
one an alien female 's sensitivity.

Pigrilexi informs her friend about that world.Pigrilexi is very sensitive. So she talks to her friend very peacefully and spends the whole day.That friend is also very emotional so he also treats Pigrilexi well and it makes him happy.Pigrilexi falls in love with him.The two are not in a position to live without each other so Pigrilexi thinks of taking her love with her. But it doesn't happen.The two are talking about living together now. No firm decision is coming.

kiranparmar30 · Fantasi
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15 Chs

(15)pigrilexi and his lover love

love: hey what was that?(Running) goes towards Pigrilexi.

pigrilexi: Hey where are you going (Coming against love).

love: Who are you? And where did you come from


Pigrilexi: I am an alien and I come from my world.

love: (scared) So will you hurt me?

Pigrilexi: No, I am an Alien woman. The only difference between the two of you is that I am Alien and you are human.

Love: So why did you come to here?

Pigrilexi: I love to travel. I have come to travel in your world.

Love: So isn't your world like ours?

Pigrilexi: No, but it looks pink.

Love: Will you make me a friend?

Pigrilexi: Yes, I have many friends in my world, but not in this world, so I would love to make you a friend of this world.

Pigrilexi: Looking at the house ... who is coming?

love: Oh, you are not afraid ... that is my brother Suraj.

Sun: (looking in front) Brother, who is this?

love: You go, Bas is my friend and has come to meet me.

(The sun keeps moving towards the forest.)

Pigrilexi: Love you are so loving, kind, and smart, I just wanted to make a friend like you and you found me.

Love: What do you eat and drink?

Pigrilexi: Don't worry, I have my own food and drink.I have brought both of them together as our eating and drinking are different from here.

Love: Yes, yes, but tell me what do you eat? Do you drink?

Pigrilexi: Even if I say you are not afraid!

Love: Yes, yes tell me.

Pigrilexi: This is how we drink the liquid which is made up of liquid to drink.But if we have gone to another place and do not find We eat radium.And we quench our thirst by holding electricity in our hands.

love say , So do you look the same now?

Or different? What is your real form?

Pigrilexi says no, I have created the present form by looking at you.But our appearance is different.Our skin is pink and our body is very beautiful and plump like a nymph.

If love says you show me your true form?

Pigrilexi says show up, but only for a few moments.If anyone sees me in my real form, everyone will know and attack me as an animal or something else.

Love: Yes, just show up for 5 seconds. And then you take the form of another woman.

Pigrilexi: Who else? I don't know anyone. I came here only after looking at you and scanning your brain.

love: I have an aunt's daughter. She has gone to study in Gujarat.You make it look. Let me show you a photo of it.(Taking a photo and showing Pigrilexi). take it, now no one can recognize him.I will answer them all.

Pigrilexi: (emotionally) You really are my best friend in this new world.And you are very positive.

I will give your memory to my mom and dad.

But you come with me now and help me to travel in this world.

Love: Let me show you our beautiful and cool forest and then the cold windy sea.

Pigrilexi: But if we go to my UFO and everyone sees it, I'll do something different.

Love: Don't worry, let me show you a photo of the plane in my house, after you make your UFO a plane, no one will like you.

Pigrilexi: love, I didn't even ask your name. In my brain, the file of all your details has been saved in scanning. So I have come to know you completely.

Love: Then why worry? Stay with me from here. See everything on our earth.

Pigrilexi: I will miss you very much. (Being emotional).

Love: As long as I'm with you, you won't have any problems.

Pigrilexi: I will spend 24 hours here with you.

Love: but in 24 hours it will be night?

Pigrilexi: But we must have spent half a day there.

Love: Why? Do you have your planet orbiting there slowly?

love: So do you have a year there in five hundred and sixty days?

Pigrilexi: Yes, our planet is slow orbiting. But we are all very fast natured.

Love: (Both see everything from space rather than talking.)

Love: Yeah ... from space our planet and planet in forests, land, hills, sea all this looks so beautiful!

I had never seen my planet from above. But you became my friend and you met me so my luck was revealed. I am very happy that you are with me.

Pigrilexi: Come on, love closes your eyes, so straight to your house.

Love: how is that? Do you know magic?

Pigrilexi: No, but our people have such supernatural powers that we can disappear and make others disappear. Let's go! Turn it off!

