
Part 1 - Chapter II. Fishing

Nea did not want to ask for fishing or my mother or Pavlina. The girl knew that she was doing bad, but she was still angry with her mother. She woke up at five in the morning, and quietly got out into the street. He and Constantine agreed to meet at the pier. There she went, the road she remembered well yesterday, and Chingis was a small village where it is impossible to get lost, even if you really want to. Soon appeared the pier, where there were Constantine and his grandfather.

- "Hello," - smiled Nea, - "my name is Nea Cupeena."

- "Cupeena?" – grandfather Costa's was surprised. – I haven't seen family Cupeen's here in a while. My name is grandfather Vadim."

- "Did my grandfather live here?" - Nea asked immediately.

- "Oh, Yes! He came here a long time ago. Here he met Marina, and it was love at first sight, but I did not believe that they would get married. After all, Gaar already had a daughter. Not every girl would agree to marry a man who already had a child. But it did happen."

- "Grandpa had a daughter?" - Nea was surprised. They walked slowly along the shore, and grandfather Vadim gladly indulged in memories that never told Nea.

- "Of course, silly, it's your mother. She was then 7 years old. Soon Pavlina came to our village. Yes so beautiful, we have all the men went crazy for her, and she didn't notice much, except for the Gaar. She loved him so much, so faithfully, that she never married. I remember when the village rumors went different, like a Pavlina's ex-wife or the real wife of Gaar. But it was rumor. Gaar was happily married to Marina, but for some reason they had no children. Oksana was an only child." - with ecstasy told grandfather Vadim. - "Gaar constantly quarreled with Pavlina. We didn't understand what was going on between the three of them. Soon Gaar and Marina, with daughter left villages and never more not returned, and Pavlina has remained to live here. Many made her an offer of marriage. Your humble servant, too, was struck by the beauty of Pava (so we affectionately call Pavlina), but she rejected all the suitors. She didn't seem to miss Gaar, but she didn't get married. Always lived alone, worked, was friendly and smiling. And that's all."

- "What happened next?" - Nea asked.

- "Then? Well, then I married Bazhena, a girl with a very cool personality. She won me over with her fire. And by the way, do not tell anyone what we are talking about, Bazhena jealous as a dragon. Who knows what she's thinking."

Nea was so surprised and amazed. She could not think that in this village there lived her whole family. It turns out, grandma was not own, and mother knew very well. Nea has never seen her mom and grandma fight. They always treated each other with tenderness. And now, it turns out that Pavlina can be more than just a familiar grandfather – she can be his real wife!

In the shower have doubts. How could grandpa be so cruel? Of course not! Something's wrong here! In memory stirred memories, something associated with a fairy tale told by his grandfather as a child, but Nea could not remember.

"Here we are," - said Vadim. They stopped somewhere outside the village, not very far. There was a strong current, and you can not swim in this place. And uncomfortable, the beach was rocky and steep. Grandfather Vadim unwound 3 rods and began to explain to children how to fish. Rather, he told Nea, because with Constantine, they each summer went on a fishing trip. Nea strung the bait on the hook and threw the float into the water. It was not very successful – too close to the shore. Nea threw the second time, and it turned out much better. Then they sat down on the shore and waited. Grandfather Constantine's went to make a fire to immediately cook fish soup from fresh fish. When they were left alone Costa asked very quietly:

- "You didn't know your grandfather lived here?"

- "No!"- the girl answered quickly. - "That's weird! No one ever mentioned this village. Turns out I don't know about the past, grandpa nothing! And the mother now, a real mystery."

- "Why don't you ask grandpa?"

- "He disappeared this summer! Mom didn't even look for him, she just brought me here... Here! Here It Is!" - she exclaimed. – "Here, where they lived with grandpa and grandma before! She knows something for sure! I think even that my mother knows where to look for my grandfather..."

"We must find out," - whispered Constantine. – "You live in grandma Pava's house, maybe there are some documents. Photos or paper letters, because there was no Internet before. Dad says everyone used to write paper letters to each other. Maybe your grandfather was texting all the time with my grandmother Pava?"

- "Right!"- Nea exclaimed, then whispered. - "Grandpa always wrote someone a letter. We went to the post office together, once a week! Grandfather liked to correspond with friends on paper. He said that they have more heat than in electronic text messages. Sometimes I think he's right."

- "Look in the house where you live. By the way, how do you like grandma Pava's house?"- Costa asked slyly, and Nea knew what he was hinting at.

