
CHAPTER 43 True Love

  "Loving someone is putting the other person's happiness before yours. Even if it means killing every cell in your body. "

  Kendra's POV 

  With my persuasion process, I was able to send Grandpa Jake back to his own party. Also, it is all thanks to mom's support. 

  I felt weak and I was worried about my baby getting exposed. But the family doctor honored my decision and swore confidentiality. 

  Now, only mom was left beside me. 

  I knew she wasn't feeling so good right now. So I took this opportunity to apologize. I tried to get up and she helped me with it. 

  "Careful, darling. You still need rest." 

  I held her hand tight and tears started welling in my eyes. 

  "Mom, I am sorry. I am so sorry. I think I ruined Grandpa's birthday. I shouldn't have confronted those two. Then, this wouldn't happen."