
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

What happens when an unlikeable individual transmigrates in the life of a rather unpleasant character. Top it off with a "wonderful OP system, A doting father and extraordinary luck" then you will have the Journey of Alexander Stone. Join him in the exciting adventure through Hollywood and watch how he became a legend. ________________________________________________ Disclaimer: I am a new author and this is my first novel. All references within the story belong to their rightful owners, and I make no claim to any intellectual property beyond my own characters and storyline. I am writing this novel to primarily hone my skills but I still hope you enjoy reading it. Please give it a chance and read at least five chapters before deciding what you think. I will appreciate any kind of constructive criticism and advice from the readers and try to improve my work quality, Thank you!

_Ersatz · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs


My house was not far from the company and we got there in just 15 minutes. Our journey was filled with uncomfortable silence but thankfully it ended quite fast. I unlocked my home and entered while leading the way.

"Welcome to my garbage dump your highness." I sarcastically said to Sarah.

"You have a surprisingly clean home. I thought that you will be living like a homeless person without your servants." She genuinely sounded surprised.

"I thank you for your confidence in me, my lady." I continued speaking to her in the same sarcastic tone.

I showed her around the house and the spare bedroom where she will be staying. It was opposite to my bedroom separated by a living room with its own bathroom. When I got the house it was already furnished so there was no need to add anything other than some necessities which were not my problem.

"So what do you think?" I asked her about her thoughts after I finished showing her around.

"It is quite a good place to stay but if you disturb me or try to get familiar with me I will immediately leave." She replied to me with a serious tone. She seemed satisfied with the house but I get the feeling that the only thing she didn't like here was me.

"Then it's decided you can stay here for as long as you want and I will not disturb you unless it's necessary." I said to her and gave her the spare key to the house.

"How much rent do I need to pay you?" She asked.

"You can pay me whatever you like, it's not like I need rent from you but since you insist on paying I will leave it to you to decide how much you want to pay." I said to her because it was not a big deal. The room was staying empty and I didn't have to pay rent because I owned the house.

"I will pay you according to the market."

"Whatever floats your boat and since you decided to live here you can move in any time you want. The kitchen is fully stocked and you can cook your own food. You know how to cook right?" I said to her while asking a question offhandedly without any ulterior thoughts.

"….Yes of course I can cook." She said to me while avoiding eye contact.

"…It's alright, I can cook for both of us." I decided not to dwell on the topic.

"I said I can cook." She said with a little bit of anger in her voice.

"And I did not refute you." I said trying to avoid an argument.

"Then why did you say that you will cook for both of us and since when did you know how to cook?" She replied fully intending to continue the topic.

"I learned how to cook while in college, it's not a big deal and I will be making my own meals so it's not a hassle to prepare an additional portion. It's much more efficient." I lied to her and closed the topic hurriedly. It's not like I could tell her that I learned it in my previous life.

"Are you sure that your cooking is edible?" She asked skeptically at my statement.

"I am eating my own cooking and since I am standing in front of you unharmed then it should be proof enough that I can cook." I was getting annoyed at her doubtful expression.

"…. I will judge for myself after seeing you cook. I need to get my stuff from the hotel." She finally let the matter rest.

"Do you want my help?" I asked her.

"No, I can manage it on my own, thank you for offering though." She replied to me in a friendly tone for the first time.

"Take my car with you." I didn't insist and offered her my car because she didn't have a car because we drove in my car.

"Thank you. I will see you later."

"See you later." I said to her and went to my room without waiting for her to leave.

In the evening I heard the front door opening but I did not go outside and continued working on my computer. I did not want to seem like I was paying too much attention to her. It might make her feel uncomfortable. I focused my attention on my research about the differences between this and my previous world until it was time for dinner.

 I went out of my room and made my way to the kitchen. I cooked a slightly lavish dinner for my new tenant just to dispel her doubts about my skills. Once I was done preparing the dinner I knocked on my tenant's door.

"Yes?" She opened the door and asked me.

She was wearing a simple white T-shirt and shorts with wet hair which suggested that she just took a shower. I was mesmerized by her looks and forgot to speak for a second. It wasn't like I hadn't seen any beautiful girls before and I see her every day but she had a captivating charm in this casual look which wasn't fully expressed in her usual attire.

"….Dinner is ready." I said to her after collecting my thoughts and retracting my gaze from her.

"Give me a minute." She said and closed the door. I was pretty sure that she noticed me staring at her but she did not say anything so I breathed a sigh of relief thinking that it was my misconception.

She came out of the room after a while but this time her hair was dry and she had tied it into a bun. She was wearing glasses and looked absolutely adorable. I was suddenly regretting letting her stay here, I am a healthy young male and she definitely wasn't making it easy for me. I broke out of my thoughts after she sat down.

I served the dinner and sat down in front of her. I waited for her to taste the food but she kept looking at me without saying anything. It took me a moment to realize that she was waiting for me to be the poison tester before eating. I rolled my eyes at her and took a bite of my food to reassure her.

After I took a bite, she finally seemed satisfied and started eating. I was waiting for her reaction to the food but she didn't say a word and continued eating.

