
On the Other Side of Fate's Shackles

Waking up after the accident, I found myself in a world where everything familiar to me was gone: blue sky, sun, green grass, and so on. Instead, there was an endlessly gray sky, black sand everywhere, and a forest of dead trees stronger than any rock. My body was as black as coal and covered in wounds... All of this made me think that I had entered another world, where I had become an unattractive undead. I would have laughed if there had been a god, a princess, or a great entity next to me. However, looking around, I saw no one. I was alone in this dead world. I also noticed that saying the magical word "System" caused me excruciating pain. But this was my chance to fulfill my desires. I wanted to become a necromancer, and what I found lying in the sand would help me achieve that.

Vallynor · Fantasi
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100 Chs

Mysterious Eyes

"Ah," came the faint groan as several spiders dragged a boy, completely enshrouded in cobwebs, moaning with every jolt that ignited a storm of pain.

"I... I command you to release me... I am the queen's son..." the boy screamed, ordering the spiders, but they, as if mocking him, pulled him faster, intentionally creating situations where he collided with rocks and branches.

Piercing a hole in the sandy field, the boy fell silent. Fear enveloped him entirely, sealing his mouth in silence. Even at the next blow, he made no sound, only cursing his fate and the monster that had deprived him of his grandmothers. Why had such a fate befallen him? This question spun in his mind, and he dreaded meeting the one at the center of this mystical structure.

Powerless over how long he was dragged, the boy felt they had reached their destination. The voice he heard changed, becoming more refined yet imbued with venom. He immediately recognized whose voice it was, confirming his deepest fear had come to life.

"Delighted to see you... my younger brother!" The exuberant voice echoed in the boy's ears, making him yearn even more to escape from here, if only he had the chance.

The spiders began dragging the boy again. After which, they cut part of the web and freed his head. Before the boy was a throne, upon which sat a beauty. His mother's youngest daughter and his elder sister. The one despised by all because of her blood. The one who wished to leave this place. But a seal over the world shattered her plans. And all the rest, named, full of disappointment, began to mock her. But now, she was piercing through them all, taking their strength and blood, becoming the perfect queen. The new Queen of Spiders.

"You have no idea how delighted I was to find out you were still sentient!" she smiled at her brother. Then she rose and slowly approached him, saying, "I have searched for you for so long and ordered all my servants to capture you. Even leaving my king aside..."

A king? Had this madwoman already found a mating partner? Who was the unlucky fellow to become a sex toy and then food for this witch?

"Fortunately, you're here, and I will be able to correct the last mistake." The body of the Spider Queen began to mutate chaotically. As if it lost control. The beautiful body slowly tore apart, revealing a dreadful face. From within came a voice. Rather, a cacophony of voices that screamed, "Now, I will truly become who you wanted me to be."

She opened her mouth, swallowing the boy in one ominous bite, while his screams were lost in the darkness, vainly trying to escape her deadly embrace. But what can change when from the very beginning you were doomed to this terrible defect, cursed from birth?


Before the vast rift tearing through space, its disturbances permeated every corner of the room. The rift moved back and forth, as if it knew its own path, until it found the place where it was meant to halt. From this incomprehensible fissure emerged eyes of varying sizes and shapes, each belonging to its own unique creature.

These eyes had the ability to see what was beyond the capability of ordinary eyes. They discerned the fine threads stretching from the seal of this world, threads that linked Leia to someone unknown. Tifius, witnessing this mystical scene, felt his sanity wavering like a branch in the wind.

The doors slowly swung open, and Leia entered, blossoming at that moment. A smile played on her lips, and she joyfully proceeded into the room. Glancing at Tifius, she declared:

"Bring the finest drink." This command sounded like an ominous harbinger. Tifius sensed that something strange had happened, something that prompted her celebration.

"What have you done? Why entangle yourself with someone..."

"Not with someone! With a beloved!" Leia interrupted him, her tone becoming threatening. Then, as if to encapsulate her deed in a vivid frame, she added, "I've bound myself to my beloved for eternity... He has already forgotten me, and worlds are beginning to drift apart. I could no longer just watch. I've connected with him, marked him, and now I will always know his whereabouts." Tifius was left stunned, gazing at the madness unfolding before him.