(In an instant, both of them are present in the wooden house of love)

Maya: (mother of love) love sun, where have you gone?

Mir(father of love) love my son , were are you ?

Both: Where will love be? What will it do?

Both: Sun, do you know? Where is love?

Sun: Parents love came to meet his friend. Maybe he went to Gujarat with her.

Both:but, love has never gone anywhere without asking us? Then why did it go today?

The sound comes from the house, father mother I am sitting in the house.

Maya-mir: son,are you at home? And then they got worried. But when did this sensitivity come?

Love: Mother, aunt have sent me here for a vacation.

Maya: sensetivity, are you okay?

Pigrilexi: (in the form of sensetivity) Yes, Aunty; I'm fine and you?

Maya: You two sit down and talk, I will make a meal. Then let's all sit down and eat together.

Pigrilexi: Love, your mom talks about eating but I don't eat what you eat.

Love: Don't worry! I'll tell mom that you're fasting. Right?

Pigrilexi: Yes, you are very smart. Maybe a friend like you, I will not meet in this new world.

Love: Hey, no worries. Am I with you?

Mir: Love, feel, come to eat! Ready to eat. Wash your hands and mouth.

Love: Yes, Dad! Emotion is fasting. So I come alone.

As time goes by, love says that you should experience the atmosphere of this earth for a while. I will come back in a while.

Mir-maya: Why didn't love come? Invite him to dinner too.

Love: Mom, sensitivity is not going to eat because she is fasting, she will go back home tomorrow. Aunty's phone rang and she will leave early in the morning.

Mir, Maya, love, Sun all eat dinner.

Love: Mom, Dad, you sleep outside, I will sleep at home, Sun and sensetivity.

Mir Maya: Yes, son, it doesn't matter if you sleep in all three rooms.

love: (coming to Pigrilexi) You are not confused, are you?

Pigrilexi: No, I just miss my mom and dad

Love: Sun, go out of the room for a while, bring cold water and if you like, you can sleep with me here, if not, go to sleep with mom and dad.

Sun: Brother, I am going to sleep with my mother and father, right?

Love: Yes, you go.

Pigrilexi: Hey dude you let him sleep here too!

Love: But I want to call you any That's why I sent it out. (Smile in front of Pigrilexi.)

Pigrilexi: I know what you're going to tell me right now!

Love: Do you really know?

Pigrilexi: Yes, I know what you think. I'm falling in love with you too.

Love: But I didn't tell you? I had to tell you!

Love: Can I hug you?

Pigrilexi: Absolutely, yes.

love: (gets very emotional by hugging Pigrilexi) and says in a slow voice. Pigrilexi stay with me I can't live without you.

Pigrilexi: I can't live without you either. (They both fall asleep holding each other's hands.

Time does not seem to pass. In the moment the morning falls.

love: Hey, Pigrilexi has got up in the morning. It's five o'clock in the morning.

Pigrilexi: Love will come to take my parents. So will you walk with me?

We will both be together for life.

Love: But ... my family will be left alone. You just stay here with us.

Pigrilexi: So what to do? If I stay with you, my family will go out to find me in my memory.

Love: I don't like wire at all. I will always wait for you to come. You should come to see me every day.

Pigrilexi: Yes, I will definitely come see you once a day.

Love: If you are, don't forget me.

Pigrilexi: Yes, yes, don't forget. (UFO's voice comes from space. And Pigrilexi's eyes start shining. Seeing all this, love asks Pigrilexi.

love: Pigrilexi, are you in good health? Why are your eyes shining?

Pigrilexi: My mom and dad are coming. They are approaching me so I am getting a signal.

Love: You're really weird aliens. And smart, emotional.

Sentilexy:(dear Pygrilexi, are you okay? Hasn't anyone hurt you?

Pigrilexi: No, mom I'm fine. But there's a loss.

Sentilexy: What?

Pigrilexi: My heart has come to this earthly love.

Sentilexy: But son, don't fall in love with anyone in this world.Holding Pigrilexi's hand, he forcibly puts it in the ufo.

Pigrilexi:Mom just stop for a moment, let me look at love for just a few moments (saying that she falls down and embraces love).

Love: Pigrilexi, if you don't come, I will die.