
On the Difficulties of Escape in Ancient Times

As the daughter of a gangster, Xiao Xiao was originally worried that she would not be able to marry into a good family. Unexpectedly, when the war broke out, she first worried about how she and her family could survive in the troubled times.

Line_Huang · Fantasi
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30 Chs

Chapter 24 Cangshan County

Xiao Youfu muttered in his heart: I don't treat you as a brother, I treat you as a fat sheep.

  However, he did not want to fall out with the Wu family unless it was absolutely necessary.

  Mr. Xiao glanced at his eldest son and waved his hand: "You also gave a lot. I'm afraid I don't have much left, so I have to find another way."

  But when he thought that they had boiled brown rice and mixed it with grass to feed the horses, Mules, he couldn't help but feel sorry for them for wasting food. He frowned and said, "Should we make the mules eat grass first?"

  Xiao Youfu narrowed his eyes at the mules and said in a low voice, "Don't worry, we won't starve to death!

  " Everyone instantly understood what he meant and were frightened by his fierce eyes.

  Xiao Xiao didn't think there was anything wrong with her father's words. She looked around and saw that the sky was getting dark now, the shadows of the trees were swaying, the breeze was blowing on her face, and she could vaguely smell some fruity fragrance.

  However, she didn't want to expose her unusual sense of smell, so she pulled his sleeve and said coquettishly: "Dad, you will go hunting with me tomorrow morning!"

  Xiao Youfu agreed: "Okay, we might bump into him for a drink. Where is the beast?"

  After saying that, he waved Xiao Dalang over: "You and the Wu family will stay together tonight. Tomorrow, Erlang will stay with the Wu family. From now on, we will take turns."

  Previously, the night watch was all done. The Wu family took charge of it, and Achang and Acquan took turns keeping watch.

  But now that the situation was not good, Xiao Youfu became more cautious.

  Xiao Dalang responded.

  When keeping vigil at night, what you have to guard against are wild beasts, and what you have to watch out for is whether there are bandits.

  Fortunately, the night was uneventful. Early in the morning, while breakfast was still being made, Xiao Youfu took his daughters and Erlang Sanlang to explore.

  After walking for a while, I found more than 20 wild mulberry trees. The mature mulberries hanging on them were already purple-red, black-red, and some were half green and half red.

  "So many mulberries!" Erlang Sanlang cheered, climbed up the tree like a monkey, picked the black and red mulberries and stuffed them into his mouth.

  Not to be outdone, Xiao Xiao climbed up the tree and ate while picking. Her mouth turned black after eating, making fun of each other as if they were poisoned.

  Since she became Xiao Xiao, although it has only been half a month, her days have been like years.

  Anyway, her eyes turned green when she saw Mulberry.

  Fortunately, there are many mulberry trees here, and only small birds come to visit them on weekdays. Now is the ripe season. After they were full, they picked a lot more and put them in baskets with leaves to take back.

  During this period, Xiao Youfu also killed several women with sticks and prepared to take them back.

  Now that food is in short supply, they will certainly not let go of the meat that reaches their mouths.

  Xiao Xiao forced herself to watch. After watching too much, she would no longer be afraid.

  She also saw a hare and quickly shot an arrow, but unfortunately she missed the target.

  "Oops, he ran away again!" Xiao Lian looked depressed: "You can't do it, but you are in a hurry to do it. Let me do it next time!"

  Xiao Xiao felt funny after hearing this. She already needs such a living target to practice more. .

  She has also been practicing archery very hard these days. She can already aim at dead targets smoothly, but she lacks live targets to practice on.

  "The rabbit is too small." Xiao Xiao also liked to quarrel with Xiao Lian: "If it were a wild boar, I would definitely be able to shoot it."

  She just said it, and regretted it after she said it, fearing that she would have a crow's mouth. potential.

  You must know that the wild boar has rough skin and thick flesh. Even if it is shot, if it misses the vital point, it is estimated that it will not die without a dozen arrows.

  Xiao Lian was speechless.