Inside the comfort of his home, Fernando sat in a chair, his gaze directed toward the window, into the mystical night conjured by magic. This illusory night, like a curtain, obscured the true celestial body. Turning his head, he discerned in the center of the room a silhouette outlined from the shadows. At the sight of this enigmatic figure, Fernando smiled warmly.

Shadows in the room danced with light, creating mysterious patterns on the walls. Fernando's gaze pierced the darkness, searching for details of this mysterious silhouette. With each moment, the figure became more distinct, like a secret unveiling its mysteries as the night grew thicker.

This figure, gaining form, radiated something magical that enveloped the room with its enchantment. Fernando felt the mysteriousness of this presence fill the air with a mystical energy. Smiling warmly, he felt an inner peace, as if receiving the long-awaited answer to his magical summons.

"This night is full of secrets, isn't it?" Fernando spoke, as if conversing with the magic that permeated his home.


In Vallynor, raising his arms, gathered the souls of the fallen, aiming for their future reprocessing to strengthen his own essence. A touch on his shoulder made him turn, and before him stood a content Alexander, smiling with all his teeth.

Vallynor's gaze swept across the battlefield, savoring the sight. There lay corpses and the undead, already starting to collect the fallen. In his hand, a bloodstained scythe gleamed, soaked in black blood.

"After all, the scythe is your weapon. But it's important to know how to handle different kinds of arms. You shouldn't focus solely on the scythe, boy," said Alexander, relishing the view and recalling his battles and magical tricks. Memories filled Alexander and those who once extended a hand to teach Vallynor with pride.

Vallynor nodded, realizing the scythe was not always suitable. It might be his primary weapon, but as a warrior, he needed additional tools, such as daggers for close combat and a bow for long-range attacks. Thus, Alexander's suggestions found support with Vallynor.

"Shall we continue on our way?" Alexander asked, looking at the undead.

"In 5 minutes, I'll be ready," Vallynor replied, knowing Alexander was in a hurry for them to continue their journey.

"I'll give you 3 minutes. Then we move on," Alexander said, turning to rally the observers.

Vallynor made a serious face, performing several hand movements, inwardly smiling slyly. He knew he had enough time in 2 minutes, but anticipating Alexander's desire to hurry him, he deliberately added extra time. Thus, Vallynor ensured that even after Alexander's time cut, they would have enough time for the next stage of their journey.

As the undead gathered corpses into a pile, Vallynor, along with a lich, turned them into undead and sent them through the opened gates to a depot where he kept his army of the dead.

When Vallynor completed his work, they, along with the others, continued their journey through the northern lands. These lands were cursed and filled with the cold demonic energy of ice demons—one of the subspecies of demons responsible for creating the current necromancers and undead. However, as Caesar claimed, this race is now nearly extinct in all worlds.

Previously, the north was just colder than the rest of the world, but the first necromancers attracted ice demons and used them to curse these lands with sinister energy. This allowed them to improve conditions and make necromancy more comfortable. It also kept the curious away from the necromancers' intrigues.

As they passed through these lands, Vallynor felt the cold intensify. But instead of being unpleasant or hindering his movements, it brought him pleasure, as if he were dipping into a warm bath. The cold enveloped him, like an invisible cloak, adding mystery and mystique to their path.

The rest of the group, following Alexander, wore red rings. Vallynor, glancing at the ring, remembered the ingredients for its creation. One of them was the blood of a fire demon—the natural enemy of ice demons. These were two different varieties of demons that hated each other. But in this world, there were always unique entities, pairs, that even among enemies created something special. However, according to Caesar's assumption, perhaps from one of such pairs was born a reborn, overcoming hatred and falling in love with a demon of the opposite nature. Unfortunately, such pairs no longer exist, as those that once did were destroyed by external or even internal factors.

Alexander, signaling, made everyone stop. Vallynor looked around, detecting no enemies. Instead, he noticed that Alexander ordered them to move slowly and carefully examine their surroundings. In the silence of the forest, only the distant cries of creatures were heard.

Alexander, leading his group, carefully surveyed the surroundings. Inside his mind, an exciting question lingered: what could be hidden in the mysterious box, and what secrets would be revealed to him by Caesar? Caesar's words sounded like a verdict in his consciousness.

"When the time comes, and you realize it's that moment, open the box. Understand what's inside, and you'll immediately know how to proceed," Alexander muttered, frowning, leading the group forward. Occasionally, he glanced at Vallynor, remembering the day he first met him—a boy who saved his daughter, even while wounded and weak. That act was a true feat. Now, Vallynor could destroy armies if he left this cursed world. His existence brought great upheaval.

