


Cling..... cling.... cling...... i off it, It's my alarm. I sat up and went to freshen up, i wore my clothes and went downstairs.

Good morning mom and dad

Dad: Stacy are you sure you want to attend this Camp??

Stacy: Yes dad.

Mom: Ok dearie, take care of yourself and dress your wound everyday.

Stacy: Ok Mom i said and left for school.

>>> JUSTIN P.O.V >>>

I woke up, i slept on the couch 'cos i was damn worried if Stacy was ok.

I took my bath, wore my cloth and arrange some for the camp. I went downstairs.

Justin: Good morning Mom 'i said' 'cos i didn't see dad he didn't return last night.

Mom: Take care of yourself Son.

Justin: Ok Mom, i left to school.


I went to the class everywhere was noisy, I went over and sat down next to Lucy.

Stacy: I was sick.

Lucy: I'm sorry 'Lucy said and I smiled'.

Justin walked over to my seat.

Justin: Hey, are you ok??

Stacy: Yea, i'm fine.

The teacher walked in, everyone let's move to the hostel, as we all head to the girls hostel so did the boys.


We heard the bell which was in the midnight, we all head to the garden.

Teacher: Good evening Students.

Students: Good evening Ma'am.

Teacher: We are going to play a game but first pick a paper in the basket and look for your partners.

Lucy: I picked number 2.

Justin: Number 4.

Stacy: Hey Justin. we are partners. and he smiled while Jane shot a cold glare at me but i ignored it.

Teacher: The game is that you will have to find red cards all over the school if you find ten, you can come back remember it's a game.

>>> STACY P.O.V >>>

I was walking with Justin through the hallway, i won't lie it was scary but with Justin i'm cool.

Justin: I've found one, removing it close to our lockers. It's left with nine.

Stacy: Just then i saw a dark figure coming towards us, i screamed and ran off and Justin ran after me.

Justin: ''Stacy'' ....

I heard him call but i did not stop, i ran into the hallway leading to the principal's office then i stopped, there stood the black figure.

Stacy: Oh God ! Let the earth open up and swallow me, then it started coming closer, closer and closer. I passed out but i heard laughter and i recognized that voice. It's Jane.

>>> JUSTIN P.O.V >>>

Where is she, she is so fast ''Stacy'' i called but no response, this is just a game, it's not a ghost. God please where i she.

Immediately, I saw the dark figure not one nor two or three, fear grip over me as I ran back shouting 'Stacy' but got no response. I made my way back to the garden, all the teacher were discussing.

Teacher 1: Justin, are you okay??

Justin: My partner is missing.

Teacher 2: Don't worry it's just a game he or she will be back.

I walked for some minutes, Students were back with their partner but no sign of Stacy. i went over to Lucy.

Lucy:Hi, Justin where is Stacy? she asked...

Justin: Can't find her

Lucy: Seriously??

Justin: I went back to the teachers and told them she's not back.

They summoned all the students one of us is missing we have to look for Stacy Max the teachers said. I looked at Jane she and her friends were smiling.

I left with Lucy to look for Stacy.

'Stacy' i called

Lucy: 'Stacy'.

We all met again in the garden.

Student 1: No sign.....

'No sign', No sign, No sign' everyone said.

>>> STACY P.O.V >>>

I opened my eyes, it was cold in here, i checked everywhere it was the cool room.

Stacy: How did i get here i manage to say, i stood up went to the door but it was locked from the outside.

'Lucy' i called,

'Justin'..... i shouted but my voice was cracking.

Help me !!! Please help i cried.

I was finding it difficult to breath.

Please help me Justin.... i shouted again but becoming more weak, no i can't die my family needs me, i said to myself, my body was freezing my eyes were closing....

>>> JUSTIN P.O.V >>>

I ran into the library but she was not there, I checked the getting more scared.

Lucy ran towards me.

Lucy: ''I can't find her'' she said in tears.

Jane came to my mind, i ran off to meet her.

Justin: Jane. i yelled as she turned to face me.

Jane: Why are you shouting.

Justin: Where is Stacy?.

Jane: Why are you asking me, do i look like her servant.

Justin: Which made me angry... Shut the fuck off and tell me where she is (i yelled).

Jane: Ohhh... You're blaming me 'cos that ''bitch'' is missing.

Justin: I slapped her, she shocked,

Don't ever call her that name again i said and left. Lucy, John and Alex followed me.

John: Let's check the cool room

Lucy: Why would she go there. ''Lucy asked''

As we all turned to John.

Justin: Let's go


I opened it, to my surprise there's Stacy lying lifeless, i ran to her and carry her out of the room as we all head back to the garden.

I lay her down, everyone gathered we covered her with clothes. I massage her to make her feel warm.

Justin: Stacy 'i called' but no response.

I didn't realize when tears left my eyes an hour later.



