

Self-made billionaire Jayden Williams would never forget the sizzling encounter he had with society princess Maya Charles. But his empire comes first—anything more than a night is an indulgence he can’t afford. Months later, at a hotel in Los Angeles, he gets the ultimate shock. Maya isn’t just the waitress in the clubhouse there—she’s carrying his child! Pregnant. Devastated. With the support from her aunt, Maya is doing whatever it takes to protect her unborn child. But coming face-to-face with Jayden throws her plan into chaos. Because he has his own…demanding Maya comes live with him in his mansion!

Authoress_Bella · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs

Chapter Twelve

Jayden was piled up with work on his desk. Maya and the driver came to the Secretary's desk to see her working on her laptop, she stopped as she saw them standing in front of her.

"Good Morning Mr. Mike, are you here to pick up the boss". she asked smiling at him.

" No, She is here to see the boss". he replied and her gaze landed on Maya.

"How may we help you miss? Do you have an appointment with him?". she asked firmly.

" I--"May got interrupted.

"There is no need for the question, she is the boss's fiancee". he said and Maya stared at him quickly.

" Oh, am sorry Ma, you can go this way". She said politely and the Driver left with Maya heading to Jayden's office, the Secretary stared after them.

"Really? Why do you have to tell her that?". Maya questioned.

" Am sorry ma, that is the only word that came out of my mouth". he apologizes quickly and they finally arrive on the doorstep, She sighs and knocks.

"Come in". Jayden said and Maya entered as the driver stayed behind, Jayden was still caught up with work and didn't bother to look at who walked into his office. " Sit". he offers still focusing on his work.

"There will be no need for that". Maya said and Jayden raised his face to her quickly looking surprised.

" You, what are you doing here?" he asked curiously.

"Why? Does it annoy you to see me coming into your office unannounced just the way you always come to mine". she said unlikely and Jayden Scoff.

" Am just surprised to see you here, so, what brought you here? Did you suddenly miss me, that you couldn't wait for me to get home first". he teases.

"In your dream" She scoffs and then brings out a piece of paper from her bag and places it on the desk in front of him.

"What's this?" He asked.

"Those are my rules and I want you to sign on it". she said and Jayden scoffed as he glanced through what was written on it.

" Are you being serious, what stupid rules are these?".

"What, you are not the only one who is capable of setting up rules, I also have mine to set". she said.

" This is absurd, I am the boss, I set the rules".

"Well, you are not the boss of me, I have equal rights as you, so sign it". she said and Jayden glanced through it.

" What is this? You don't have meaningful words stated here, do you think I will allow you to share my room with me?" he scoffs and continues reading. "in your wildest dream you will ever think I will come close to you" " He turns his gaze back to her and sign on the paper before giving it back to her.

" Thank you, it was nice doing business with you" " She left without saying another word to him and he stared after her smiling.

Two hours later, the driver drove into the villa and Maya's jaw dropped in amazement, some of the maids rushed to help her out with her luggage and they bowed to her immediately after she came down, she tried to stop them from bowing to her. They took her luggage inside and she walked behind them as everyone was bowing to her like a princess, she wondered how can someone live in this big mansion with lots of escorts and maids. When she was shown to her bedroom she almost collapsed in admiration. it was sparkling with an executive couch, an oversized bed, a big wardrobe beside it, and a rug on the floor with an interior painting on the wall, she stared wonderfully at the whole place.

"Is there anything you need ma?" The maid asked with a bow and she turned to her quickly.

"No, am ok for now, and please next time, address me by name, am Maya, what's yours?". she asked politely and the maid was hesitating to speak. " Don't be scared, I don't bite". she said.

"Am Andrea, ma". she sputtered.

" Nice meeting you Andrea, please call me Maya".

"Am sorry ma, I can't address you by your name is strictly an order from the boss". she said.

" I don't care, I will be more comfortable if you address me by my name". she insisted and could see the tension on her face. "okay, fine, how about you address me as Ms.Maya".