"So how is the food?" I finally couldn't wait and asked her.

"It's good." She said and continued eating without speaking further.

"Just good and nothing else?" I asked a little confused at her lack of reaction.

"Are you fishing for complements?" she asked.

"No I am not fishing for compliments but I thought that someone who doubted my words earlier would have some kind of reaction after being proven wrong."

"So that once I complement your food you can gloat and rub it in my face that I was wrong. Do you take me for an idiot?" She asked back.

"I was not going to gloat per se." I answered her in a defeated voice because she took the fun out of it. I didn't know that girls could be that clever.

"I read the script, it is a good story but I don't know how it will perform in the box office as it is a very unusual genre." She didn't continue the topic but started talking about the script.

"I know that it's not a mainstream genre movie but I liked the story so I want to produce it." I said to her fully focused on the conversation.

"Who wrote the script?" she asked looking me dead in the eye.

"It's a friend from college Marcus Green who wrote it." I answered her not breaking eye contact. I could have told her that I wrote the script but if this experiment succeeded then I would be writing many more scripts. Although previous Alexander had a degree in literature it would not be enough to justify all those scripts so I planned to use my previous name as an alter ego to be the fall guy.

"You have friends? I thought that you only had lackeys who left you after you were kicked out of the house by Uncle Cyrus." She said sarcastically with a mock surprised expression on her face.

"HA HA HA… very funny." I replied to her with a deadpan expression.

She was much more tolerable when she was being formal with me. It was like that after she started being somewhat friendly towards me I had somehow transformed into her punching bag. Of course, I had friends but unfortunately or maybe fortunately they did not transmigrate with me into this world.

"I want to know if it's possible to find a director for this story as soon as possible and if you can't find someone then we will go with Plan B." I steered the conversation back on topic before she trolled me again somehow.

"What's Plan B?" She asked me curiously.

"You will know if it is needed, for now, you should focus on finding a director." I didn't satiate her curiosity and continued eating.

"I will try my best but there is no guarantee it will work so you should be ready to use that Plan B of yours, whatever that may be." She said to me showing that she wasn't interested in knowing at all.

'Why was this girl not following the routine? If she continued to ask, I would have answered her.' I was feeling a little frustrated at her responses so took out my frustration on my food like any man would do.

"Can you do one more thing?" I asked her suddenly because I remembered something.

"What?" she asked.

"Can you hire an assistant for me, I don't have an assistant and it is very inconvenient to run to every office by myself or asking Amanda. You would also have to see my face less if I had an assistant." I stated my request.

"I will see what I can do." She answered briefly and finished her dinner. She stood up and did her dishes before making her way to her room.

"Mr. Stone?" she suddenly called me.

"Yes" I answered her looking up from my food.

"Next time, don't be so obvious when checking someone out or it will add another mark to your already colorful resume." She said to me and then closed the door.

'She noticed.' I sat there frozen with my mouth agape in my seat upon her statement. It was extremely embarrassing being caught and my ears turned red but I quickly got my bearings back and vowed to make her pay. I will have my vengeance.

I finished my dinner, did my dishes, and went back to my room. When I entered I heard my phone ringing it was a call from Benjamin but before I could pick it up the call was disconnected so I called him back.

"You know that you can call me directly instead of ringing me and disconnecting the call before I can pick it up just to make me call you back." I said to him.

"Father has prohibited me from contacting you."

"And these missed calls don't count?" I was amused at his reply.

"No, they don't. Anyways, I heard Sarah is staying at your home?" he asked something unexpected.

"How did you know? Don't tell me you are paying someone to keep an eye on me?" I was getting a little paranoid because it seemed like something he would do.

"It is not a bad idea, how come I didn't think of this? But no Sarah told me." He sounded pleased with the idea.

"Please don't act on it or I will tell father and why did Sarah tell you this?" I threatened him and asked the major question.

"Relax I was just kidding. She told me to let me know how responsible you've become." He said to me but I could understand the hidden meaning.

"Are you sure that she didn't tell you because she needed a guarantee in case I did something crazy?" I asked angrily.

"You are just overthinking." He said trying to reassure me

"Yeah sure, I didn't know that she thought so little of me." I was genuinely hurt, I could understand that these feelings of hers were directed towards the previous Alexander but right now I am the one bearing the brunt for this.

"Well, you have a pretty bad track record so anyone will be uncomfortable." He answered me in a matter-of-fact tone.

"So what is this, a warning call?" I asked understanding his purpose in calling me.

"No, it is not I was just checking up on you."

"…..I am fine. Thank you for asking and spoiling my mood for the rest of the night."

"Don't be overdramatic Alex."

"If you don't have anything else to say then I am disconnecting the call. I am busy with some work." I was getting tired of this conversation.

"It's alright you can go back to your work."

"Ok bye" I said.

"And Alex" He suddenly spoke again.


"If you do anything to hurt Sarah I will break all three legs of yours." Saying this he disconnected the call.

'Son of Bitch! So this was a warning call.' I was left fuming but could not vent my anger anywhere so I did the next best thing, I went to sleep.