Pavlina's house resembled a fairy-tale house. It was a bright orange color, painted with white curls, which guessed magic flowers, birds, butterflies. The shutters are brown and the tiles are chocolate. The garden at the house was filled with Jasmine, rhododendrons, saffron, and in the corner grew an Apple tree.

In the yard at Pavlina is always clean and beautiful. There was a gazebo, covered with a bindweed, soft chairs with pillows and a carved wooden table. By the way, that's where they had dinner last night.

Grandma Pava's house was also always clean, cozy and beautiful. Everything was old, but in perfect condition. In the middle of the kitchen there was a stove: big, real, Russian. On it hung an embroidered curtain. The large oak table in the kitchen was in the left corner, and there were carved chairs with a soft seat. The curtains on the kitchen Windows were white and light.

And the hall is furnished with carved furniture: wall, cabinets, bedside tables. Sofa with high back and very soft. A huge chair, a Secretary at the castle. Everywhere stood and yet photos, color and black-and white. There was also a bookcase. Pavlina had a huge library, just like Nea's grandfather. In addition to the kitchen, there were 4 guest rooms, a bedroom, a storage room and a spacious hall. In the Nea bedroom there was a huge carved bed with a canopy of organza. There were shelves of books on the walls, an old wardrobe in the corner, and a chest of drawers on the left at the entrance. Closer to the window, a small bedside table stood a TV. There was a Desk with drawers by the window and a very soft beige carpet on the floor.

Yes, the Pavlina house had to be carefully studied, but Nea ran away on a fishing trip without warning anyone. So, upon return it will be a hot meeting. And Constantine to yourself, it is unlikely to be able to invite, and one scared to search the house. Nea decided that when she returned, she would behave like a good girl and would never show that she knew something about her grandfather's past.

The Nea not caught anything, she thought, and did not notice how cunning fish ate the bait and swam away well-fed. But Costa caught five crucians. Grandfather Vadim showed Her how to clean the fish and how to carve it. He also told the children how to cook fish soup. It was the most delicious fish soup Nea had ever tasted. She forgot about her sad thoughts and laughed with Constantine, over the funny stories of grandfather Vadim. Soon he started talking about the village of Chingis.

- "Chingis village is very unusual, it is very ancient. It has existed since time immemorial. Previously, nomads lived here, and in 1630 this village became a border Outpost. But it was quickly inhabited by escaped serfs. Those who have escaped from taxes, from military service of the king, and especially here has run a lot of insurgents from the detachment of Pugachev. Know who he is? Rebel. Liar. Once there was such Yemelyan Pugachev, he went against a Throne of Russian. He began to impersonate the murdered son of the king. He then gathered a large army, but still lost. The remnants of his army fled here. And to this day the descendants of those who rebelled against the king live here. It is very difficult to get here, so no one was looking for them here, and life here is not easy. We have families with hereditary masters who keep secrets of production of various products. There are those who are engaged in pottery. There are those who make carts, but this is a thing of the past. But my hereditary thing – sled tinkering! The sleigh is in use. In winter, we do not often clean the roads, and not everywhere. On the hunt you can go only by snowmobile or sleigh. Here frosts and technique often breaks down, and the sled is eternal. They help us to survive and to bring wood and to hunt walk and wedding on the sled – a lovely sight!!!"

Children sat and listened to the grandfather, and never interrupted. His voice was calm, the story was flowing well and interesting. - We have all sorts of magic here. Here Constantine knows. We have a Golden well. Sometimes, as a child, I came to him, and listened to wonderful tales. And if you sleep about it, dream, like magic.

And we've got the multi-colored clay is what I want color! We paint their houses and outbuildings. Look at Pava, which house fabulous: the local clay, you no harmful chemicals. We also have a house painted with clay paints, but I chose a delicate green color. Himself of paint were mixed. We've got a lot of that stuff.

And we've got mounds of ancient, but terrible hurts this place. There's always some weird stuff going on. Although in the village terrible things happen. Sometimes people disappear, and are very rare. From those who found, and words can't squeeze out, tell nothing. I do not know whether they are damaged in the mind: they babble about some Kingdom, about black horses, about the shadows of terrible or some other nonsense.

After a delicious Breakfast, the children died in the hot summer sun. Grandfather led them back. Along the way, they agreed to call each other and exchanged phone numbers. Chingis may be on the edge of the world, but cell phones work fine here.