Vallynor, unaware of Alexander's thoughts, frowned slightly and glanced towards the trees tied to this cursed forest. For some reason, he felt a familiar sensation, similar to when he summoned his undead.

It took a while for Vallynor to decisively divert his attention from the cursed forest, deciding to set aside this issue. Perhaps it was some undead he had created, wandering among the trees.

Deciding to postpone this mystery until the end of the raid, he opened the task panel. The first task, related to training, remained gray, probably indicating that it wouldn't disappear and would resume upon returning to the city. The second task related to the laboratories, and the third remained unchanged. He just needed to reach the third level.

After closing the panel, Vallynor, unknowingly, stopped and looked up. Instincts told him to stop and do as he felt he should. Alexander and the group did the same.

Before the heroes, a tower appeared, and the ground around it was strewn with corpses, almost hiding the structure. From one of the bodies rose something. A necrotic ray struck him, and the soul was torn from the body. Then a mechanized voice announced:

"Target eliminated. Switching to standby mode."

Vallynor closed his eyes, trying to calm his wandering thoughts. But soon, the same mysterious voice again cut through the air:

"Unidentified entity detected. Alexander and users of necrotic energy identified in this group. Users of necrotic energy must pronounce the passwords to open the gates."

"Passwords?" Vallynor began to recall his last conversations with necromancers and their secrets. Memories overwhelmed him, and he declared:

"Death is not the end, but the beginning of a new path. By shedding the old, we pave the way to the new"—Vallynor repeated the words of the Duke of Graves, placing his hand on Peren's back. The Duke insisted that Peren remember these words, while Peren tried to avoid the touch.

The tower flared, and all heard:

"Passwords correct. The gates will soon open. Opening the gates"—The ground, turned to sand, began to tremble, and the tower slowly rose, followed by a massive rock. This gigantic mountain soared into the sky, creating the impression it was growing from the ground. Then a voice announced:

"The gates are open. Please, enter."

In the massive archway, a space opened, as if someone had torn it open with their hands. Looking closely, Vallynor realized that this arch was created using necrotic energy.

Sighing, Vallynor took the first step, leading the group, as if guiding them deeper. However, before entering the cave, his gaze caught Alexander's movement, who swiftly stepped ahead of everyone and entered first.

As they entered the cave, all felt the magic of teleportation spreading around them. In the next moment, they disappeared.

Meanwhile, Isda and Forkas appeared on the horizon. Behind them followed an army of the fallen, moving more organized compared to the one Vallynor had destroyed, and it was several times larger.


Together with the group, Vallynor found himself in a vast white room. His gaze wandered, and it seemed to him he had returned to the laboratory of his former world, where the walls were also white. However, upon closer inspection, he noticed runes and magical symbols inscribed on the white walls. Not a speck of dust was visible, as if someone meticulously cleaned the rooms every day.

"No one should attack those who will arrive shortly. Let them do what they need. Unless you wish to be sealed," Alexander told the entire group, his last words tinged with irritation.

Scarcely had the room's sole door opened than three skeletons entered, each holding something resembling a vacuum cleaner. They approached the group and began to meticulously "vacuum" each member. Fortunately, none harbored aggressive intentions, so the undead easily cleaned the group from dirt.

Vallynor watched the skeletons with surprise when his turn came. He could closely observe them and discovered small symbols carved into their bones. Each bone emitted a unique aura, in which necrotic energy almost vanished. It created the impression that this undead existed not solely through necrotic energy.

Additionally, he noticed the skeletons wore various bracelets and magical artifacts, and at the end of each were two red magical stones, much like rubies. All this tempted Vallynor to claim them and turn them into his undead. However, a sense of danger cautioned him against tampering with them.

After the skeletons completed the "vacuuming," they exited, closing the door behind them. The group, exchanging glances, thought that was all and attempted to move on. That's when Alexander spoke up:

"Wait. We're about to be drenched in water."

As soon as he finished speaking, water began pouring from the ceiling. It accumulated so quickly that within ten seconds, the room was filled with water. Then a cyclone started, swirling most group members around the room.

