
Once Upon A Meeting

Patricia "Blue" Banjo is the kind of name that should be on magazine covers, billboards, lots and lots of articles but here I was with just one not so popular award to my name, one flimsily written article, it couldn't even stand as an article, in my name. I certainly deserved more. The boy in the blue hoodie, the one that had inspired my pen name, that boy that you see once and never again. The boy that would appear over and over again in your dreams, interrupting your thought pattern. But what was so special about him? Aren't all boys the same? Maybe the fact that he had ignored me all those years ago, maybe that was why I could still remember him. COMING SOON(BY SOON I MEAN, AUG...OH HEY, WE'RE ALREADY IN AUGUST, BEGINNING OF SEPTEMBER THEN).❤️

InkedDisaster · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
8 Chs

4.Lividly happy

I opened my eyes suddenly and looked around. Davon liked to sleep with the lights on. A habit that had become too hard to stop.

He was lying down on the other bed in the corner, the blanket almost covering his face.

I padded softly to the kitchen, trying as much as possible to block out every single thought. A skill I had mastered when dealing with people.

I flipped on the switch for the kitchen, luckily it wasn't bright enough to shine into my parents' room. I had to be as quiet as possible, one sound and she would come running out.

I caught sight of my reflection on the handlebar of the fridge, turning my face from side to side, I consider another nose piercing, the thought almost made me laugh.

They probably wouldn't let me, besides I already have this one and it wasn't as though they were very appreciative of it.

Why did I even come out?

To get fat. This time around it was right, I couldn't keep relying on my high metabolism. My face was definitely already starting to hang onto some weight.

"Ugh, just shut up." I say as I grab the carton of milk. I poured it into a bowl and added some cereal. My dad had sworn by it when it first came out. My mom was skeptical at first, who isn't when they're about to try something new?

The spoon slipped from my hand and clattered to the glass counter. I cussed when I tried to trap it and it bounced onto the floor.

"Honey, are you okay?" It was my mom.

"Great. I'm just fine." I say, gritting my teeth in the process. She moved towards me.

"Just stop. I don't want any help." I almost take it back when I see the look of hurt on her face.

My dad walked out then, rubbing his eyes sleepily.

"I'm so full of shit, right? I can't even finish a bowl of cereal without killing someone." This time my voice was laced with anger.

"Baby, you're one of the best things that have happened to us." My dad said, every trace of sleep gone.

"Yes," My mom struggled to find the right words, "We wouldn't trade you for anything."

I laughed then, "Not even for a better child or a healthy one?" I slammed the spoon down on the counter and walked passed them. They followed me trying to convince me that I was something someone wanted.

This was me throwing up a storm at 4am in the morning. Every normal and healthy child was still asleep, their bodies preparing for their alarms.

I opened my room door and slammed it shut. Davon was already standing by my bed.

I laughed heartily.

"You're destroying my life." I said openly. I could feel the voice smile.

I hopped on my bed and jumped on it twice before falling down flat.

The tears came then. I sat up as I choked on a sob. When I looked up all three of them were standing there, watching me silently.

They weren't judging me, at least their facial expressions didn't give it away if they were.

Thank you.❤️

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