
On All Fours or Knees

This is my submission to Writing Prompts Contest! I do not own the cover photo (Credit to the artist. Whoever you are. High Five!) or synopsis. (Warning: This novel has mature contents in the later part of the story) Captured by poachers from the wildlands, a werewolf princess is sold to the highest bidder. When she arrives at her new master's home, she is stunned to find her surroundings completely unfamiliar! Help! The werewolf princess has been sold to the CEO to be his bodyguard!

Azalea_Belle · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs

Two: Mr. Logan

She awoke to cold water doused in her face. A stubby fat man smugly paces back and forth hosing down the cages. The water stings as her paw hasn't healed. She imagines how much pain the others must be feeling since they seem to be hurt in more places than one. Peering between the bars, she looks at each wolf, bound by fear and seclusion. Wolves weren't the only ones confined. Rows of foxes, bobcats, mountain lions, and even snakes were there as well. All subdivided into their own little category.

"Wake up the lot of you! It's show time." He kicks the cage of a sleeping Kodiak fox.

Her head moves in unison with the man as he greets the all too familiar bastards who brought them here in the first place.

"You're a busy man, Elias." Commander smiles examining the room. "When should we be expecting payment?"

"As promised." The fat man holds two stacks of money, handing it to the hired poachers. "I got a lot of rich buyers coming in today, and if all goes well, we should all be set for awhile." Commander takes out a cigarette and lights it between his lips. "Heard some of you got hurt out there. Is that true?"

He softly blows out the smoke watching it curl and disappear. " Where are the wolves?"

Elias gestures towards the area. Commander walks through the warehouse; through the aisles of animals brought down by his own two hands. So many years dealing with meaningless feeble creatures and recently only one has peaked his interest. Reaching the cage of his desire, he folds his arms and crouches down to her level.

"Hello Bitch. Long time no see." He cackles as she flashes her canines at him. Her golden sheen eyes go over every detail of his wicked face; the curve of his cheeks to the faded scars on his skin. "Elias... I want this one. Give her to me."

"You know I can't do that?" He scoffs.

"How long have we known each other? My men and I always do a good job. We do the hard job!"

"What is it with you militant flunkies? Business is business. If you want her, you pay for her. I have no handouts to give." He sighs giving the wolf another look over. She was rowdy and her grey fur looked pretty roughed up. The other northwestern wolves were smaller with an ivory white coat and white underbelly. "Alright, most of my wolf customers buy them for their pelts. This one ain't as pretty as the rest so she might not get brought to the puppy mill either. If you want her, I'll drop her price 10% and hold her for ya until the show ends." [*Author Note: Go look up Wolfdogs]

"Deal." They shake hands. "Oh … one more thing," he leans into Elias towering over him greatly. "If you ever insult me again, I'm going to use you as bait the next time I go poaching for your boss. In chunks."

He winks at the wolf flashing his gold teeth at her as well.

Anders passes Elias cursing under his breath as he approaches the wolf section. "We should leave now. The guys are hungry."

Commander leaves first riling up the gang for steak. Anders stares at her one more time before following.

****************************************(After Some Time)*********************************************

It was nearing the end of the show. Many consumers left satisfied with their exotic purchases. Seeing their happy faces dispirited the grey wolf. She had spent hours warding off potential buyers. Barking and biting at anyone who took a step near her cage. It is natural law to kill or be killed and she wasn't going to let it be here.

The crowds grew fewer and fewer as the night deepens. Empty cages were all together in one corner. The animals were sparse and she was the only wolf left.

"Who's in charge here?" A slender aged man stood at the entrance. Unlike the usual type of people that come there, he was very well dressed in a fitted trousers and a sport coat made of rich wool and silk, adding a luxe style. Elias waddles his way over excitedly to the spiffed up customer with practically dollar signs in his eyes.

"Welcome. I'm Elias. I run this establishment here. Is there something I can help you with?"

"I am an associate of Mr. Logan, as in Conner Logan, CEO of Logan Trading Company. I've been asked on his behalf, if you would so kindly, permit a private showing? Right now to be exact."

"I still got customers," Elias motions his arms at the remaining folk. "I can't just kick out several people all for one one guy."

Someone else advances behind the aged man.