  After they returned, those who stayed behind immediately started eating the mulberries when they saw them.

  After eating, we continued on our way, and around noon, we finally saw a small village.     Xiao Youfu and Mr. Wu went to check in person and found that almost all the people in the village had left, with only a few old people left.

  There are different customs in ten miles, and different pronunciation in hundreds of miles.

  Fortunately, after Emperor Wu ascended the throne, he vigorously promoted Mandarin.

  By pointing fingers and even guessing, I can still communicate.

  Among them are elderly people who are alone and widowed, and some who insist on staying behind to wait for their sons because of the war.

  Xiao Youfu and the others stayed to fetch some clean water, asked for directions carefully, and exchanged rice and salt for some beans, cucumbers and other vegetables.

  Salt is essential.

  But at the beginning, Xiao Youfu bought more than ten kilograms one after another. In addition, there is no need to add salt to bacon and pickles, so they still have a jar of salt.

  Besides, the salt given to them in exchange was only three or four taels per family.

  Anyway, Xiao Xiao feels that what he eats now is less oil and less salt, which would make health experts ashamed.

  She misses meat dishes such as fried chicken, braised chicken, and braised pork elbow.

  I can't even think about it, my mouth is watering just thinking about it.

  Then I walked for eight consecutive days.

  "We finally arrived in Cangshan County, but there are still many people waiting to get in?" Xiao Dalang ran over after inquiring about the news from the front, and was very excited: "Uncle Wu has already gone to the front to inquire about the situation, let us stop the car and rest for a while. "

  When Xiao Xiao heard this, she immediately lifted the curtain and came out to stand on the shaft of the carriage, looking ahead. She had never seen the world before and was shocked: "Are there so many mules and carriages?"

  It was already afternoon, and the sun was not shining. It was so intense that Xiao Youfu drove the mule to the shade of a tree and took a sickle to cut grass to feed the mule.

  The feed for the mules has long been eaten. In the past few days, the mules can only eat grass, and their speed has been much slower.

  This place is called Cangshan County. I found out about it from the old people in the village earlier. They said that it is not far from Yuanzhou Prefecture and there is a guard station stationed nearby. I heard that there are tens of thousands of troops.

  And it is also a must-visit place when going to Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

  Xiao Lian also came out to watch the excitement and exclaimed: "Are there many people in front of us?"

  From their point of view, they could not see the end of the team in front, nor could they see the city gate, they could only see the high city wall. .

  She touched Xiao Xiao with her elbow and said with unspeakable yearning: "It looks very safe. It would be great if we could stay here."

  Xiao Xiao shook his head: "This is a battleground for military strategists. Unless the world is peaceful, Otherwise, it will be impossible to be safe."

  Xiao Youfu was a little surprised when he heard this: "How do you know this, Xiaosan?"

  Xiao Xiao was already immune to his special title, and raised his chin with a proud look on his face: "Dad, you are too much. Don't you look down on me? You have to pass through this place when you go to Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Yuzhang, so that means this place is very important."

  Xiao Youfu liked the closeness in his daughter's tone and chuckled: "You are so smart, just follow me. !"

  He thought so too. The world is not peaceful now, and troubles can easily occur in such an important place.

  Moreover, the general of Yuanzhou Prefecture, with so many soldiers and horses under his command, might also want to take the opportunity to rebel and proclaim himself emperor?

  It's not that he has farsightedness, but that's what he's thinking at this moment: If I were a general and had so many people under his command, then what are you waiting for?

  He felt that the convoy would not be able to move for a while, so he simply asked everyone to come down and get some fresh air.

  After waiting for about a cup of tea, Mr. Wu was still not back. Mrs. Wu was panicking, fearing that something would happen to her man, so she said to Xiao Youfu with a worried look: "Brother Xiao, my master hasn't come back yet. I wonder if he can Could you please accompany Quanzi to take a look?"

  "Okay!" Xiao Youfu was also curious about why the team was not moving, so he said hello to his own father and brother, and led Wu Dalang forward.