
omniverse travel : pirate at start


dewon07 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

Chapter 9

As the orb started to merge with the orb. I picked up mato Mato no mi. Mato Mato no mi is a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that makes the user capable of aiming at whichever "target" he decides upon from any location and at any time with anything at ease. I store it with other devil fruits in inventory.

At this time orb particles merge with the orb and became bigger than the previous orb starting to make a human-like shape.

I can see more and more details about how vander is reincarnated. Soon vander became the same as the previous vander. When he is open his mouth and starts to curse again.

" bastard, if this is how you treat your crewmate then I am not your crewmate."

[ crewmate vander withdrawal from the team. Power double -140 subtract ]

Feeling a little power increase. I did not waste my time here and left the room and said a few words with the king. As I am leaving the palace, a giant shadow missile shoots toward me. Seeing who is coming through observation haki.

I moved fast and escape from its clutches and hid behind it.

" umm, where is bluther go, I see him here." said the shadow.

" Did he doesn't want to play with me umm...uwaa." soon person started to cry.

Seeing her crying, I touch should with my finger.

" uwaa..umm... Bluther. Do you hate me? Why did you hide? Am I not a good girl?"

" of course, you are a good girl, I want to surprise you. "

" surprise, what?"

" I want to surprise you with a girl. So you can walk on land with this ability. Without any worry, and nobody knows, it's a secret between us. Okay, shirahoshi"

I spend another thousand points, as today I got 6,000 points and give her partial metaphor ability. She can change her tail into legs at will.

" ok, now think your tail is legs."

Hearing me, she tightly closed her eyes and thought.

Soon her tail shines lightly. And separated into two. And started to become legs.

" whoa, now I became like you. Thank you bluther. "

" do you like it, when you grow up? I will take you for an adventure."

" are... Are you going to leave again"

" Don't worry, I will visit regularly every month. Okay, just grow bigger and stronger"

" umm," shirahoshi nodded surely hearing me.

" here take this game and play with it." I give her a large size Nintendo game console with an additional instruction book in mermaid language with some cheat addition which has Pokemon Arceus games with eye protection features. This spends another 50 points. She happily accepts it. Looked at it cautiously.

Leaving behind 80,047,850 system points.

I try to scan her with arkitrix.

[scanning the DNA...Analyze DNA... Scan complete. DNA - Neptune bloodline ( dormant ).]

I already have some ideas about shirahoshi as three ancient weapons. But she is a living weapon. she can freely command sea life forms Without any worry in extreme emotions. No doubt she is one of the three ancient weapons. That means vivi too. As for the third, I have to find out. But the only people I can think of are them.

Sighing since I can get it right now. I left it. Although I can scan it I didn't collect it as it works only at extreme emotions or naturally awakens it. But either way, both took time. And I don't want to waste my time and points on this. As I am not in hurry.

Bidding my farewell to her. I left towards the shyarly house.

As I reach there, shyarly packing her stuff.

" so you decided, you want to go on an adventure with us."

" yeah, anyway it's boring here. And with you guys, there will be more or less entertainment for me. Not because I want to stay with you." saying she hurriedly put her things and went past me to leave the room. But I hugged her in my arms.

" Okay, I understand. My little tsundere." saying into her ears, while giving a bit on her earlobe. Which makes her shiver.

" Who is yours, bastard? Leave me." seeing her getting angry in shame and shyness. I let her go.

" so, you agree to join my crew."

" humph, for now."

(congratulations, shyarly 100 percent to join crew, getting + 6000)

With getting join her. With the addition of the domino, power up increases to 25500. And baccarat 9000 power addition.

My power got boosted to 102,987. Now can safely say I am one of the strongest people on this planet who doesn't fear besides Im and three weapons.

In my team, the domino is the second strongest right now.

Taking her with my crew, we left for impel down. Where I can get many devil fruits. To give greetings to marine and world government happily.


At marine headquarters

" Sengoku, it has been 10 days. Still, you didn't get any news about the kid who invaded the holy land. Not only, did not you didn't get news. You are also telling me the vice admiral and her three captains are also roles in attacking the holy land. Forget it, hear my plan announce in the news of half of the slaves who get captured back are criminals. Who will get execution for attacking the holy land? And remaining one soon will be captured "

" If that kid doesn't come. Put them in prison. And let people know who offend the world. Their fate is worse than death. And if he comes we already approved to dispatch c9 agents will be there. He will not escape from there." one of the elders who has a big mustache. Remain in elders nodded. They remember in the report, that both of person didn't fight back just run away. And from kid psychical condition. Which is slim, they assume it will be an easier target. As for the second person, he jumps into the sea. And there is no island nearby. They already assume him dead.

" as your wish, elders," saying Sengoku disconnected in line. And immediately issue the plan.


Two days later, all news about killing slaves in a month spread like fire all over the sea.

" damn, are marine on high. How can they do this?"

" this shitty marine. They also want to kill kids in the name of justice."

" sigh, this is all fault of the black-clothed person. If he didn't save them. This will not happen. At least slaves have life to live."

In sea not to mention talk about slaves and marines. But also criticized ken for helping slaves.


" dad, this is not good. Marine start killing people in name of justice." Marcus is angered by the fact genocide of slaves who just escaped.

"sighed, what about it? This thing is normal. When roger got killed. Marine did not let anyone related to him be alive. " whitebeard sighed remembering his past.

" but this isn't right. Dad, what if we are there? Will you still stay silent?" Said Marcus.

As a large momentum broke out from Newgate.

" If they do it. Any of my sons and daughters. Then that is war. Okay, no more talk about it."

Black beard who saw the momentum of the new gate started to make a new plan. He already has a devil fruit. Which let him grant to possess two more fruits while having the original. Starting to find new powerful devil fruits. And became the strongest, ever known.


Similar talks are all over the sea.

Meanwhile, ken and his crew also learn about this news from shakky. Which didn't pleasure him.

" since they want to me to go there. Then I will." although he isn't good person. But also not evil. Since they want to invite me. I will happily go there knowing it's most likely a trap. Most likely there will be admiral or cp0. But I reconsider the strength I shown. So vice admiral or cp9.

Most danger will be bullet in their. but he will weaken for now. And can't use devil fuit. Son best chance for me to grab them all.