"Thank you, Oscar. I can take it from here." Coming to light, a handsome chiseled face surfaces from the dark. He had the kind of look that would make women thirsty. He had a concrete jaw leading down to his chiseled outstretched shoulders. Furthermore, his bristly eyebrows only complimented his deep bronze eyes with flecks of green. Pulling out bundles of strapped bills, he dangles it in front of Elias. "This is yours guaranteed even if I walk out of here with nothing. All I'm asking for … is some privacy. So … are you going to stick with a bunch of maybes," he mimics Elias's previous motion, " Or go with a guarantee?"

Elias's security guards finish escorting the other customers out while they leave damning the place. Mr. Logan casually strolls through what was leftover. Most of the time, when he acquired for something, his associates would fetch it for him. Although occasionally, he would revel coming down from his penthouse to tune in with the mind of consumers.

Unaware of his surroundings, the wolf sets off an endless storm of barking; startling Mr. Logan. He hadn't recognized the animal since the warehouse was quite dim, as was she, which nicely camouflaged her into the background.

Oscar quickly runs over. "Mr. Logan are you alright, sir?"

"I'm fine." He reaches for his cellphone and turns on flashlight. They stood in awe of the big bad wolf aggressively snapping its jaws towards them. Oscar grabs his stomach tightly in fear while Mr. Logan's eyes move along the wolf in admiration. His sight settles on her bashed paw crusted with dried blood and he immediately is overcome with pity. Her wound had not healed and was slightly swelling. An open wound exposed in this unclean environment is bound for infection.

As if the wolf had sensed his sorrow, she sat back down in the cage staring silently at him. Her golden eyes gleamed brightly with a glimmering white sheen intriguing him greatly.

"What's this one going for?"

"You cant be serious, sir! " Oscar disapprovingly gawks at him. "This this … beast will tear you apart given the chance! I will not allow -"

Mr. Logan places his hand on Oscar's shoulder and says calmly, "Go wait for me in the car." At first his associate shows some resistance but eventually caves in. He waits for him to exit the building before proceeding with his transaction.

"Unfortunately I can't sell you that wolf. The guy should be showing up any minute now to buy it."

Mr. Logan whips around, "So he hasn't bought it yet?"

"There's been an arrangement. My hands are tied." Elias shrugs.

He thinks for a moment electing his proposal of choice before engaging with the fat man. Taking out his phone, he types something and hands it over.

"Then … let me set you free," he smiles watching Elias's face scrunch up. He had logged an offer into a payment app three times the asking rate she was selling for. "Surely this is a much better arrangement that your previous patron."

He rubs his sweaty forehead feeling torn. "This is mighty generous but the other guy has been in a long standing relationship with our company. And he brings in a lot of business I might add. I'm just not sure I can give you -"

"This should fully dismiss any doubt you have of how serious I am." The offer now priced five times above value. Yet, still the man hesitantly stands frozen, mumbling to himself his options. "I'd consider my offer, Elias. I don't think you can really afford not to take it. I mean … you may be the face of this institute but you surely don't own it. And I don't think your boss would be too happy knowing you rejected $10,000 into his business. "

He stares long and hard at Mr. Logan. Who exactly is this shark? No matter how much he wanted to punch this guy, there was truth to his words. He pulls out his phone to accept the electronic transaction.

"Pleasure doing business with you." He leaves his business card on top of an empty cage to his side. "If you could sedate her, I'd like to take her home with me."

"Whatever you want … Mr. Logan." He jabs a tranquilizer into the wolf's back. She winces before collapsing unconscious. "Should give you about 14 hours," he says haughtily after spitting on the ground.

If there was anything in the world that Conner Logan detested, it was abuse. He thinks back faintly to the sound of a little boy crying before finding himself in the present. The guards wheel out a cart, transporting the animal to outside. He turns to Elias muttering his last words.

"Next time you want to vent out your anger. I suggest you not take it out on your animals. They are what fills your pocket after all. For instance, MY wolf. I just worry to the outside perspective, YOU may come off as the real bitch. Just a simple observation from one businessman to the next." He takes his leave into the night, departing in a lavish Cadillac. Elias stands in the doorway, visibly beaming with rage as he crumples Connor Logan's business card.