Vallynor, Alexander, and a few other quick-thinkers used magic to anchor themselves to the floor. Vallynor utilized the land of the dead, and from the floor, two pairs of hands grew, grabbing his legs. But soon, the pierced floor quickly healed, severing the skeletal hands. Before the skeletal hands holding Vallynor to the floor could release him, he used a magical spell and bound his legs to the floor.

After a minute, everything calmed down, and the water rapidly evaporated. Those who had been spinning around the room for a minute fell to the floor, trying to catch their breath and calm down. Cursing their slowness, Alexander shook his head, observing how low these mighty warriors had sunk.


Alexander shouted again, and everyone dropped to the floor, anticipating something dreadful. Then warm air blew from all sides, only getting hotter. Those more sensitive to heat began screaming. Two of those who couldn't tolerate the heat started to ignite. Others, water magic experts, enveloped them in water, which also began to heat up. But although they no longer burned, the fire within them was extinguished.

The hot winds quickly subsided, and everyone sighed, thinking all dangers were behind. However, Alexander dashed their hopes.

"Not yet. I recommend you close your mouths," Alexander cautioned.

No sooner had his words sounded than he quickly closed his mouth, eyes, and ears. From the ceiling began to drip strange water, with an unusual color reminiscent of the hue of a birch leaf.

Vallynor, extending his hand, closely examined this water. He remembered those nights when his necromancer grandmother made him memorize the composition of this liquid. This water could destroy all types of bacteria and dismantle curses and enchantments on the body's surface. However, upon contact with other body fluids, it turned into a dangerous acid. Even urine, interacting with this liquid, became a deadly weapon.

The gates slowly swung open, and the sound of machinery came from the corners:

"Welcome, new wielder of necrotic energy. Place your hand on the sphere brought by the servants and input your energy for registration."

Three beings emerged from the gates: two formidable knights in black armor and between them a skeleton in a white robe, reminiscent of a priest's garment. It was a Lich, more precisely, an Archlich, holding a pillow with a magical sphere.

The two knights stopped before Vallynor, stepped back, and knelt on one knee, laying their swords before them. The Archlich, approaching, lifted the pillow with the magical artifact.

Vallynor, scratching his head, extended his hand and poured part of his energy inside. The sphere immediately darkened. The Archlich, bowing, turned and left, followed by the two knights. Vallynor, watching them, realized how powerful this undead was. Without soul and mind, it merely followed set conditions and orders. But what if it possessed a mind? What could its power be?

"Energy and soul imprint registered. The data does not match any previously registered beings. Added to the database. Please state your full name. Otherwise, specify the name, title, or nickname you use."

"Vallynor" – Vallynor pronounced, peering intently into the mechanical voice.

"User name Vallynor registered. As there is only one necromancer named Vallynor, you are granted all rights to the complex. Excluding orders for self-destruction, elimination, and others that could harm the complex or other users."

Vallynor, having listened attentively to the end, nodded. He then said:

"I need access to the control room."

"Please state the passwords."

"Death is the true beginning of bliss. Life is but torment and suffering."

"Passwords accepted. Please follow the servants."

Two skeletons, dressed in white clothing, entered the room, bowed, turned, and slowly departed. Vallynor and the rest followed them.

Looking around, Vallynor saw white walls, doors, and occasionally transparent glass, behind which skeletons meticulously cleaned a vast laboratory. All this reminded him of places from the Necronomicon.

Passing several times, Vallynor noticed in one of the windows, skeletons dissecting a huge living monster, held by several knights. The monster screamed in pain, but no one came to its aid.

Vallynor, observing the scene, blinked several times. According to the words of the Duke of Graves, all experiments and tests had been canceled. Only the most important project remained. What he saw contradicted the words of the Duke of Graves.

Lost in thought, Vallynor didn't notice how he approached the control room, where he could make several changes and corrections. Entering through the door, he found himself in a vast space filled with various devices. Part of them resembled supercomputers, but the majority were made from corpses and brains, executing all necromancers' commands. He then heard:

"User under the codename Vallynor. Now officially appointed as the new director of the complex. You are granted all rights and capabilities. What is your next order?"

"Show me the path to the last project left by the necromancers before their departure."

"Order accepted. Please follow the servants."

Two skeletons, dressed in white clothing, entered the room, bowed, and turned to indicate the way.

Alexander and the rest of the group mostly remained silent and observed. Before them opened a chance to delve into the treasury of knowledge of each necromancer.