" Ok, Ms. Maya". she replied and Maya smiled at her." I will get your lunch prepared" " She gave a slight bow and left.

"This place looks fabulous". she sighed and sat on the soft bed looking pale." How I miss my home". she lay down on the bed staring at the ceiling.

An hour later, there was a continuous knock on the door that jerked her up from her sleep, she didn't know she slept off, so she hurried to the door and was surprised to see the tension on Andrea's face.

"Ms.Maya, are you okay? I have been knocking for a long while". she said.

" Am sorry, I slept off, Hope I didn't scare you?".Maya asked trying to ease her tension.

"A Little, I was about to rush to call one of the guards". she said.

" Am sorry".

"Is ok, Ms. Maya, your lunch is served".

"Um, ok, I will be there shortly".

" Ok". she left and Maya let out a sigh after closing the door. A few seconds later, she arrived at the dining room to see her lunch being arranged neatly on the long dining table with upholstery chairs, she wondered how many people sat at the dining table. She sat down to eat while the maids stood behind her watching, she turned to them.

"Why am I the only one eating? Aren't you guys eating as well?". she asked and the head maid spoke.

" No Ms.Maya, we prepare the whole meal just for you". she said politely.

"What, this is too much for me, I can't finish it, please join me". she offered and they hesitated looking surprised." What is wrong?".

"We are sorry Ms. Maya, is against the rules of this house, no servant is allowed to dine with his or her master in the same room". Andrea said and the rest agreed.

" What insolent, who made those stupid rules". She questioned angrily and a voice interrupted her from behind.

"I did". Jayden said and they turned to him, quickly the maids maintained their posture and bowed their heads. Maya frowned at him as he walked to the dining.

" Why I am not so surprised". She said nonchalantly

"You don't have to my dear, so how are you enjoying your stay in my house?" he asked, and Maya scoffed.

"I feel suffocated in here, I prefer my home". she replied rudely.

" Excuse us". Jayden said to the maids and they rushed off quickly." is that the opposite of you saying you love the atmosphere and you will enjoy every moment of it". he teases.

"I wish". she resumed her meal, Jayden smiled and left for his room.

Two days later, Jayden was in his office with his brothers chatting.

" You can't be serious bro, you mean she moved in with you? How did you do that?". Ryan questioned curiously.

"How do you expect him to do that, he is Jayden Williams, he has every dangerous trick to get someone to bow to him, he probably threatened her". Theo said sipping from his wine.

" Big Bro, you shouldn't have done that, you could have just asked her nicely". Ryan said.

"Really? Nicely? You know, I am not a fan of that, she was being stubborn and I have to put her in her place". Jayden said smirking.

" You bad boy, I hope you got your ass kicked by her one day". Theo said.

"Was that the reason she quit her job at the clubhouse?". Ryan asked.

" Yeah, I like this decision she made, I would have fired her myself if I had found out she was pregnant, but now I am still thinking of a way to make her quit her job and stay home to take care of herself and the baby".Jayden said.

"She got herself another job? At where?". Theo asked.

" Yes, she did and I made that happen, she works in one of my shopping malls".

"What? Does she know you own the place?". Ryan asked.

" Nope, not here, I might gonna pay her a visit today at her workplace". he said staring at one spot with a smirk curving his lips.

Maya was seated in the receptionist area. The manager asked her to take the two girls' place for a week, while they were given a punishment of mobbing the floor for lying against Maya. Maya was getting tired of sitting in one place, so she decided to take a little nap by resting her head on the countertop. Not quite long after, Jayden arrived at the building, he went inside with his escorts and immediately stopped at the reception counter to see a familiar figure sleeping calmly, he moved closer to her and stared lovely at her, the manager came out of her office and caught sight of him, she quickly rushed to her and Jayden stop her from talking in other not to wake Maya up from her sleep, the two girls saw what was going on, they smile knowing fully well Maya is in trouble for sleeping on duty.

"Well, I guess our pure innocent Maya will be kicked out of the company today for sleeping on duty". 1st girl said and they laughed waiting for what coming next.