's not.

"You died from being hit and run by that truck, child. And that's why I'm here to give you chance to live again." Hagoromo made it clear to Kasumi, who was shock on the other hand.

"I'd like to live again... But where?" Kasumi spoke. Hagoromo smiled at her which made her curious at what he is planning to her.

"You'll be reincarnated in my world, save everyone there. No need to worry if you change the story line. The importance is to save everyone." Hagoromo replied.

"I guess I'll see you in there." Hagoromo disappeared from her sight. While she felt being dizzy and passed out.


In the field of grass that is full of flowers, birds chirping can be heard far from the field. A young girl with golden honey blonde hair was lying down.

She stayed there unconscious, while a young boy with a white clothing consisting of a kimono and pants, noticed that there was a girl lying down in the field.

"Indra-nii, there's a girl there... Why don't we approach her?" The younger boy asked his older brother, Indra, who was standing near to the younger boy.

"She seems to be a foreigner... I haven't seen a girl with such a hair like that." Indra replied, following his younger brother, whom was running to the field just to talk to the girl.

On the other hand, Kasumi fluttered her eyes open and sat up in unfamiliar place, not noticing that two boys were running to talk to her.

The two siblings seemed to stop from running when they saw the girl sat up, but that didn't stop them to approach her.

"Hi." A beaming voice spoke behind Kasumi which cause her to look at him.

They both froze in their spot, they haven't seen a girl with such mesmerizing beauty.

The girl, right in front of them, had a waist length of golden honey blonde wavy hair. One of the traits she had, were unique to the both of them, her bright yet curious blue-green eyes was staring at the two.

"Who are you..?" Kasumi quietly spoke up.

"Oh! I'm Asura and this is my older brother, Indra." The younger boy beamed again.

"I'm Kasumi... It's nice to meet you both." She flashed a smile at them.

A smile that Indra wouldn't think would made his heart skips a beat. For him, it was a captivating smile. He was sure that her beauty will always made everyone to stare at her, not only the other children, he meant the elders and grown men and women will also stare at her.

"Anyway, what are you doing in a middle of the grass field?" Indra's question caught Kasumi off guard, she had no idea either. It was obvious that she didn't have an idea. But an idea had tickled Asura's mind.

"Why don't you live us?" Asura's sudden question, caught Indra and Kasumi off guard.

"Are you crazy, Asura?" Indra screeched at his younger brother.

"We'll just have to convince Father to let her live with us, besides, she probably doesn't have home or a family..." Asura's answer to Indra made Kasumi's heart sunk.

He was right, Kasumi didn't have home and a family in this world.


In the household of Ōtsutsuki, Indra and Asura keep convincing their father for Kasumi to live with them.

"May I see her?" When Hagoromo spoke that, that's when Indra and Asura caught a bit off of their guard.

An assistant of Hagoromo walked in with Kasumi beside him, and immediately left after he greeted to Hagoromo.

Hagoromo turn to look at Kasumi whom he already met, but have to act like he didn't met her before.

"I see... You don't have a home and family as what Asura said. I'll let you live with us, Indra show her, her room." Hagoromo's statement cause Indra and Asura to light up and they were happy that their new friend will live with them.

Indra showed her the room she will live for many years from now.

"Thank you, Indra. I owe the two of you." Kasumi replied with a smile.

"Anytime, Kasu-Chan." Indra poke her cheek which he found soft and chubby, he wanted to squish it already but since he has respect in women, he choose to poke her cheek rather than invading her personal privacy.

The poke pretty much caught Kasumi off guard, she never thought that Indra who will be an evil at anytime, would be like this.


A month had passed, Kasumi have grown closer to Indra and Asura. The trio was an inseparable already.

They were in the Ōtsutsuki household, she wanted to watch them training.

Kasumi sat far from Hagoromo whom he didn't mind it.

Indra took a stance, his onyx eyes turned into bloody red... Sharingan, and he had predicted his opponent's movement as he dodge his attack with grace and in a swift, Indra had punched him in the stomach cause his opponent to flew away from Indra in 2 cm away.

Kasumi, on the other hand, admired Indra. She hate to admit but he was very graceful in her eyes and was quite handsome.

Some of the Ninshu students had also starting to notice the foreign girl sitting not-so far from Hagoromo.

"Who is she?" With such question, they all turned their heads to Kasumi who was staring at Indra.

"She's Kasumi, a new girl." Asura replied from the question.

They were quite blown away with such beauty that Kasumi had, some boys are already fanboying at her.

Seeing these boys fanboying at Kasumi, irritates Indra, whom clicked his tongue in annoyance.

Although Indra didn't know this but Hagoromo had notice that Indra had grown liking Kasumi ever since she arrived.

Hagoromo thought, it would be nice that she's close to Indra.


Indra and Kasumi later then hang out together in the forest.

It was oblivious that Kasumi and Indra grown liking to each other... Asura would've say that Indra is in love with her, which is quite true but doesn't want to admit it.

Wind blows to the two of them, Indra was just staring at Kasumi. He noticed how her hair was being blown by the wind.

It was quite beautiful sight for Indra, his heart again skips a beat.

The two spent time together, by strolling the forest. They both came back with Kasumi on Indra's back sleeping already.

Asura saw them from the household, and noticed that Kasumi was sleeping at Indra's back but not only that he noticed that there was a blue rose in Kasumi's left ear.

He brushed it off and thinks that he's seeing things since he was sleepy.


𝐓𝐨 𝐁𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐞𝐝.